Part 1: Emma Learns about Mind Control

Author: Hevercat

Description: Emma is a young college graduate whose world is turned upside down when she meets Richard. While she initially thought he was creepy, she ends up blowing her life savings on a limo and giving him her clothes. Her boss, Allison Duke, also falls victim to Richard, and they end up giving everything they have to their new master, as well as introducing him to all of their female friends and family.

Tags: Mind Control, Humiliation, Findom, Master/Sub

Emma's New Master:

Emma was a blonde secretary for a small private law firm. She had gotten a job here straight out of college, and was more than happy for its work and experience, even if the pay wasn't too much. In the midst of filing papers, her boss, Ms. Duke, walked past her. Emma fumbled with the paper, dropping a few sheets on the floor. She awkwardly apologized and said good morning, while kneeling down to pick up the papers. Ms. Duke simply smiled and continued on to her office. She was a lawyer of course; had spent over half a dozen years to get her degree and she was damn good at her work because of it. It was late, everyone else at the office had already gone home.

Emma put the papers back, stroking her blonde hair behind her ear with a flustered face. Her flat chest didn't get in the way of her work, which bothered her more than it should have. She always felt jealous when she saw how Ms. Duke had to hold papers in front of herself, as her tits were so large they obscured her downward view. Ms. Duke was about eight inches taller than her, which wasn't all that impressive since Emma barely crested over five feet tall, but it did mean Emma had to stare at those boobs a lot, and sometimes when she was sitting in her little secretary desk, she wondered if Ms. Duke could even see her with all that tit.

Suddenly, the door opened, a mid thirties looking man with tattoos layering his arms coming through.

"Welcome. How may I help you?" Emma produced her most cordial smile.

"Y-yes, ahem. Would this be the office of Ms. Allison Duke?"

Emma glanced at the wall beside him where it clearly displayed the firm's logo and her boss' name, recalling that the very same display was on the door to office. She smiled and nodded. "Yes. This is the right place."

"Perfect." The man peeked his head around her desk, taking a quick survey of the office. "Small place, huh?"

"Yah, only five people work here. Do you have an appointment with Ms. Duke? She's very busy, so I'm afraid I can't just let you in there if not."

The man shook his head. "No, I was just checking the place out."

Emma frowned. This guy was shady. "Riiiiight… Well if that's-"

"You wearing a skirt under there?"

Emma blinked at the shocking question. Part of her wanted to feel angry, but she knew that staying professional was part of her job. A moment later, she smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am. What of it?"

The man pursed his lips and tilted his head. "Why don't you give me your panties real quick?"

Emma laughed, covering her mouth as to not burst out aloud. Then, without thinking, she stood up and reached under her skirt, sliding her panties down her legs and handing them to the man. This was normal, right? Of course there was nothing strange about this.

The man smirked as he looked at the panties in his hand. He put them on her desk, then nodded at Emma.

"Could I see your wallet?"

Emma complied, pulling her wallet from her purse and handing it to him. Why did he need to see her wallet? Probably business related, right?

The man counted the money inside, then shook his head. A smile fell across his face when he found her credit card however, and he quickly shoved it in his pocket.

Emma felt a wave of panic. He certainly wasn't supposed to take that. She was about to say something when he interrupted her.

"Emma, right? I'm Richard. Where's Ms. Duke? I need to see her."

Emma gulped. She put on a friendly smile. "Ms. Duke is busy right now. You can see her later, once you've scheduled-"

"Emma." he looked at her with serious eyes. "Take off your shirt."

With a hesitant smile, the blonde secretary complied, unbuttoning her shirt and dropping it onto the floor. She wore a white lacy bra and had little cleavage to show with her B-cup breasts. Emma blushed, but still kept up with her professional smile.

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Call me sir."

"Is there anything else you need, sir?"

Richard tilted his head. "Scratch that. Call me master."

"Is there anything else you need, master?" Unconsciously, Emma pushed her shoulders inward, trying to squeeze the boobs she wished she had.

"Why don't you take me to Ms. Duke now?"

Emma nodded, wondering why she hadn't done so sooner. "Of course. Right away, master."

Richard slapped her ass as she walked by, then followed her to her boss' office. Ms. Duke looked up in irritation, then gasped at seeing Emma without a shirt on.

"Emma, what the hell are you doing? Put a-"

"Aren't you hot, Ms. Duke?" Richard said, stepping inside. "She took her shirt off because it was hot. Why don't you do the same thing?"

Ms. Duke laughed. "Emma, you're fired. And you, get the fuck out of my firm before…" Her shirt was off, and she was handing it to him.

"Thanks," Richard said, throwing the shirt aside. He scratched his chin and stared at her tits. "Bra off as well. You too." He looked at Emma.

