A Phone Call

Author: HookedOnPhoenix

Tags: Incest!!!

"Ahn!" She moaned, her hand a blur of movement as it shifted up and down, up and down against her pussy in ever increasing intervals. Her back arched as she stuck her hand beneath her shorts, under her underwear and against her wet cunny.

"Um… Harley?" The voice said through the cell phone as she rubbed her hand like a button on a gamepad with her middle finger. She stifled a cry as he spoke. "Are you okay, hun?"

"Y-yeah!" She said, struggling to keep her voice level. The blonde girl's pixie cut swayed as she turned her head this way and that, enraptured by the sound of his voice. She knew she shouldn't be getting off to it - him of all people - but that was what made her mini-orgasm all the sweeter. She was unbelievably wet. "Sorry, just fingering my cunt."

There was a warm laugh on the other end of the line as he took it for a lewd joke. "Yeah, and I've got my hand wrapped around my huge erection from seeing Iron Maiden in concert. Wish you could have been there, with me, Harley."

"I know," She whispered, her face scrunching up in both desire and a genuine wish to have gone with him. "I just- you know mom… with finals and all…" She stuck a finger into her womanhood, pressing it down nearly to the knuckle as she imagined sitting in his lap, her ass against his crotch as they drove down the interstate on the way home from the venue in his old, beat up chevy truck. She pictured the large headlights of his clunker shining on the road, her body pressed against his as he looked over her head to see where he was driving, the sounds of a metal myth echoing in their sound-blasted ears.

The unamused chuckle on the other end of the line was his attempt at being diplomatic. James had never been one to hide his opinion of things; just like his daughter. "Yeah, well, you know your mom and I aren't exactly the 'agreeing' type. She's right though, you know: you do need to study."

"And then leave?" She said, her anger momentarily taking over her arousal. She continued to touch herself as she spoke more clearly into the phone. "Dad, you know she left me here alone, right? I haven't done three seconds of studying since she left on her 'all-night date.' Finals are bullshit."

James laughed, "Harley, you're a gem. Never change who you are, hun."

Harley's blush was so thick she was sure he could hear it through the phone."D-dad. Uh… y-you know that we're in the last few weeks of classes, right?" She now had two fingers in her snatch, Her mind filled with thoughts of thrusting bodies and strong hands gripping her by the back of the head. "And… and after that Mom's having me fly out to Texas. That week."

There was a silence on the other side of the phone as he contemplated the implications of his ex-wife's secret plan. "...What about Summer?"

"She's making me get a summer job out there before I go to Austin. Dad, I-I'm not going to be able to see you, before I go to College." Harley knew what she was doing, but subterfuge was not the girl's strong suit. She was used to speaking her mind bluntly. It's what made her and her until-recently estranged father get along so well. What she'd said was true; the reasons for saying it however...

"...Did you say she's out for the night?" He asked. She knew he was only a few minutes drive away now, having called her after the concert got out to tell her how it went.

"Yeah." She said. Her hips twisting as her heart fluttered in her chest. She was so close.

"Fuck me sideways, if she finds out I came to her house…" He trailed off. "Fuck her. If she wants to slut around town and keep me from seeing my little headbanger then we can pull a fast one on her too!" He said. "I'm coming over. We'll have a father-daughter bonding moment, like that sappy shit on TV."

Harley squirted a little girlcum onto her fingers at the news. "A-awesome! You fuckin' rock Dad!"

"Good God, stop calling me that, Harley!" He said, laughing. She heard his car engine rev as he began to speed to where she was. "Call me James, so I don't feel like a damn dinosaur."

"You… you are a dinosaur." She said, imagining the bulge in his pants as she said it. Her butt twitched as she caught a nail against her buzzer and let loose an audible gasp over the phone.

His voice was concerned. It was like a lit cigarette tossed onto the gasoline of her arousal. "...You sure you alright, hun? You sound like you got stuck with a shiv or something."

"I'm fine, Dad." She said, deliberately tweaking his pride by continuing to call him that. "I'm only… j-just keep talking to me? Please? Till you get here?" Her hand stayed glued to her soaking vagina.

She was in the front room when he entered, his large form hanging in the doorway in the darkness. He was wearing a sleeveless leather jacket, the long zipper pulled up to hide the ripped white shirt she knew he was wearing under it. He'd always called it his lucky shirt; Harley saw it as prime smelling material whenever he took it off. She was nuts about his scent. His heavy, leather steel-toed boots clicked loudly as he walked, a pair of reflective aviators attached to his face despite the darkness outside. He had a blonde crew cut and an easy smile, the latter of which she'd inherited from him. Her own grin stretched wide across her face as she felt herself moisten her panties at the sight of him. He was so big. So muscled and powerful with his movements. His blue eyes were pools she could lose herself in.

