Mysterious guy

Quang Giang is a 19 year old young woman who just graduated high school. She lives with her best friend, Lia, who has been with her since she was a freshman.

Quang has always believed in fairy tales from the books her mother used to read to her when she was a young girl. She believed that every story has a happy ending, no matter how difficult times get. She had to deal with losing her mother when she was 17, and had to take care of her little brother after her step father became addicted to alcohol.

Everyone of her friends abandoned her when she needed a place to stay, even after she sacrificed a lot to help them in their time of need. She made sure not to let negative emotions get the better of her and tries to stay positive and happy for the ones she loves, even though they won't do the same for her.

As she walks down the empty street, she looks up and notices how dark the sky has gotten. Has she been at her aunt's house that long?

She takes her phone out from the pocket of her jeans and starts dialing Lia's numbers. The phone rings for a while with no response.

"Damn it Lia, you never answer." She says to herself as she returns her phone to her pocket.

A strong gust of wind starts blowing against her short, straight dark hair. She was wearing a short-sleeved yellow shirt and no jacket.

She hugged herself to get warm. It was already late and the street lights were on. Lia was supposed to pick her up at aunt Selena's house like she does every week, but she didn't show up.

She took out her phone again and started dialing Lia's numbers once more, and just like last time, no response.

The phone went straight to voicemail and Quang turned if off. "Lia... come on" she whispered as she looked at the empty road.

Just then, she heard a deep voice behind her.

"Come pick me up now... that's your only job....or was your only job until now, fool." A man's angered voice sounded in the shadow of a building.

Quang turned around with wide eyes and spotted a silhouette leaning against the wall of a building.

"Who's there?" She asked in a commanding tone.

When the man didn't respond, she started walking away slowly. She didn't want to get in trouble while she was alone at night. As she was about to turn around, the man spoke.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a low voice.

"Away from you obviously." She said without looking back. She was obvious nervous, but she tried to keep her calm, hoping Lia would call or show up in her car.

"Your friend... isn't coming to pick you up." he said and Quang immediately turned back to look at him with wide eyes.

"I overheard you. It looks like she isn't coming anytime soon." he said with an unbothered tone.

"How does that concern you?". She asked. Another strong gush of wind blew and she shivered.

"How about I take you home? It's cold out here." He asked. Quang was about to speak when the man suddenly walked towards her from the dark shadow.

The street light next to her shun light towards him and he became visible to her. He was way taller than her, with jet black hair that was styled neatly away from his face. He had impossibly dark eyes and a smirk on his face. He was wearing a regal made white suit which showed wealthiness and expensive shoes that were fit for a king.

Quang's mouth opened and closed as she scanned the person in front of her from top to bottom. She didn't recognize such a man from the city, and with his appearance he looked pretty rich. Who the heck was he?

Noticing her reaction, he looked away from her gaze and towards a black car that was driving towards them.

It didn't seem to be in a very good condition as there was a huge dent on the side and broken lights. The wind screen was full of cracks. It looked like it got involved in a pretty bad accident.

"That's my ride. How about I give you a lift? It would be very ungentlemanly of me to leave a woman out alone in the cold night." He smirked as he reached out his hand towards her.

Quang looked at the phone in her hand hesitantly and saw no missed call or text from Lia.

"Well...since she isn't responding I might as well agree." She said.

Ignoring the man's hand, she walked towards the car, opened the door and got in. The man closed his eyes with a forced smile and sighed in irrigation. He got in and say right next to her and closed the door.

"What do you call this time huh? My meeting was over hours ago. A person like me shouldn't be kept waiting like that as if I was waiting for a bus." He said with an angered yet calm voice.

"Sorry sir, I got caught up in traffic and-"

"Fired." He cut the driver's sentence off and silence reigned in the car while it drove away.

Quang was quiet during the ride except when she was giving directions to Lia's house.

"It's just down the street." She said and the driver nodded.

The man next to her was silent the entire time and it annoyed her.

"Hey... uhm... thanks for the ride." She said, trying to break the awkwardness. The man nodded as he paid his attention back at his phone.

The car stopped in from of Lia's house. When she looked out the window, she noticed that Lia's car was not in the driveway.

"Isn't this the place?" He asked as he looked at her without moving his head.

"It is, but my friend's car isn't here and she has the keys to the house. Her phone is off so I can't contact her." she said worryingly.

"Do you know where she is?" he asked and Quang shook her head.

He stared at the house for a while and back at her, as if he was thinking of something very serious.

"How about we go to my place?"