
"I honestly cannot believe that you agreed to that request," Val said, laughing so hard that he fell down on the bed beside him. "I never thought a day would come where the great Boss is asking me, a Vampire, for help in getting HIS boss's underwear."

Aseko did not even want to look at this man in the eyes as he just continued drowning even more whisky, sitting beside the crackling fireplace.

"Is it really something so funny, Val?" Eclipse asked, walking into the room with a tray of freshly baked cookies, one of the cookies hanging from his mouth.

"Eclipse!" Val shouted, holding his hands out to the man while he tried to envelop him in a big hug but Eclipse avoided him while holding the tray very carefully. "Now that is just mean."

"Toof mafy coofief." Eclipse said shoving another cookie into his mouth as he turned to Aseko. "Waft onf?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Aseko scolded as the red-haired man chewed the rest of the cookies, swallowing them before looking up at him.

"Sorry." He said, grabbing another cookie and biting into it. "I was just asking if you wanted a cookie. I am willing to share one with the both of you."

"Are those chocolate chip cookies?" Val asked, pointing one of the cookies on the tray.

"Yes." Eclipse said, holding one out to Val. "Here you go. Are you sure you do not want any, Aseko?"

"I told you not to call me that name." Ash sighed, running his hands through his hair. "And where did you even get those cookies from? I didn't see or hear you leave."

"Well … when Val was coming in," Eclipse said, sitting on the bed in Aseko's room, or Eclipse believes it might be his but he did not say anything. It did have a hint of the man's smell in it so he can, at the very least, tell that Aseko comes in this room often. "I smelt something delicious and followed the smell down to the kitchen.

"There I met this one nice old lady that looked me up and down before shoving a tray full of cookies in my hands and sending me my way. These are really good, Ash. Try them."

"I know they are good, kid." The man said, looking at the cookies with a slight smile on his face as he took one and ate it. "I've had them all my life growing up."

"Hmm?" Eclipse tilted his head to the side, looking at the cookies in his hands, biting into another one. "I wonder what I ate growing up …"

Aseko stared at this person in front of him, studying his expression for a couple of seconds as he opened his mouth to say something but Val beat him to it.

"Aww~. Don't worry about it at all, Eclipse." The Vampire said, wrapping his arms around the smaller male. "I am sure you will regain your memories one of these days. Say, I should be able to look into your mind if you want me to try-Ugh."

The Vampire flew away from Eclipse, falling to the ground with an empty bottle of whisky landing beside him. The confused redhead turned to look at the person in front of him.

"I will not recommend it," Aseko said, clearing his throat as though he did not just throw an empty bottle of whisky. "Val is very … unstable with his magic."

"How mean, boss," Val complained pouting while still sitting on the ground, a big bump on his head from where the bottle smashed against his head. "You should be talking nicely about me."

"I have no intention of leading someone to their possible demise," Aseko said, undoing the button of his cuff, the little metal cats with diamond eyes glistening the moment Eclipse saw them as he made eye contact with the red-headed man, clearing his throat. "After all … this kid is quite important, is he not?"

"I mean, sure I know that Eclipse is important. Don't you trust me to be extra careful with him?" Val asked, looking slightly offended.

"Of course not," Aseko said while Eclipse continued to eat his cookie without so much as a care in his face except, perhaps, slight amusement. "I know you are not usually careful no matter who it is."

"Ouch. The boss and my childhood friend are treating me so coldly. What did I do in my previous life to be treated so?" The Vampire asked, dramatically posing on the ground, hand over his head and eyes closed.

While Aseko rolled his eyes at the man, not giving him any more attention, Eclipse burst into a fit of laughter, putting his empty plate aside.

The room they are currently in has books for walls, neatly resting on the shelves mounted on the walls. There is a fireplace in front of them, carpeted floors and a bed in the corner with open curtains overlooking the snowy garden outside.

Upon entering, Aseko tried to tell the maids to close the curtains but Eclipse asked him to keep them open. He liked seeing the world outside with its snow and people in warm outfits so he just left it open for his sake, much to the maids' surprise.

"You both are really funny." Eclipse said, still laughing as he stared at them. "I can see why you are so close."

"We are not close." Ash insisted while Val just got up from the ground and patted the man on the head.

"Good boy, Eclipse. You know how to read the situation and people." He said while Eclipse beamed happily up at him. "SO cute."

Narrowing his eyes, Aseko held his hand out to Eclipse and said, "Come here, Eclipse."

"Ok!" The man said walking to Ash and stopping right in front of him, blinking slowly. "What is it?"

"You are small." He said after looking him up and down for a couple of seconds.

Val could only burst out in laughter, almost falling to the ground once again as he said to Aseko, "You are just massive, Boss. Otherwise, Eclipse is a little bit taller than your average person."

"Whatever," Aseko said, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket as he began wiping the man's face of the cookie crumbs as well as the chocolate smears. "You say that you are older than me and yet you eat like a child, no worse than a child, you are more like a toddler."

Eclipse merely smiled at the man in front of him. "I am glad that you are looking out for me so much."

"I am not doing anything of the sort." The man said, raising his eyebrow at the red-headed man. "You are just so unsightly that I have to do this."

"If you say so, Aseko." Eclipse said, getting an annoyed look from the man. "Sorry. I mean Ash."

"You are doing that on purpose," Ash said, pulling him so that the two are only inches from each other. "Are you trying to provoke me? Like an incorrigible child?"

"I have no idea what you mean?" Eclipse said, feigning ignorance as the Vampire suddenly appeared in between them, eyes sparkling.

"I see that something is blossoming here." He said, grinning at the two, his pointed teeth revealing themselves. "Could it be … *gasp* sexual tension?"

Aseko glared at this person beside him, "You like to spout nonsense, don't you?"

"I am not the person people go to for gossips for no reason." The Vampire said, shrugging. "But, don't worry, I have no intention of telling this to anyone, just yet."

"What exactly is 'this' that you talk about?"

Val tried to answer the question but one look at Aseko's face tells him that he should not do that and just feign innocence like Eclipse did.

"I have no idea." He said, turning away from the man. "Anyway, have you come to a decision on how to get the Big Boss's underwear?"

Aseko's face almost immediately turned sour the moment he reminded him of it. Turning to Eclipse, he asked, "Got any idea, kid?"

"I thought you would know something." Eclipse said yawning. "Well, gentlemen, let's sleep on this tonight and then I will talk to you all tomorrow."

Ash tried to argue but seeing the tired expression on Eclipse's face, he decided to keep silent and just agree.

"Do you wish to sleep here?" He asked, indicating to the entirety of the room.

Other than those things and a cabin of liquor along with some polished wooden table, that is nothing else in the room. So it is plainer than all the other rooms Eclipse has been in.

But this room has to be his favourite room of all the others. Because it is the only room that felt like it has had life in it. The others were far too lonely.

"Yes." He said quickly before Aseko could take back his proposition. "I like this room. Let me stay here."

The two looked like they wanted to ask him some more questions but decided against it.

"Alright then. I will send some maids up to you." Aseko said as the two walked out before Eclipse could protest against it.

I am sure it should be fine. He thought, falling on the bed with a deep sigh. Eyes getting heavy almost immediately.