"Dad." She said, as he flicked on the lights and saw her, in her too-short shorts and black tube top. Her pixie cut swayed across her face as she blushed freely, utterly incapable of hiding her naked lust for her father. He had dropped out of her life so early, leaving her mom before she'd been born. It wasn't until about a year ago that she'd reconnected with him, at a rock concert, no less. She'd seen the studly hunk moshing in the pit and she'd gotten a good whack at him with her elbow, before the burly man trapped her in his arms and pulled her out of it. She thought he'd been about to cuss her out or give her a taste of her own medicine but instead he'd put a hand to her face, the gentle stroke of it making her breath disappear from her eighteen year old chest. "Are you…?" He'd said, looking at her blue eyes and realizing how much she'd looked like him. They'd reconnected in seconds, their interests and personalities so totally aligning that Harley saw him more as a friend and surrogate veteran metalhead than a 'parent.' And once she grew up fully and started to notice boys…

She snapped back to the present. "Dad." She said, "James." She corrected herself. "I'm glad you got back in one piece."

James chuckled, flexing his muscles and pointing to a bloody lip. "Those would-be rocker cocksuckers couldn't throw a good punch if their lives depended on it, hun. Don't you worry about me. What's up?" He waltzed into the room, oblivious of the way Harley just stood there, shaking like a leaf. "Does Janine- er, mom got any whiskey lying about? Promise I'll share it with ya."

"Only the kind she's drinking tonight with 'Bob.' The prick." Harley said, her hands clenched at her sides as she struggled for something to say. She wanted to jump him and squeeze the loving out of his cock. "Dad, I…"

"What's up, Harley? You've got a bit of a blush going there." He moved suddenly within her space. "Somethin' goin' on?"

"I want you to fuck me!" She blurted out, so suddenly that he turned his head in surprise. "Fuck, Dad. I- I don't even know what the hell I'm saying. I've just… I'm going to miss you so much when I got to College, knowing you're not going to be there and…" She shook her head, her hands reaching around to grasp his waist. "I… I don't want you to leave."

"I'm not going anywhere if I can help it, hun." He said, looking down at her. "Where the fuck did all that come from?" He was already bending down towards her face, his hands reaching around to grasp at her rear.

"I don't want to go away to College." She murmured, her eyes looking up at him demurely as she struggled to put into words what he meant to her. She let out a low moan as she felt his fingers clutch at her supple bottom. "Hnn! I just… I want you, Dad."

"It's just James, hun." He said, correcting her. "But you can call me 'Daddy,' tonight." His lips locked against hers he pulled her tight against him. He pulled off her pants in one fell swoop, his hands going to her bare ass as he roughly spread her cheeks and stuck a cloying finger down her crack. "I heard you masturbating over the phone, Harley." He said. The words he said should have made it sound chiding, instead he sounded aroused. "I wasn't kidding with the erection bit. I know you've been touching yourself when you've been talking to me." Her embarrassed whine only seemed to embolden him. "...How long has that been going on?"

"S-since - hm!" She sighed, her body tensing as she felt his fingers circle her narrow waist, pulling her tighter to him. She grimaced in shame, the piercing on her lower lip wobbling. "Since… the mosh pit, when- when you pulled me out by the arm!"

His smile was infectious. "Naughty girl." She felt his fingers run through her cropped hair, his nails scratching at the fuzz on the side of her head where she'd cut her hair short. Harley put her hand atop his and pressed her face against it, enjoying the warmth of his hands, the saccharine stench of cigarette smoke mixed with another, skunkish smell. James was comforting in his eccentric unconventionality. She heard a triumphant guitar solo shred through her head as she looked up and saw him smile, his head bending down towards her, leading with his lips.

She met him, feeling the first rush of adrenaline as her rational mind realized that what she'd managed to real. "Daddy!" She groaned, Harley's voice disappearing like a buzz of static. Her fingernails scratched at the back of his jacket, her arms lifting over her head to ty to reach his neck. He was just so - tall! What was she thinking, trying to reach him? James chuckled at her tough-girl act, too.

"You're such a small fry, hun."

She closed her eyes and buried her head in his chest, "W-will you… can you call me your little girl?" Harley couldn't believe how foolish she felt, her face a red mess. Her tremulous voice was strained as she said it. "I know you don't… like to say such sissy stuff to me, but-"

"It's okay, little girl." He murmured, tilting her chin to stare tenderly into her eyes. "I get it." Their kiss was harder this time. Wet. She tasted his tongue and traded saliva, her mouth working in a rough O as she licked him up and down. His hands were at her back, peeling off the tube top and exposing her C-cup breasts. Something within Harley tiwsted up inside. All of a sudden she was against him, her breath coming out in sensual gasps as all but threw herself against him.

"Oh Daddy, please. Please touch me, I want to feel your hands on me your- mmph!" His lips connected with hers and silenced her response. He stepped forward into the kiss, forcing her to step uncertainly back, the balls of her feet pitching back as her own confused movements tripped her up. She fell back onto the couch, feeling very small as James crawled atop her. His fingers threaded through her hair.

"Little Harley," He said, her name making her shiver. She looked at him, grasping his face as he lowered himself against her breasts. She moaned, his tongue licking against her erect nipple as he slowly lathered her in love. "How did you see this going?"

"Y-you saying no." She said, her head leaning back as she groaned and felt his teeth lightly nip her bud. "Hng! You getting mad. Telling me I'm weird, I'm sick."

