Palace of Beauty (Incubus Story)

Author: Maroonee

Description: The secluded 'Palace of Beauty,' a summer residence for a trio of aristocratic ladies, is entirely staffed and guarded by women to preserve the virtue of the ladies and to keep them far from lecherous male eyes. It would be rather unfortunate if an incubus managed to flatter his way into their midst. . .

"You will address her grace by her appropriate title and defer to her will. You will show her utmost courtesy. And by no means will you. . . insinuate anything."

Zahred laughed. "Insinuate? Insinuate what, perchance?"

Katerin bristled. "You know what I mean, ambassador Zahred."

Zahred chuckled at the paladin's reproach. Lady Katerin eschewed such distracting things as sex, of course. Still pretty, but her dedication to a warrior life had pushed her away from such intimacies. Even if Zahred couldn't tell by her scent alone one could make an educated guess as to her lack of romance by the way she interacted with men.

Perhaps that was why she chose to serve at the secluded 'Palace of Beauty'. The name had been chosen by some minstrel to be attached to the far removed mansion that served as a summer home to the king's daughters and their ladies-in-waiting. Hidden within a broadleaf forest rose a walled complex stuffed with fountains, gardens, galleries, and ivy-clothed towers. It was more charming than militant. It had also been decreed that only women would be permanent residents to better preserve their virtue: everyone from the cook to the guards to the residents were women. Zahred could smell the sexual frustration.

All for me then, thought Zahred. He was posing as an ambassador from the Western kingdom and managed to scrape together enough diplomatic documents and some nice enough clothes to complete his disguise. He had heard of the Palace of Beauty and decided it was a most opportune target.

Firstly though, he needed to gain a toehold. Lady Katerin was his first obstacle at the gate, a pretty woman with short-cut fair hair and silvery-gray armor that wrapped her fit, limber form. She also had a case of resting bitch-face, but such things never deterred Zahred. It took a full two minutes of cajoling to convince her to let him take his papers to the lady of the palace. Zahred was, of course, escorted under guard by the female paladin. He flashed a few smiles at the gardeners and they giggled. They did not have many male visitors.

Katerin led Zahred into a pavilion situated at the edge of one of the many courtyards. Rose bushes and lupins clustered around the little wooden structure and hordes of fat bees were busy at work pollinating them. Within the structure sat three young aristocratic women. Katerin knelt at the approach. "My ladies, I have brought the ambassador of the Western Kingdom, Zahred. He has a message to be delivered to your hands directly."

Zahred knelt and kissed the hand of the lead lady when she offered it. He was tempted to pull her close and fuck her then and there as his demon blood boiled at her touch, but he restrained himself. Patience, Zahred. "My most beautiful lady, I am known as Zahred and I have tidings for you from the Queen of the West." He made eye contact and let the aristocrat drown in his irises for a moment.

She grinned. "You may rise, Zahred." Zahred stood up and handed his sealed document to the aristocrat. "Allow me to introduce myself and these fine friends of mine," she said as she took the scroll. "This is the Baroness Sarhia of the Southern Isles," said the leader as she gestured to her left. Sarhia was a tawny-skinned woman with a mane of oily dark ringlets that cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. Her eyes were black and deep and would have given most men pause. All in all she was an impressively beautiful woman, if a bit conventional in her attractiveness. Zahred bowed and she smiled back conservatively.

"To my right is Princess Emelie, youngest daughter of the king of Manniford," said the leader of the trio. Emelie smirked and inclined her head in greeting. Even seated Zahred could tell she was the tallest of the trio. Her hair was golden blonde and her skin was fair, if not a little rosy, so much like the rest of her people from the north. Zahred could see the marks of sparring on her too: a cracked fingernail, rough knuckles, and a scar on her shapely lips. Her eyes were snowy blue and were eye-fucking the sleek dark stranger who had interrupted her little afternoon party.

The leader had been perusing Zahred's letter as she had been speaking. After determining its contents were not of any immediate concern she looked up. "And I am Princess Olivette of the Eastern Kingdom."

Sarhia chuckled. "Olivette, you mustn't forget your complete name. It's a disgrace."

Princess Olivette rolled her eyes. "Forgive me, Zahred. My name is Princess Olivette Alipson Floriana Luzenberg-Montvillion, second in line of succession to the eastern throne." The princess with the unfortunately long name had rich, dark brown hair that reached her elbows and brilliant azure eyes. She also had a body that would have offended most other women and quite a few fertility goddesses too for that matter: Her magnificent teats somehow didn't sag and her shapely thighs could be made out from beneath her dress. Zahred ached to see her nude. . .

