
Staring at the burning crematorium in front of him, Eclipse could just stand beside Aseko, unsure of what to say to even do as his eyes widened. 

I thought Ash was teasing me. He thought, watching the dead bodies burn up. I thought he did not mean a word he said ... I never got to tell him that I remembered ... I never got to ...

"Snow." Aseko lightly touched Eclipse's shoulder, offering him a comforting nod, not being the best at talking, after all. "Are you alright?" 

"Yeah ..." Eclipse nodded, not looking or even seeing Aseko in front of him. "Yeah ... I ... yeah. I'm ... I'm ok." 

With his eyes glowing a little hint of purple, Eclipse stares at the souls leaving their bodies and ascending to the skies.

He watches as a young spirit stepped out of what remained of the old man's body,