Silence in the Library

Writer: Talonias

Description: Amber is a hard working college student with an exam quickly approaching. Adam is her loving but horny boyfriend who thinks she needs to relax a little in order to properly prepare for her test. They spend some time together in the college library and things get a bit heated.

"Come on, babe. You know that you're as horny as I am."

Amber glanced up from her book with a look of annoyance. She was a college student of twenty years, and currently she was trying to study for a coming exam. She gestured to the book in front of her, and then to the pile of similar books waiting for her on the table. An open notebook lay before her, and severa pencils.

"Do I look like I have time to be horny?"

Her boyfriend, Adam, raised his hands in a parody of self-defence. He was a good looking guy. Fit and strong, with a wry smile that could melt your heart and a head of brown hair.

"You know, sexual satisfaction helps the female mind to focus. I'm sure I've read that somewhere."

"I'm sure." Amber rolled her eyes.

He was also kind of annoying at times. When he got an idea in his head, he didn't tend to let it go. Usually, it was fine. Adam had plenty of good points as well. He was highly intelligent when you could get him to focus. He was very loyal - he would never abandon a friend. And if you asked him for his opinion on something, he'd give you his opinion. Not what he thought you wanted to hear.

That part was kind of a mixed bag, but usually more positive than negative.

She sighed and closed her book. Her eyes felt tired and she rubbed them. Dark hair spilled down over her face, and she readjusted her glasses. It was true. She was horny. But she also knew she didn't have time to indulge it, just as she had not for the last few days. With the exam coming up, Amber needed every single moment she could get. Adam looked at her with a concerned air.

"You're going to burn out if you don't take a break, you know."

"And that has nothing to do with you wanting to fuck my brains out?" Amber asked him. "Don't think I didn't notice."

He smiled disarmingly.

"I never tried to hide it," He pointed out. "But just because I would also enjoy it doesn't mean you wouldn't benefit from it too. Come on, you've been buried in those books since class ended. Surely you can take a few minutes off to have some fun?"

"Adam!" Amber hissed. "We're in the library!"


"People can come in! Even if we did something, we could be seen!"

"We'd be careful then." Adam shrugged as if it was the most simple thing in the world. "Besides, hardly anyone comes in here during this time of the day and all the cameras are broken." He grinned suddenly. "Haven't you always wanted to do it somewhere you weren't supposed to?"

"No." Amber said bluntly. "And you shouldn't either."

"You're so boring…" Adam sighed.

"You're so childish," his girlfriend countered.

"Childish isn't how I'd describe what I want to do." He chuckled.

She shook her head in annoyance. But it was true. With all of the work she'd been doing lately she hadn't gotten a good chance to tend to her own needs. She was feeling hot and flustered more and more often these days and she knew exactly why. She hadn't masturbated in a week, and hadn't slept with Adam for even longer. Her body was practically screaming for any kind of attention.

She bent back to her work. After fifteen minutes, she looked up to see that Adam was still there.

"You can go home, you know," She told him. "I doubt you need to study."

"I'll go home in a bit," He waved her off. "Just thinking out a problem."

"And what sort of problem is that?"

"How to get you to relax, of course."

Amber ignored him and bent back to her work, but it was of little use. Adam had already planted the idea in her head and it refused to go now. She found herself musing on what it would feel like to be bent over the desk and fucked instead of actually reading the book. As soon as she did, Amber scowled and told herself off.

You can fuck all you want once you pass the exam, she told herself. But for now you need to focus on that.

"You know, I've always wondered about the sexy librarian thing," Adam said. "It probably feeds into a sense of dominance and submission, you know? But a lot more guys are willing to admit they have a strict librarian fetish than that they like to be topped. Is it the same thing viewed from a different angle, or is it a matter of degrees?"

"I don't know," Amber said with an irritated glance. "Why don't you tell me. You're the guy here, right?"

"Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I have a librarian fetish!" Adam defended himself. "I mean, I do. But that's besides the point! I could be a chick and still be into librarians!"

Amber sighed.

"You're going to be doing this all day, aren't you?"

"Doing what? I'm just sharing my thoughts is all!"

"Yes, it's one of the most annoying things you do. It's almost enough to make me regret stripping naked for you when we first went out."


"No, dummy. But it makes me wish it was."

"Well, that's a relief." He sighed. "I was worried that you were going to dump me."

"Believe me, I'm tempted right now. You're really being annoying, you know that?"

"I know." He said. "But Amber, I am really being serious. Not the whole horny thing. I mean. I am horny. Obviously. But that's not the important thing. You've been working so hard for the last few weeks that I am really worried you're going to burn yourself out. Having done all of this work won't help you during the exam if you're ruined your brain for lack of sleep and relaxation."

"I can handle it," She said defensively.

"I know." His eyes met hers for a moment and she could see that he was telling the truth. "But you shouldn't have to handle it. Seriously. Taking ten or fifteen minutes won't hurt you too much. I promise I'll make it worth your while."

"You always say that when you want to fuck."

"Yeah. But can you say that I've ever been wrong about it?"

She bit her lower lip and shook her head.

"I suppose not. But now really isn't the place for it, you know?"

"Why not?" He gestured to the room they were in.

The college library was a fairly big room spread out over several interconnected halls. The space was taken up by shelves and shelves of books, and there was only one way in or out. Theoretically, there was only one place you could sit and see everything that was going on and that was the front desk. But no one was there right now. No one else was in the library either. Not that she knew of. Of course, that just meant that she could have missed someone. Doing anything in the library would be a terrible idea. Not in the least because of the cameras.

Amber looked up. One of them was pointed right at her table. It was old. Very old. Everyone knew that the cameras hadn't worked in decades. The college was too cheap to replace them.