"This business appears to lack urgency, though I suppose it needs to be dealt with," said Olivette as she tapped the letter against her palm. She kept her eyes on Zahred as did her two companions. Though his back was to her, Zahred also knew Katerin was watching him very carefully. "Can you perhaps stay for the night, Ambassador Zahred? So as long as it doesn't keep your lord waiting. Or your wife."

"My lord has afforded me ample time, and I'm afraid I am unmarried." Zahred smiled at the little twitch of the ladies as they gained more interest. "I would be honored to stay for the night so long as I have another chance tomorrow to see the beauty of this palace." Zahred felt Katerin's gaze boring a hole in his back.

Emelie smirked. "Only see? You ought to take some time to properly explore the beauty here, Zahred."

Zahred smirked. "I would be delighted if someone would offer to take me to explore." Katerin cleared her throat in protest and Zahred turned on the paladin, feigning confusion. "Why lady Katerin, I hope you did not assume I meant something coarse. I only wish to examine the gardens here in more detail." The aristocrats chuckled and Katerin blushed.

"We shall find some accommodations for you, Zahred," said Olivette. "Of course, it shall be across the palace from where our bedchambers are located in the main tower, for the sake of propriety." She smiled and Zahred winked.

After a small dinner where Zahred spent more time flirting with the aristocratic ladies instead of negotiating with them over his 'diplomatic mission' (all while Katerin was watching him like a hawk), he was escorted to a guest room and left to his own devices. He waited until twilight before he began.

Zahred shed his human guise for a moment and beheld himself in the mirror: tall, muscled but not overly so, handsomely proportioned and sporting a head of long smooth black hair he was easily attractive by any metric. His dangling cock was enticing too, although as an incubus he had unnatural control over its function as well as how large it could grow when aroused. Oh, he also had a pair of horns, wings, and a tail.

Unlike a succubus the horns of an incubus were more akin to a bull than a ram as they were smooth and less curly and more pointed. Zahred swished his tail as he admired himself before he resumed his human disguise. Before he left his chambers he snatched the sword that hung over the mantelpiece. It had been dulled before being put up, but it was not for killing that he needed it.

Zahred found Lady Katerin in the main courtyard, patrolling, but it looked more like pacing about. She was thinking of Zahred, no doubt. He watched her for a few minutes as the sky grew darker and the palace sank deeper into quiet before he approached.

"Lady Katerin," called Zahred softly, cheerfully, as he stepped lively.

The female paladin nearly jumped out of her skin and reached for her sword. "Ambassador. I refrained from warning you outright, but I will not tolerate you harassing my wards-:

"Nor do I plan to," said Zahred. "I came to find you."

Katerin hesitated. "Me?"

"Truthfully. I must apologize to you for shaming you earlier this afternoon. You were only doing your job." Zahred bowed in humility.

Katerin stood warily. "Apology accepted," she said rather forcefully. "Why do you have a sword?"

"This? I had hoped to spar with you. I have trained often in the Western Kingdom but I have never crossed blades with a paladin of the east, much less one as pretty as yourself.."

Katerin wrestled with his proposal for a moment before she spoke. "Alright. I shall duel you, but only one fight."

One fight turned into a rematch, then a rematch's rematch, then devolved into a constant sparring session that dragged on from dusk until moonrise. At her own game Katerin let her guard down as Zahred proved to be an equal foe, complimenting him on his footwork while Zahred flattered her until she laughed.

They had both worked up a sweat when Zahred, while wrestling her sword arm as she gripped his, said "Lady paladin, this sparring session is most engaging, but there is another reason I have sought you out."

"And what. . . might that be?" she grunted as she struggled to grapple. She did not pause to consider Zahred's words in the midst of their fight, but when he leaned in and kissed her on the lips she froze.

Zahred smiled smugly as he met Katerin's smoky gray eyes which were completely befuddled as she tried to parse what just happened. Zahred moved forward again and began to kiss her neck.

"Wait. . ." she said, but she sounded more confused than defiant. Her arms relaxed. "Wait," she said again, but she dropped her sword and clumsily embraced Zahred. Zahred wrapped his arms around her as the paladin's knees gave out. He worked his way up her neck, kissing her jaw then her cheek. Her face gleamed with sweat under the moonlight and tasted sweet. Zahred ended on her lips, this time slipping his tongue into her mouth. She whimpered.

