Hello everyone! I am Luna, a 13 year old girl. I've got many chapters in my life story but this chapter that I am about to tell is the most special one out of all. A teenage girl in 21st century is not a simple thing. To all the adults out there, when you were 13 years old, the most interesting thing you might have seen must be 'honey dripping out of the jungle flame'. But, the things we know and see are , let's just say 'more interesting'. Everything was going so normal, life was so great. That's when . . . . .

'knock knock who is there? '

'A fucking global pandemic'

Yes, that's was when the great corona came into our lives. I loved learning and writing a lot. And my parents have the greatest expectations about their one and only daughter. I was just like my mother, she was so determined in her ambitions and wanted her daughter , that's me to be also focused on my studies and as a daughter I can proudly say that I reached her expectations. I studied so hard and topped almost every classes. I had my best friend gang, we connected so well and everything was going perfect. I was not the perfect girl in the class after all , I used to get a lot of punishments and to be frank I am the one out of the girls , who has got the most number of punishments and scolding.

I don't know how but in every single problems in the school, my name would be there. In most of the cases , I am not the one who creates issues but somehow I will be a part of it. I have this classmate named 'Leon'. He is such a nuisance for me because my parents loves him a lot. They say that he is so humble , innocent and really good at studies. I agree the fact that he is good at studies and that's the main reason I hate him. Yes, he is my competitor. In the second terms exams of class 6, he was the topper . I was actually happy for him but the fact that I lost my rank because of just point five(0.5) mark difference disappointed me. So, I decided to never give up on final exams. I was totally ready for the exam after months of preparation . That's when the exams got cancelled because of the covid. Generally every normal students were happy about it, except me. I was not so ok with it. After all I spend last few months for this exam . I was just like Hermione of Harry Potter who hated the cancellation of exams.

The next few months were pretty good with no schools and classes. The introvert inside me started to rise . I began to hate socializing. I only talked to few people like my parents and my best friend. Her name is Aine. She is my same wave length and sometimes so much better than me. I never tell her that I am lucky to have her. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her. She is that one special person in my life. We talked all day during the pandemic months.

From this at least some of you might think that I am a book worm but Am I ? Let's see!

This is me! A simple girl with a complicated mind. My life was kinda predictable , but things changed!