
Flying around the blizzard and the cottage, Hler still struggled to find a way into the space, knocking on every window he possibly could until one of them burst open and the same woman appeared in front of him. 

"I must admit, that boy knows how to annoy me." She said, looking at the bat in front of her, smiling as innocently as he could. "I can see why he sent you."


"What could be so important that he needs me and yet is unable to come to me on his own?" She asked, arms crossed, looking so very annoyed but her straight face managed to keep that mostly hidden. 

"I will tell you if you let me in, madam," Hler said, giving her his best smile as the woman simply stared him down. Not giving up, he stood there, waiting for her until she said, "Alright, you may come in." 

Rushing in before she could say anything else, Hler shook the snow off his body, watching them disappear before they hit the ground.