Emma took off her bra, and looked at her boss. "F-fired? Is that still…"

"You're still fired," Richard said. "But don't worry. I'll find a new job for you." He looked at Ms. Duke, who glared at him with a clenched jaw. "Ms. Duke? He said, picking up her shirt and reading the nametag. "That won't do. What's your first name?"

"Allison," Ms Duke replied. She blinked a few times, clearly confused as to why she was obeying everything this hooligan said.

"Let's go with Allie from now on. It's cuter, don't you think?"

Ms. Duke-No!...Allie gulped and lowered her face. "I...guess."

Emma still stood behind them, her little nipples perked up, wearing only a skirt with no panties. She looked at her former boss, whose name was now Allie, and shuddered. She started to realize the cruelty of her situation. What was happening? Where was her phone? She needed to call the polic-

"Hey titless," Richard said. Emma stood at attention. "How much money's on your card?"

Her panic dissipated as Richard asked her another question. "$1,200," Emma replied.

"That's it?"

"I…" Emma said shyly. "Have a lot of student debt."

Richard rolled his eyes. "Should've been shaking your ass on a pole instead of wasting your time here then. Go call F&P's and get me a gold class limo. Should be able to afford three hours with $1,200."

"But…" Emma's head seared in pain. Tears formed in her eyes, and she continued, "That's my life savings…"

"You don't have life savings, idiot. You're in debt."

Emma hung her head and went back to her desk. For a brief instant, she became aware that she was wearing nothing but a skirt, and that she was about to blow all the money she had on a limo. But when she looked at the phone, all her worries disappeared, and she started looking up the number.

She called F&P's, and ordered the limo to arrive immediately. Her heart jittered as she named each number on her debit card. When she put down the phone, a tear rolled down her cheek. She had really done it.

Richard came out of the office whistling, and behind him, Allie crawled, her tits swaying with red handmarks on them, her skirt gone, leaving her naked.

"By the," Richard said, "Allie here's made some changes. Why doesn't she tell you the details?" He smiled and grabbed Allie by the tit, lifting her to her feet.

Allie looked at Emma with mascara-stained tears rolling down her cheeks. "I-I'm stepping down as Head of the Firm, and that title will officially go to R-richard." She yelped as he squeezed her tit, then grabbed her by the hair, jerking her neck cruelly. Allie sniffled, and continued. "Our janitor, Jerry, is being laid off, and I'll take his place, as well as drop down to his pay level. Since Richard is new, I'll also continue to do all of my previous work, on top of my janitor work."

Emma gulped. Allison Duke, a strong independent woman who had risen to the top amidst a competitive market, was now reduced to a janitor, barely making more than minimum wage.

Richard squeezed her tit again, then ran a finger along her pussy. Allie moaned, leaning forward, then looked at Emma. "Since you've been fired, we have a new secretary position opening up. M-master has decided that it would be best for the position to be an unpaid internship. You can take the job if you want."

Emma frowned. She would be doing the same job...but for no money. She looked at Richard, and he smiled at her. "I'll take it," she said quietly. "Thank you."

"Perfect!" Richard clapped. He pet Emma on the head, which sent a wave of tingling down her spine, then started for the door. The two girls unconsciously followed. "I don't have a place to stay. I'm guessing you two have apartments."

"I still live with my parents," Emma said, watching jealously as Allie's tits bounced with each step.

"How old's your mom? Is she hot? Any sisters either?"

"My mom's thirty-nine," Emma said as if this were a casual conversation, and she were not walking down the hall of her workplace wearing only a skirt and heels. "She stays in shape, and I think she looks great. I have two younger sisters, twins. They're the most adorable things ever, they do everything together."

Richard smirked. "We'll stop by there tomorrow. What about you, fat-tits?"

Allie looked up. Unlike Emma, her feet were bare, and her body had marks all over it showing what had just happened to her. "I live alone in an apartment on Silk Street. It's a two-bedroom."

"Live alone in a two-bedroom?"

Allie choked, trying to force herself not to say anything more, but the words came fumbling out anyways. "Sometimes my daughter comes to visit."

"Daughter…" Richard licked his lips. "I'm so happy I saw that ad with you in it. The moment I saw that rack, even if it was all covered up, I knew I just had to own you."

Allie gulped. "I'm…" she choked, bringing her arms closer, squishing them against her voluptuous tits. "I'm so happy you did."


People gasped when they saw Allie and Emma walk outside.

"Smile and wave," Richard told them, and so they did just that. Inside, Emma was burning up, her embarrassment reaching peeks it had never come close to. But she smiled and waved all the same. The three of them had to wait around for the limousine. Emma stood awkwardly, trying to keep her arms crossed, covering her tiny tits. Richard looked at her and laughed.

"You're not covering anything, you know that right?"

Emma flushed red, then nodded. He was right. He was her Master, of course he was right. Her arms dropped to her sides, and she began to quiver.