He peeled her shorts off, her nethers naked underneath. A grin came to his face that was unlike anything she'd ever seen him wear before. It made her wetter. "Little girl," He whispered, "You don't have to be afraid of me. Of all people." She wanted to cry, instead she put her hands to his head and shoved him down against her box. His tongue was big; warm and slithering. She twitched as her rear tightened, feeling him continue to do exactly what she'd dreamed of since she first met him.

"I so wanted to be with you." She said, her voice different; lower, more feminine. She'd never sounded like this, never felt so vulnerable or steadfastly straightforward. Her body twisted and arched in ways she wasn't aware she could, her body responding naturally to his touch. "I just didn't think- didn't dream-" She let out a sharp cry as her legs lifted into the air, her feet making a point as her toes curled and he lapped her short ejaculation session. "Aaaah! Oh God, fuck me, Daddy!"

"Your wish…" He said, his hand reaching in between the cushion and her burning flesh, spreading his daughter's ass as she threaded hers across his back. She felt his fingers clutch at her, tightening with just the slightest hint of possessiveness. Harley heard James unbuckle his belt, the telltale signs of a male removing their pants as the zipper made a sharp cutting sound through the air. She'd never before thought that something so mundane as clothing could sound so pre-emptive of sex.

Just like that his cock was out, spread along the length of her navel and lower stomach. She marveled at it, seeming to not comprehend that this was real, that this was really happening. Her hand reached out to experimentally stroke it, James' back bending forward as he gave his daughter the ability to hold him more comfortably. "You're so…"

"Big?" He supplied, and she laughed. Even that sounded different. In a deeper octave, as though the joke itself was merely a continuation of the erotic sensation she was feeling. Her eyes looked up at him with a rough amalgamation of respect and lust.

"Sexy." She said, her knees moving up towards her chest, spreading to either side as one bumped the back-cushion of the couch. "Daddy…" She whispered, as he aligned himself against her opening. She could feel him, feel the press of his head against the gaping want of her womanhood. She could feel the slight compression, the feeling of fullness against the entrance to her deepest self as he gently pressed forward. His hand was at his base, his other steadying himself against the couch as he seemed to be making a supreme effort not to simply shove himself within her. She was scared of how it'd feel. But simultaneously she was so, very, horny. The knowledge that he was entering her was enough to wipe away the nervousness.

Jame's breath came in short grunts as he entered her more fully. His cockhead slid in, basking in the tight confines and burning heat of her pulsing pussy. Her inner walls tightened against him, and he watched as she grasped behind her, her hands flailing as though desperate to find physical purchase, to keep herself from falling off this journey of sexual exploration. Content that he was now securely within her, he planted his hands on either side of her shoulders, lowering himself to an appreciable angle of penetration and leaning forward, slowly compressing his hips as he asserted his masculinity within her.

"Oh!" She cried out, "Ahn! Daddy fuck me!" Her hands went against his waist, pulling him deeper into her as she looked up at James, her eyes hungry for him. "Fuck your Harley, fuck her with your big, thick dick!"

James smiled through his pleasure, leaning forward and encircling her neck in his arms, the crook of his elbows providing a nest to rest herself as he kissed her face. "You've got a naughty mouth, little girl. Daddy might just have to get stern with you, if you keep using that language."

She glared at him, her face deadly serious as she shook her pixie cut out of her eyes. "Do it. Show me how you get mad."

"Not mad." He whispered, his breath in her ear as he began to increase the tempo of his love. "Passionate. You're my little girl, my sweetling. I could never get mad at you." His hips were pressed tight with her own, his body twerking up and down as he stirred her insides and made her back arch. Harley cried out, her eyes fluttering as she was inundated by the feeling of his incestuous love. He was so gentle, like a friendly giant from a bedtime story. She thought he'd be rough, or aggressive, or painful. But despite the slight ache of uncertain sensation rippling through her, Harley could barely feel anything besides the pressure in her crotch and the tingle in her brain.

"James!" She said, trying out the name like she was sampling a fine cuisine. "Daddy." She moaned, more comfortable with the title. "I don't want to go. I don't want to leave, I just want to stay here, with you. With-" She tilted her head back and screamed, his prick hilting itself within her as she felt him thicken perceptibly. "W-with yooou!" She squirted, and in turn felt something else squirt inwards. God, had he even worn a condom?

His hips continued to piston, slapping wetly against her body as the two melded to one another. She kissed his response away, stealing his breath as she leaned up, her smaller body seeming puny compared to his. She was so overwhelmed by sensations that she didn't even know where to begin. She wanted to cry, and she wanted to smile like there would be no end to this. She settled for a shuddered gasp.

"When…" He said, his voice heavy and panting. "When is she… getting home?"

"L-late." She replied, her breath as empty as his. "I-if at all, tonight."

He looked at her, his hand trailing the curve of her cheek as he stared with what looked like a mixture of pride and arousal. "Plenty of time, little girl. What say we take a drive, you and me?"

"Only if you let me call you Daddy again." She said, licking the tip of his nose.