Questions About the Future

"And here I thought I met all your siblings." Eclipse mused, trying to get the tension in the air out of the way but it is hard to focus with the putrid smell of the corpse wafting through the air. 

However, those two do not seem to be bothered by it one bit and they are also completely ignoring Eclipse at this point. 

Sister, huh? Eclipse thought, looking at the silhouette of the woman. I don't think she is their real sister, at least not by blood. 

Every one of his siblings, when I passed them before, I could make out that they are related as siblings and I could even tell the relatives that are connected by blood. 

But she does not have an ounce of their blood in her veins. That being said, it does not mean she is not powerful in any way. She is. But she does not come close to the other siblings I have met. 

She just has this aura of ... how do I describe it? A puppy?