When he pulled back Katern had slumped in his embrace, breathing heavily. Even by moonlight he could see how flushed her face was. Though her thighs were covered by her chainmail hauberk Zahred was certain she could feel his arousal pressing against her leg. He smiled and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Katerin's mind raced for a dozen heartbeats before she nodded.

Zahred half-escorted half-dragged Katerin to a grassy swath in the shadow of the ivy-cloaked wall and dipped her onto the ground. The lawn had recently been scythed and the aroma of cut grass nearly overpowered the scent of sweat. The lady paladin was still in her armor. That will not do, thought Zahred.

He started by undoing her belt. Katerin propped herself up on her elbows and watched in fearful anticipation as Zahred ripped the piece of leather away. He grabbed her chainmail hauberk next and helped her pull it over her head. Beneath her silvery armor she was wearing a simple, sweat-stained tunic. Zahred undid the tunic's cords next as Katerin's bosom rose and fell with every nervous breath.

Once her tunic was stripped away Katerin was almost naked from the waist up, her only protection left being gauze wrapped around her surprisingly hefty teats to keep them down while exercising. He could have slashed it open but it was far more savory to gently unwrap his woman.

The moment the last strip of bandage fell away Zahred pounced, clamping his lips around her nipple. Katerin squeaked and then held her tongue as Zahred suckled and rolled his tongue over her areola. With his free hand he pinched her other nipple and gave it a little tug. Katerin squirmed and grit her teeth.

Zahred worried away at her tits until Katerin was all but melting. Satisfied, Zahred let the nipple go with a 'pop' before he began to undo the garments around her thighs. Katerin yelped but made no move to push him away as he exposed her oozing cunt. Her crotch was exposed to open air, a tangle of ash blonde hair that glistened with her arousal and exertion.

Katerin watched as Zahred undid his own belt and drew his cock out. Her eyes widened in thirsting terror as she beheld his hardening sword. "Are you ready for another sparring match?" said Zahred as he rubbed his shaft against her slit. Katerin covered her eyes with her hands, but nodded all the same. Zahred chuckled and took the plunge.

An incubus was quite different in certain ways from a succubus. Zahred's female brethren were predators for the most part, ever hungry for vitality to be drawn from foolish creatures. By contrast, Zahred's kin were more simple: incubi were always in a constant search to find creatures that they might slake their lust upon. It was less of survival and more of a game to seduce mortalkind. Oh sure, there was some older purpose to the male sex demons, something about undermining mortal kingdoms by drowning them in a sea of cambion demon-spawn, but in a lack of direct orders incubi prowled the world as conquering lovers, not carnivores.

The lady paladin would be the first beneficiary tonight. Katerin shuddered as Zahred's long sensuous strokes drove deeper and deeper into her. As Zahred sped up though, her warrior's nerves began to steel themselves. She wrapped her arms around Zahred and drew closer until her breasts began to press against his chest. Her nipples, hardened by the night air, poked him.

Zahred kissed her again and this time she kissed back. Her lips clamped around his, clumsily, but with fervour. Zahred sensed himself building up with every thrust and he could sense Katerin's integrity wavering too. Propping himself up on one hand Zahred placed his other on the back of her head and pressed her face tightly against his. There was grass in her hair.

Katerin's guard broke and she climaxed. Her velveteen passage clenched and Zahred released, jetting a stream into Katerin's core. She would have screamed had Zahred not been forcing the kiss upon her still.

Incubi seed was especially potent and could swoon a partner into a blissful stupor or stoke their lust depending on the demon's will. Zahred removed his lips from Katerin and pulled out. A tide of goo followed his cock. Katerin, quite winded, fell back onto the grass and her thigh spasmed occasionally. She tried to mutter something but an unearthly torpor had set into her bones and she began to doze in a sea of euphoria. Zahred would have not allowed her to rest any other night, but there were other ladies waiting for him.

Incubi could sense people, especially those who were hoping for a romantic encounter. After cleaning up and redressing himself he left Katerin behind a bush and sought out the first of the trio of aristocrats.

Sarhia was found in one of the gardens beneath the night sky, seated on the rim of a gurgling fountain. No doubt she had been anticipating Zahred's expedition. The incubus approached. "Lady Sarhia," he called softly, "what a pleasant surprise."

