Chapter 36

If someone were to look at Suni from the front, they would not be able to because she had found so many books and piled them up on the table that even her head was not visible. She was into the book like a nerd, reading about her magic.

"Psst...Can you hear me?" The voice startled Suni and she fell off the chair, flinching and blinking.


"SO YOU CAN!!" Valente sighed in relief.


"Damn it! Don't ask! I have been trying for the past two hours to mind link you."

"But, this wasn't possible, right?" She spoke, her voice echoing in the library.

"Maybe things change when mates mark each other. I mean you're half-werewolf too! And plus the million times I tried thinking God would show mercy and mind link me to you. I worked hard." He sighed dramatically.

"You can mind link, God?!" She gasped making him slap his forehead.

"Dumbass, you're speaking out loud, aren't you?" He smiled, sprawled out on Ian's bed.