My mother's house is in a city not so far. It only takes almost an hour of driving to reach there. There lived my grandparents , my mother's sister and her children. I loved to go there. My grandparents were the best. We all know to love genuinely but most of us don't know how to express it in the right way. On the other hand, grandparents are experienced at it, they know exactly how to express their love .

My parents had lots of debt to pay off . My father started a medical organization long before I was even born. Along with the new business came loads of debts. He went to Arabian countries to keep our family together and to build financial stability. Two months after I was born my parents flew to another country for working. It's sad that I could only have my mother's milk for two months. At the airport she handed the sleeping baby to my grandmother. When the baby opened her eyes, she couldn't find her mother. I cried the whole day to see my mother and fell unconscious, from the airport my grandparents took me straight to the hospital where it was confirmed that I had asthma .

When extremely sad or heart breaking things happen , it's still difficult for me to breathe. My paternal grandmother told that she can't take care of me , so I loved my mother's parents more. They took good care of me while my parents were away working in a hospital to pay off all the debts.

Slowly I forgot who were my parents. I thought that my grandmother was my mother. There were many issues between my parents too, but both tried their best to save the marriage. My mother cried everyday because she couldn't see her child. My mom was mentally broken. Finally one day my passport was ready and she came to take me to her. She came with a bag full of clothes , toys and candies. But I didn't pay any attention to her. To me she was a total stranger and my grandma was my mother.

She sat on her knees in front her baby with eyes filled with tears and said " I am sorry I left you, I am so sorry honey." She held tightly on to my hands . Even though I was a baby, I understood that she was trying to convey something really emotional. I pretended like I understood everything and held her hands back. When I held her hands , my mom had a smile on her face. That day she took me to the country she and my dad was working. I cried all the way in the flight. Now, I really feel bad for those passengers who travelled with me that day. They had to hear a baby's cry throughout their journey. As I grew , I understood who my real mother was.

I was in that country with my parents for three years. I must say that I was so close with my mom. I used to tell her every single thing that happened in the school.

Isn't it fascinating that from faking tears we grew to hiding tears. That's how things change , without even giving us a signal. That's what we call LIFE.