Sarhia smiled lightly. "Ambassador Zahred. How did you manage to sneak past paladin Katerin?" The noblewoman's full, dark head of hair had been tied back. Beneath the night sky her dark eyes glittered.

"I managed to convince her." Zahred smirked and Sarhia returned the expression. She laid a hand against his chest. When Zahred didn't pull it away she "hmmed" and sank slowly to her knees, keeping her smoky eyes on his the whole time.

Zahred leaned lightly on the fountain as Sarhia undid his clothes. His member sprang out and slapped Sarhia in the face. She "oh!"ed but quickly took Zahred in her hands. His shaft swelled quickly and Sarhia could not completely hide her surprise. Or her eagerness. She ran her tongue over the length of Zahred's cock, from root to tip before slurping it up and into her mouth.

Sarhia was obviously no stranger to such acts. No doubt she was bored spitless being leagues from any man until Zahred showed up. She licked and sucked hungrily on Zahred's pillar getting a fine taste of his precum. It was sorcerous in nature of course. One taste and whomever was performing the fellatio was likely to desire nothing else than to taste it again.

The baroness was just as susceptible as any other person to the powers of an incubus. Her sensual pleasuring suddenly grew more fervent and she bobbed ferociously on Zahred's cock. He gently clasped her head and wound her lovely hair around his fingers as she worked, slurping, gulping, desperately trying for another taste of Zahred's delicious fluids. Her purrs turned to moans which turned to strangled gurgles as she forced Zahred deeper into her throat. She gazed up again and winked.

My my, how smug. Incubi could control the size of their genitals like mortals couldn't. Sometimes it was beneficial to have a merely impressive member rather than walking around hung like an infernal stallion. But Sarhia could stand to be knocked down a peg.

Zahred's shaft swelled and extended as he let his arousal increase. Sarhia "hmphed?!" and gagged as her throat stretched to accommodate the engorged meat. She gently tried to dislodge the blockage but Zahred's cockhead caught in her esophagus. She whined, and struggled, and shoved against her partner's thighs before finally managing to force Zahred's colossal cock out.

Tears had formed in Sarhia's eyes and she coughed for air. "My apologies, lady Sarhia," said Zahred. "Not many women can-"

He was cut off as Sarhia hissed in anger and gobbled up his erection again. A cacophony of slurps and groans could be heard over the fountain water as Sarhia worshipped Zahred's cock. She was not so foolish as to try to bring her lips to his root again, but she gladly filled her mouth with his throbbing rod.

It was when her cheek bulged that Zahreda decided to release. Pulse after pulse shot searing seed into Sarhia's mouth. Her sultry purr was quickly cut off as she tasted his juices. She wanted more. She swallowed as much of the ropey gobs of cum she could and slurped his rod clean. Zahred's manhood gleamed in the moonlight after Sarhia had exhausted him. "More. . ." she gasped.

"I'll give you more," said Zahred. He lifted Sarhia to her feet and then pulled her leg up. Her incredible flexibility did not disappoint. Beneath her thin, simple dress she was quite exposed. And wet.

Zahred impaled Sarhia on his cock and began to thrust into her well-lubricated canal. She sighed and swayed with every stroke and bit her lip. Zahred kissed her cheek as he undulated and he began to build up again. Sarhia must have sensed it too as her cunt began to spasm. She gasped and Zahred climaxed deep inside her. For a moment, his disguise wavered and his horns cast a shadow over his partner. He quickly corrected the faltering.

His seed lanced into her and coiled through her body. Every spurt sent it deeper into Sarhia and proliferated its sweet lethargy into her limbs. The baroness fell back, satisfied, and Zahred let her fall asleep in his arms before depositing her. Like Katerin before, Zahred could have used Sarhia all night if he chose, but he did not plan on devoting too much time to appetizers.

The halls of the main towerhouse were gloomy and gray, but still starlit enough to navigate by. Zahred was prowling for the stairwell when he espied the orange glow of a lantern and Emelie rounded the corner. "Finally. I was wondering when you would come for me," she said. The northern princess was entirely naked. Her blonde hair fell freely over her lean shapely body. Her breasts were not large, but they complemented her surprisingly elegant body shape perfectly.

She padded over to Zahred and threw her arms around him and kissed him. Sarhia was more confident than Katerin, but Emelie was positively audacious. "I hope that brown bitch left some for me," she said and she shoved Zahred onto the ground.

"Fret not, there is plenty left for you," laughed Zahred. Emelie laughed too and undid his clothes. Perhaps I should just refrain from redressing, thought Zahred.

