Chapter 8

A loud snarl from outside woke Valente up as his eyes opened slowly, looking at Suni who was now on top of his bare chest, comfortable and asleep.

He slowly turned himself so that she can be dropped down on the bed gently. When it was successful, another loud growl came along with people's screams.

Suni's ear twitched as she woke up from the loud noises. Her eyes opened to see Valente glaring out to the window. His eyes glowed red as he jumped off the window, causing Suni to stare at, now alone window, goggle-eyed with furrowed eyebrows and confused expression.

She ran to the window just to be struck by some more shock. The rouges were here to destroy their place. Everything was going down. Most of the places were destroyed. She bit her lip nervously as she watched Valente blasting red explosions towards the enemies.

"Suni, I need your help!" The redhead shouted, smelling your presence.

My help. But what could I be helpful for? "She thought", nonetheless running outside and standing beside Valente who blasted one more large explosion. Now, the enemies were in a pool of blood. He turned to her.

"This is not over. I can still smell and hear they are here." He spoke as he held on to both of her shoulders.

Suni nodded, she could hear them too.

"Now what I want you to do is hear. Use your hearing and go to the pups. Show that bitch, you are not useless and can--." He was cut off because he had to dodge an attack from a new standing rouge who came to fight him.

"B-But I can't--" Suni started.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, DUMBASS!" He yelled as he let go of her and a small number of red flames erupted from his palm, killing the alpha immediately.

Valente looked at Suni who had a scared and worried expression on her face.

"Listen, here! Ranks don't fucking matter. Now, do you want me to trust you, and do you want to save the pups?" He spoke as some people ran beside them.

"Yes," Suni said immediately.

"Then I would like to see you kicking the rouge's ass, whether it be alpha or whatever."

"O-Okay!" She stuttered but smiled. She wanted to be save the pups and earn Valente's trust even though he already trusted her.

"Go! If something happens, I will save you, I promise." He said, giving her pat on her head, between her soft ears making her blush slightly.

Suni nodded and got away from there, concentrating on the cries of pups if there were any.

Valente created a red sword leaking in his fire flames. His expression was stern as he looked at the big monster like thing. It had the same smell as that thing Valente smelt on the way to this town. Maybe it was the same.

His eyebrows came down together as he jumped high and slashed the sword in the air causing red flames to erupt and slit through the monster's neck. As soon as it did, the big thing poofed into ashes.

Suni heard them. She ran towards the shelter which was not so far away. She looked in front of her, aghast, as she arrived at the little shelter. Some nasty alpha with a green broccoli haircut was about to stab a little pup.

"STOP!" She exclaimed. The alpha stopped and looked at her sending a shiver down her spine.

He smirked afterward, letting the pup go.

"Hm. An omega, How dare you scream at me?"

Words seem stuck in her throat. "Y-You were hurting t-the little alpha-"

"DOES THAT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO YELL AT ME!?" The man yelled angrily.

The boss, the alpha lady who shooed them away yesterday looked at her in shock. Suni just saved a pup while she couldn't even move her legs. Maybe Ranks really don't matter.

The black-eyed girl flinched at the alpha's deep voice.

"N-No." She spoke quietly, tears gathering in her eyes but she blinked them away. Her thoughts become a mess of what Valente had said to her, she must not give up, already.

"YES! IT DOES G-GIVE ME THE RIGHT!" She yelled, her eyes closed tightly and her hands clenched into little fists.

The alpha stared at her, wide-eyed. Is this omega in her right mind? "He thought" as he slowly recovered from the shock and put back his unpleasant smirk. He said, "You're an omega, feisty but still a lowly omega, trying to fight me won't help you. But you've angered me enough that I wanna fight you now!" He growled.

Suni trembled slightly in fear but still stood there brave. Her look was angry with her usual pout on but she was scared to death from inside.

The alpha smirked and threw his magic at her, watching as she barely dodged it. He again did the same thing, yawning. Ropes of green color with sharp edges shot towards her as she struggled to dodge every single one of them. Suni tripped down, causing two sharp ropes to slit through her abdomen and leg.

The man laughed watching her struggle, in the rope's grasp. She kicked it and freed herself from the grip.

"Why aren't you fighting back? No magic?" Broccoli-haired raised his eyebrows.

Suni didn't say anything, she was too busy gasping for breath when suddenly she watched as a green rope was about to flash towards the pup. Her eyes darkened as black shiny wings erupted from her back and with a blank mind she speedily flew through the air to pick the little beta in her arms. Her wings flapped twice, flying towards the boss of the shelter. Handing her the pup, watching as the owner looked at her in shock. She turned her gaze to the alpha who stared at her wide-eyed.

"H-How do you have dragon w-wings?!" He stuttered.

Suni's mind began to work again. She lost control, thinking about too many things, and dropped down on the ground, and her wings merged back within her body. She winced and cried out in pain as her body hit the ground.

"I've played enough with you now! I will kill you." The alpha man said.

Suni had almost no energy left. Her body slowly picked herself up only to tremble in fear when she looked at the man's smirk who was about to hit her with sharp ropes. Her breath hitched and she began to move away finally but it was not enough.

He shot it towards the girl who was trembling and getting away. Suni shut her eyes waiting for the hit but it never got to her. She slowly opened her eyes to see Valente standing in front of her with his deep red sword who bought the man down to his knees and then on the ground in a pool of blood.

Valente turned around and looked at Suni with a soft smile on his lips. He crouched down and picked her bleeding body up in his arms watching her hug his neck and immediately breaking down in tears.

"You did so well. I'm proud of you." He whispered before kissing her ear.

The owner of the shelter ran to them making Valente glare at her.

The alpha felt so guilty that she didn't accept them or welcome them. Moreover, she told the cute omega that she can't even protect herself without knowing anything about her.

Suni was now passed out, her leg and abdomen still bleeding slightly. Her face was squished on his shoulder as he stood up, holding Suni like she was a baby.

"I am so sorry for yesterday." The lady bowed and apologized.

"Well of fucking course you should be!" He spat angrily. "Tell me where the medic stays here."

"Oh, Yes, You can take her inside here. The beta you met tomorrow is a medic wolf." She said, politely, pointing to the room.

He began to walk towards the room before stopping. "Apologize to her or I'll blast your ass off." He growled.

The lady said a guilty "yes".