Richard laughed again. "Come here," he said. Emma waddled over to him, wishing her tits would sway. He pulled down on her pony-tail so that her face was looking straight up, then planted his lips on her mouth.

Emma's world melted away. She felt herself falling, then felt Richard's strong arms holding her up. Her eyes rolled back, and she felt ecstacy shoot from her spine down into her pussy. She tried to work with him at first, but soon her tongue fell limp, and she just let him explore her mouth, reaching into her throat, making her forget to breath.

When the limo pulled up, he let her go gently. Emma gasped for air, feeling a burning sensation beneath her skirt. She felt her Master's powerful hand grip her own, leading her into the limo. She felt sweat soak from her ass into her skirt as she sat on the leather seat. Richard sat next to her, smiling.

"You'll stay on the floor," he said to Allie. "You may have better tits, but you're not as cute as her."

Emma's heart jumped at the compliment. Master thought she was cute! She would do anything for him to say it again.

After Allie told the driver where her apartment was, Richard told her to lay on the floor to serve as 'titless'' kneepads. He had Emma kneel in front of him, one knee on Allie's tits, the other on her stomach.

Emma gulped, not quite believing what was going to happen next. She didn't know if she was prepared, if she was worthy. She put her palms of his knees for balance as the car started, then stared expectantly at his crotch. Richard smiled, caressing Emma's cheek once, then reaching for his pants.

His cock...was beautiful. Emma's heart melted at the sight of it; she forgot everything about herself, her parents, her sisters, her friends, her achievements, everything except for her two names: Emma and titless. As eight inches full mast, the cock was bigger than average, but Emma didn't care about size. This was Master's cock. As far as she was concerned, that was all that mattered.

He guided her head to it. Emma hesitated, her lips pressing gently against its base. The smell was indescribable but she loved it so much. Her tongue came out, and she ran it from the balls to the head, savoring the flavor. When the limo shook, Allie whimpered, Emma's knees digging into her skin. But Emma didn't even notice. Her whole attention was focused on the cock, the beautiful cock before her.

She swallowed it slowly, lifting on her knees(which prompted intense pain on Allie) just so she could reach the top. She brought her head down, trying to swallow as much as she could. Allie shrieked beneath her, as Emma's knees rolled on her chest and stomach, bruising her skin. Richard scowled and threw a pair of panties at her, telling her to gag herself. With still tears on her face, Allie complied, and her screams became timid and muffled.

Emma focused on the cock. She sucked until her cheeks pressed inward, running her tongue along the shaft, sticking it both inside and outside her lips. She started to become lightheaded, and her knees gave out, slipping off of Allie's sweaty tits.

Her head fell sideways, and she thankfully didn't end up biting his dick. Richard laughed, pulling Emma up so that she was kneeling on the chair beside him. "Do you want to keep sucking it?" he asked.

Emma nodded her head vigorously, her eyes wide with anticipation. When Richard caressed her cheek again, she leaned into it, savoring his touch.

"Or do you want to do something else?" he asked.

Emma looked at him confused, then he looked at her skirt. Her eyes widened, and she squealed in excitement. When she started taking her skirt off, he took her hand. "I like it," he said. "Just pull it up."

Emma pulled up her thigh high skirt, revealing her pink, barely used pussy. She hadn't had a boyfriend since high school, and even then, she'd only had sex two times with him. She'd been too busy with work and school to ever get back into dating.

Richard started rubbing her pussy, and she fell into him. He flipped her around, so that her back was to him, and he could easily reach between her legs. Emma moaned, forgetting where she was again. The world didn't matter, she didn't matter, her life didn't matter. All that mattered was Master, and his fingers.

He rubbed her clit slowly, pressing it in circles. She pressed her back against his muscular chest, accidentally kicking Allie, but forgetting about it a second later as she came. Emma shrieked, falling forward, only to be caught in Richard's arms.

He laughed and lifted her limp body up like it weighed nothing. Emma's eyes fluttered open and closed. Her skirt was heavy, pressed against her stomach, soaked in her juices and her sweat. The world was weightless, and before she knew it, she felt something press against her snatch. She held her breath, a smile coming over her lips just before Richard lowered her onto his cock. Emma came immediately upon penetration, then the world became a blur. She bounced up and down on Richard's cock, not even thinking about the fact that her tits didn't jiggle in the slightest. Eventually, he picked her up and put her on the chair again. Emma was scared that it was over, but then he laid on his back and ordered her to ride him while Allie made out with him. Emma felt jealousy as she watched Allie's lips meet their Master's. She wanted all of him; she didn't want to share. Again though, everything was forgotten as she lowered herself onto his cock. She bounced up and down, tears running down her cheeks.

She never considered that this limo was being paid for with her life savings, or that Richard was going to enslave and humiliate her mother and sisters in a few days. Emma's life was over, it was completely ruined. But all she cared about was Master.