Emelie did not waste time and straddled Zahred's exposed thighs. She took his swelling member in her hands and grinned. "I hadn't hoped such a skinny man would be so large." She tugged on it with both hands for a few moments, coaxing it into growing ever larger.

Zahred was as hard and upright as a great column before Emelie was satisfied. There, on the cold pavers of the palace hallway, she rose to her knees, guided Zahred into her lower lips, and slammed down. Her juicy cunt swallowed Zahred's cock whole.

With her characteristic lack of patience, Emelie rode Zahred with all the vigor she could afford without injuring herself on his over-large sword. He knees scraped upon the rough stone but she was too focused on Zahred to notice. Up and down she lifted and slammed her slickened cunt. Zahred laid back and let Emelie exhaust herself. Her passage was wonderfully warm and pleasantly snug around him. She was no amateur either as she began to increase her speed while keeping her tempo.

Emelie dug her nails into Zahred's chest as she pounded. "C'mon, squirm a little!" She grinned a rather wolfish grin. "What kind of man lets himself get ridden like this?"

Zahred sighed and grasped Emelie's hips before he let his dam burst. Emelie squeaked an "Oh!" and shuddered as her core was overcome. She panted for a few minutes, savoring the engorged cock buried in her tingling flower before rolling off. A few more moments and she spoke again. "I hope that isn't all you had. Some wolves in Manniford go at it for hours, you know."

Zahred had no idea how wolf sex worked but Emelie was merely the last bit before the main course. I need to wrap this one up. "Are you saying you're a dog?" he said. Before she could respond Zahred rolled Emelie over and lightly slapped her muscled butt.

Emelie almost sounded like she was about to protest before Zahred pried her ass apart and drove his mighty cock into her tailhole. Emelie howled in mingled pain and ecstasy as Zahred pounded with equal vigor she had. Each thrust achieved a slightly further depth and Emelie made it known. She leaned down further and moaned. Her firm, tight arse began to redden as Zahred slammed his pelvis against her.

Zahred's disguise slipped once again and his wings flared. Emelie had his back to him though and her mind was currently overwhelmed by the stallion riding her ass. Zahred grabbed her hair and yanked it, gently so as to not break the spell of carnal pleasure. "Are all the ladies of your land so easily broken, Emelie? The warrior-women of Manniford disappoint me. . ."

Princess Emelie panted a response. "We. . .don't. . .bre-fuck. . . break so easily. . . boy-"

She devolved into a scream as Zahred suddenly doubled his speed. "Ask me to come in you like the bitch you are and I might relent."

Emelie's groans were drowned out by the meaty slaps against her reddedning rear. Faster, faster still until she finally gave in. "Just. . . Come in me! Like the dog I am!"

"Like the bitch you are."

"Like the-" Emelie groaned again. "Immabitchjustcome-" she sputtered and Zahred bored his cock down to the root into her tush.

Emelie's back passage was thoroughly stuffed with Zahred's gushing gift. She let out a strangled shriek of joy before falling face first onto the floor. Zahred resumed his human guise and withdrew. Emelie muttered something before the slumber-inducing fluid in her backside began to set in.

Zahred ascended the stairs to the main bedchamber which could only belong to Princess Olivette. The final conquest of the night. Zahred found the way conspicuously unguarded. He rapped upon her door. "Enter," said the princess.

The chamber on the other side was befitting a princess, of course, but Zahred paid no heed to the various items and arts that were within. He only focused on the bed. It was a large affair with a canopy that had its curtains thrown open for the unseasonably warm night. Laying upon the sheets propped up on one arm was Princess Olivette. She was wearing a nightgown that was entirely unbefitting an unmarried woman: wispy and see through it theoretically covered her privates and yet didn't in a de facto sense. Her body was even more exquisite than Zahred had hoped. Her vast bosom and shapely thighs were contrasted with her trim belly and firm neck and her flesh was so wonderfully unblemished and evenly colored. Her well-formed lips curved into a beguiling smile and her elegantly pale face was framed by her brunette locks. Her eyes were dazzlingly blue and burned with ardor. The lascivious sight made Zahred harden immediately.

"I almost locked my door," she said as Zahred approached. "I dislike sharing, but I heard Emelie scream and I decided I did not want to be left out of the fun."

Zahred chuckled. "I wonder, does the king know about your 'fun?'"

