I replied to his text and closed Instagram. I had my classes from morning to evening so I was busy with them. After my classes I called Aine but I refused to tell her about the guy I texted.

I checked his profile and I saw his name ' Marc ' . I checked his first few posts but I couldn't find a post with his face. I checked our mutual friends and all of them were from my school. There is a guy named Marc from class 9 so I came to the conclusion that it is him , my senior. But according to my memory , there are two students in class 9 named Marc so I was confused of who it was. I went to the search bar and searched for Marc. Thankfully I found one of the Marc's account . There were pictures of him with his friends and cousins , so it's clear that it was the other Marc who texted me. Days passed and one day he told me that he has two accounts. I asked him the other one and he told that I've already followed it. An electric shock rushed through my heart.

" So, this Marc is that Marc! Then, where is the other Marc?

I was so confused and didn't know what to do. The other account that I found the other day is his personal account and the one through which I was chatting with him is his professional account. All these days I thought that I was chatting with another Marc while I was really chatting with the Marc that I least expected. I restrained in speaking with my seniors when I was in school expect with a senior girl of class 9 named Cami. We used to contact often and it was fun talking to her. She is a whole different species of human living in another world and that's what make her special. She is of course from a whole different ,better league. I called her and asked if there were two Marcs in her class.

" Only 1 Marc is there in my class." she replied.

That was so unexpected. I asked her to tell the names of all the boys in her class. She was kind enough to tell me their names one by one.

" Lauri, Thomas, Jacob, Marc, Max.."

" Oh shoot! It's Max."

I misunderstood Max as Marc and came up with a stupid theory that there are two Marcs in her class. While he was chatting with me all these days , I pictured a totally different guy. Now things were clear. All this time I was chatting with a guy named Marc of class 9. It's not two Marcs , its the same Marc having two accounts. I wanted to share this thrilling thing with someone and the most eligible person to hear this is of course ' Aine '. I told her about the whole drama and we laughed a lot that day. The next day I watched a K-drama. The story line was a senior falling in love with his junior. It was a cute and an adorable drama. After watching the cutest romance, I got up from the couch and took my phone, only to see a notification from my senior Marc ,

' Classes over?'