Olivette rolled onto her back and one of her breasts lolled to the side. Those are some hefty udders, thought Zahred. "My father would be indignant if he learned about half the things I do," said Olivette. "My prudish sister, Philomena, believes all his talk of propriety and would likely faint at the sight of a man's cock." Olivette licked her plush lips. "You can take it out now."

Zahred stripped away all his clothes this time before standing at the end of the bed and laying his hard-on over Olivette's face. His long shadow stretched all the way down past her chin. If Olivette was afraid, she hid it well and, taking it both hands, began to kiss the underside of his manhood.

Her pecks tickled Zahred and she worked her way towards the crown as she scooted up the bed. Once she reached his end, she craned her neck and opened wide. Zahred gently shoved his cock into her wet, hungry mouth. Since she was on her back, Zahred had an excellent view of Olivette's throat as it bulged. He could make out the outline of his cockhead in her distended neck, lodged deep in her esophagus. The princess slurped his shaft for a good few moments before shoving him out so she might breathe. "You are. . ." She rolled over onto her knees. ". . . surprisingly delicious."

Zahred shoved Olivette onto her back. He was upon the main course and he was done with human teasing. "Princess, are you so used to inviting strange men into your bed? One day you may catch someone who is quite dangerous."

Olivette removed her nightgown and sprawled on her back with her arms wide, inviting Zahred in. "Potential danger is part of the fun. Besides, who would be so mad as to harm the daughter of a king? If you hurt me, I'll have your head."

Zahred laughed and crawled onto the bed. "You know, I am not just a mere ambassador," he said. He buried his face into Olivette's damp crotch and began to worry at her clit with his tongue. As he worked he got a good taste of the princess.

Incubi were designed to be baby-making machines and one trait the demons had been engineered with was sensing a partner's fertility. His senses told him Olivette's appearance did not disappoint: the gods had made her to breed.

Her tight, meaty thighs clenched gently around his head as he pleasured her and he clasped her legs. She sighed with comfort, clearly no stranger to the intimacies of sex. "And what else might you be besides an ambassador? Or my new pet?"

Zahred lifted his head and let his guise drop. Smooth bull-horns sprouted from his dark locks, his eyes glittered with red glee, and a pair of leathery wings sprang from his back. He grinned and bared his fangs. "I am no pet, Olivette, but you will be mine when I'm through."

Olivette's eyes widened in terror, but it was quickly mingled with salacious curiosity as they roved down Zahred's chiseled chest and abs. She was all but under the incubus's spell when she rested her gaze on his pulsating, vein-girt, mammoth slab of meat. Her sight snapped back up to Zahred's eyes as he clambered over her still reclined form, his cock dragging over her leg. "You're some kind of demon. . ."

"How astute of you, my dear," said Zahred. He stroked his cock against her lower lips which were already wet from when he lapped at it earlier. Olivette, being a rather cocky person, opened her mouth for a retort. I need to put her in her place already. Zahred pounced and claimed a kiss from the princess. She let him taste her mouth for a moment before she began to spar with her own tongue. All the while he teased her with the underside of his shaft.

He pried their lips apart. "You truly are the most exquisite specimen in this palace, princess. I have looked forward to fucking you sensless since I laid eyes on you. But I don't very much like haughty girls such as yourself." Zahred pulled back and rested on his knees while tugging on his organ. "I have a proposal: either you let me make you my breeding whore, or I leave, and you will have the pride of having thwarted an incubus."

Olivette regarded the demon for a few moments, her monumental bosom rising and falling with her heated breaths and her loins glistening wet. She sensed the danger but the taste and the tease of the demon's flesh was too much for her. Her lovely legs spread wider. "Make me your whore, demon."

Zahred smirked fiendishly and prodded her entrance. Olivette bit her lip. Zahred began to probe deeper, making sure her passage was supple enough to accommodate his girth. Olivette squirmed. The incubus paused an inch deep for a dozen heartbeats as he grabbed her arms firmly. He met Olivette's gaze and stared deep into her ocean-blue eyes, letting her fully realize what was coming.

Zahred plunged his pillar into Olivette's canal. Slowly, inch by sensuous inch, his throbbing cock sank into her sodden mound. There was a soft squelch sound as their juices mingled and lubricated the way. "Fffffuuuuck. . ." Olivette muttered. She writhed and whined as Zahred penetrated her depths. Her soft body tensed in ecstatic agony as her cunt valiantly tried to engulf the entirety of Zahred.

Finally he reached the root as his balls brushed up against her crotch. Olivette was rigid and stewing in a pool of sweat, but Zahred's grip kept her pinned. "You asked for this, princess." He reeled back and then thrust in again. Slowly, as to not hurt Olivette, but her breaths lost cadence all the same and were reduced to shuddering gasps.

"Do you like being reduced to this sorry state, princess?" said Zahred. His speed began to increase almost imperceptibly. "All the puny men you've allowed between your legs were likely nobodies: squires, knights, lesser courtiers. . . none of them would dare fuck you to ruin like I will, no?" Her flower was only barely containing the incubus and it contracted with every ponderous thrust. "None of them would risk your father's wrath by climaxing inside you." Zahred adjusted his angle and drove himself in again, putting sweet pressure up an entirely different avenue in Olivette's cunt. "When I come inside you'll become just another one of my slaves. Wouldn't you secretly love that? The princess, just another whore with a baby brewing in her belly after I plant my seed in her. . ."

Olivette was on the verge of falling to pieces but she managed to force a mocking smile. "Is that how an incubus gets off, by dominating mortal women? Shut up and please me already." Zahred obliged and increased his tempo. Olivette was already a tight fit for any member but Zahred's over-large piece packed every corner of her cunt. Each thrust grew faster, more ardent, more hungry. She twisted, desperately trying to relieve some of the tension from her throes but Zahred held firm and she could only wallow helplessly in the mounting passion as the incubus ploughed her into mind-numbing euphoria.

"Fuuuuuccckkk. . ." she sighed again. Fleshy slaps could be heard with every stroke and Olivette's lolling breasts bounced merrily with the beat. Zahred took the liberty of pleasuring one of them with his lips. The princess's sweat-soaked hair clung to her forehead and her eyes grew bleary.

The confines of Zahred's clutches and his unholy cock impaling her were too much in the end. Olivette spasmed in ecstasy and a sensual moan escaped her lips. Her walls clamped tighter than they had before and Zahred took that as his cue.

Olivette's moan turned into a scream as torrent after torrent of boiling seed flooded her, drenching her insides from lips to womb. The incubus leaned in closer until he was smothering her body with his own and shadowing her with his wings, still undulating his hips. Just when it seemed like he was about to stop gushing he kept going. Olivette bit her lip and sobbed softly as her gut was overwhelmed with a ceaseless tide of seed. Bereft of any more room inside, Zahred's emissions began to seep out of her labia and pour onto the bed.

It was only when the incubus saw the princess was completely broken on his cock that he ended his ejaculation. He released her arms and pulled out slowly and a steamy stream of goo followed. Olivette was still panting in deep wavering breaths. "There, there," said Zahred as he cupped her chin lovingly. "I shall leave you to recover now, my adorable little princess."

"No," whispered Olivette. In spite of her weakened state she was too inflamed by the demonic concoction that had begun to seep into her being.

Zahred tsked. "My dear, you ought to give your thighs a rest." In response Olivette pulled Zahred down onto the soaking bed and rolled him over. She rested on his handsome chest for a few minutes before creeping down to claim some more pleasure from his loins. Zahred chuckled. "If you fail to satisfy me I will have to take the lead again, you know." He folded his hands behind his head and reclined.

Olivette was much more disheveled now and wasted no time with flirty talk. She licked Zahred's cock and worked it with her hands, coaxing the arousal from it. The incubus did not restrain himself this time and let his erection grow to monolithic size. Olivette hesitated when she beheld the beast she had awakened until Zahred said "Well, princess?"

Olivette tried in vain to mount her demonic lover but his iron rod was far too tall, too thick, and too inflexible to be handled with any level of comfort. Or safety. The princess straddled him and tried to guide the demon in to no avail. She gave up on riding his cock and settled for worshipping it instead. Clasping the pillar with both hands she suckled on the tip before forcing the whole lot of his cockhead into her drooling mouth. Her tongue tickled as she licked him like candy, desperately squeezing as much delicious juice as she could out of his dripping orifice. Perhaps remembering she was there not only to pleasure herself but Zahred too she paused to place her hands on her breasts and wrapped them around the incubus's shaft. As a testament to their size, Olivette's tits almost completely engulfed Zahred's cock. Almost.

Incubus seed was, of course, irresistible to mortals who tasted it. Thus, when Zahred came into Olivette's mouth she tried her very best to drink it all. Her throat bobbed as she guzzled the pulsing stream of gooey seed and rolled her tongue over the nozzle that was the incubus's cock. She began to choke on the continuous flow but she was too addicted to the taste to stop. Cum mingled with saliva started to escape her lips in thick white ropes and bubbly froth. The results of Zahred's love spilled onto Olivette's bosom.

In the end Zahred ceased his ejacualtion out of concern that it may in fact drown the poor girl and dead women were significantly less useful than live ones. Olivette spent the next few minutes cleaning Zahred's shaft and swallowing as much seed as she could, though the thick, sticky cords were no doubt clinging to the insides of her mouth and throat, making their consumption rather difficult.

As Olivette was lapping up the stain on her tits Zahred allowed his arousal to reduce to a more manageable size for mortal women. "Well princess, that was fun but it wasn't enough to satisfy me I'm afraid." Ollivette made no response as she ran her tongue over her cummy lips. "I will be taking the lead again," said Zahred. He disentangled himself and wrapped his woman in his arms. Ollivette giggled absurdly. She was too far gone to be in any thinking state at that point.

For the rest of the night and into the morning Zahred proceeded to drown Olivette in demon-seed. Her ass, her cunt, her hungry maw, none were spared from the incubus's lust. The once smug, flirty princess was reduced to a numb animal, only craving the taste of her demon lover. By midmorning Olivette was, quite simply, a swamp. Her orifices were red and raw but she slept in a veritable sea of warm, sticky bliss.

Zahred spent the rest of that day following up on the other fine ladies whom he had dealt with rather quickly the previous eve. In the end, they each received a similar treatment to their host princess and by the second night Zahred was demanded to stay to entertain the hosts. His original pretext of entering the palace had long since been forgotten.

Over the course of the week he made free with the palace staff who each let him between their legs willingly: the cooks, the maids, the guards, the gardners, all fell to the incubus, many in the midst of orgies. Such was how his days were spent. His nights were given entirely to Katerin, Sarhia, Emelie, and Olivette.

After a week and a half Zahred considered the conquest complete and drummed up a reason for leaving. "Do come visit, Zahred," Olivette had said as he was at the gate. Princess Olivette looked tired, with rings under her eyes and bed-tousled hair. Much of the same could be said of her lady companions, though any pity for them was allayed by their rather merry countenances.

"I will if the winds allow it," said Zahred. "Why would I abandon my best whore?" he added in a whisper. Olivette smiled.

Katerin escorted him past the gate and back to the main road where she received a final goodbye fuck in the ditch before Zahred rode off to find more amusements.

Several months later, scandal struck the Kingdom of the East when all of the summertime residents of King Philibert Luzenberg's Palace of Beauty, from the lowliest serving maid to the aristocrats themselves were discovered to be pregnant. Over the following months King Philibert eased the diplomatic chaos by issuing apologies to offended allies and sending out knights to find the miscreant who did the deed, all while his daughter's belly swelled and her ladies-in-waiting grew fat with bastards. The latter mission's difficulty was compounded by the women's unwillingness to name the debaucher.

That spring the court was suddenly inundated with infants as a score of women all gave birth within a week. Though the serving women brought forth a flurry of infants, several persons loomed larger in the gossip of the kingdom: Paladin Katerin had been demoted to a knight of the realm after she popped out a daughter out of wedlock, in breach of her paladin oath. Baroness Sarhia's engagement had been broken off after her newborn son was made known. Princess Emelie of Manniford returned to her home kingdom to rear her son as a proper north-man.

Most spicy of all was the talk surrounding the king's very daughter. Princess Olivette Alipson Floriana Luzenberg-Montvillion, second-born of King Philibert, was already voluptuous and bodacious to begin with, the very sight of her curvy figure being tantamount to public indecency by the effect on the imagination alone. When her glow set in and her belly ballooned with her unborn babe the young men of the court positively lost their minds. Rumors asserted that Olivette's unnamed lover and father of her child had undermined all of her inhibitions or that the creature growing in her stomach, being born of lust, had made its mother all the more wanton. Regardless, Olivette was engaging in secretive trysts throughout the entire course of pregnancy. Provided a man could find a secluded place the princess was all but willing to pleasure him with her lush, sensuous body. Sex with a veritable goddess had never been easier to obtain, although she seemed consistently disappointed by even the most impressive prowess of the men at court.

Come spring Olivette birthed not one, but three dark-haired boys. Unbeknownst to the distraught newly-made grandfather, a new generation of cambions had been born into the world.