But it wasn't technically known for sure. Maybe what everyone knew was wrong. Amber didn't want to get herself plastered all over the college if she did do something and it was recorded. That would NOT be good for her mental health pre exam.

Even so…

"All right," She said. "I can't believe that I'm saying this but I'll give you a chance. Just a chance, no more."

"All right." Adam said. "What's this chance of yours?"

Amber tried to think of something that he could do quickly and fail at without feeling like he'd been cheated.

"If you can make me moan in five minutes," She said. "I'll think about doing more. If you can't, you have to leave me alone for the rest of the day. Sound good?"

"Sounds good," Adam agreed.

"But you're not allowed to remove my clothes," Amber warned him. "And I am going to be sitting down here."

Adam nodded, his face growing serious.

"All right." She took out her smartphone and set the clock. "Time starts now. Let's see what you can do."

Amber's skin prickled as Adam moved behind her chair. She directed her gaze downwards towards the book, though in truth she did not really see the words. Her pulse raced. She was sure of her ability to remain silent, but it had been some time since she had pleasured herself, so this would be a fun exercise for her as well.

Adam surprised her by not going for her tits. Instead, he came up behind her, his hands grazed her shoulders. He was rubbing them, his fingers digging into the skin through the fabric of her black dress. It felt surprisingly good, and Amber's muscles started to uncurl.

"You feel really tense," He told her. "How are you walking around like this?"

His touch felt good. Very good. Before she knew it, she was relaxing into it. Adam's hands moved to her neck, pulling her long hair away from it. She felt the hot touch of his breath upon the side of her throat, and a moment later he was kissing her there. The touch of his tongue and lips was powerfully erotic, and Amber found herself struggling to stay silent. Adam worked his way up and down her neck, layering her in kisses. His hands continued to work on her shoulders, massaging and driving the stress out of her muscles.

Amber's body tingled. Her boyfriend was confident with his touch, his warm breath rasped in her ears. He reached out with his teeth and nibbled on her outer ear, the contact made her breath a little faster, feeling the blood rush to her face.

"You're already like this and I haven't even done anything sexy yet," He chuckled to her. "That's why I like you, Amber. You like to play the role of someone who has better things to do, but when it comes down to it you like to fuck as much as I do."

Amber shook her head, wanting to point out that there were other reasons for her to behave like she did. She'd been raised in a conservative family, where talk of sex was taboo. Even though she had shaken off so much of her upbringing, it was still hard for her to admit how much she wanted it sometimes.

Adam knew that. He understood it, and though he sometimes teased her about it - as he was doing now - he also never pushed her too far, or tried to make her do anything she really didn't want to do.

Adam's hands drifted lower, falling down her upper chest. Amber strained not to move. Thick plumes of desire were rising in her body. Her boyfriend's fingers soon found themselves circling her breasts. Even through the dress and her bra, Amber could feel his touch. Her nipples tingled, desire rushed through her and made her knees weak.

Still, she had made no sound.

Adam's hands teased her chest now. Her bra acted as a shield, blunting the effects of his fingers but even so, Amber felt her arousal growing. She shifted, a heat starting to burn between her legs. She could not believe she was getting so turned on in the library. Anyone could wander in and see them doing this! Why had she even agreed to this in the first place?

Because she wanted it, the answer came from her own mind. Adam was right, damn him. She was tired and over-stressed and overworked. She wanted to relax even if only for a few minutes.

Amber could feel a spreading wetness between her thighs, Adam's tongue and lips continued to dance across her throat. Her heart fluttered, desire and need burned within her, their presence drying her throat and making her stomach tight.

Suddenly, just as the time was about to expire, Adam's hands plunged down the front of her dress and dipped below her bra. He plucked at her nipples, the sudden motion and surprising contact tore a moan from the back of her throat. Amber flushed red, hoping like hell no one had heard it.

"You cheated!" She told him. "You weren't supposed to take my clothes off!"

"I didn't," He pointed out. "You're still clothed. You didn't say that I couldn't get my hands inside of your clothes. You should have mentioned that if it was a rule!"

She frowned at him. He'd known damn well what she meant. Amber crossed her arms and glared but Adam was well immune to her stare by now.

"Well?" He said. "I won, right? You said we'd do more if I won."

"I said I'd think about it," She said. "And you cheated!"

Still, Adam's touch had felt good. Amber's pulse was still racing and the blood was pumping through her body. She looked around, suddenly aware of where they were but there still was no one there. She looked, the camera remained but…

Surely it was broken?

"All right, fine." She sighed. "But only for a little while."

She pushed back her chair and stood up. Amber was wearing a sleek, black dress and nylon leggings. Her hair was long, falling down her back. She could not believe she was doing this, but the idea had a sort of forbidden temptation to it. And Adam loved it when she was daring - it was why he pushed her to express herself so much.

Before Adam's eyes, Amber reached up under her dress. Her panties were lacey and black, and she could feel the growing wet spot between her thighs. She gulped, hesitating for a moment and then powering forward. She took the waistband in one hand and pulled them down, wiggling her lower body to dislodge them. Adam watched in awe as Amber pulled the black panties down to the ground and then stepped out of them. She scooped them up and put them in her bag.

"What do you think of that?" She purred.

"That's amazing!" He said. "Are you going to go without them all day?"

She hadn't considered it, but the idea was seriously tempting…

"Let's do something else," Adam said. "I've always wanted to fuck someone against a bookshelf."

"We're not fucking," Amber crossed her arms. "I don't have any pills and I know for damn sure you don't have a condom."

"Fine, fine…" He looked put out. "But we can still have some fun."

He pressed her against one of the bookshelves, her chest rubbed against the wooden frame. The way she was positioned, she was half visible from the front of the library. If anyone walked in, they would see her!

"Adam…" She hissed.

"Relax," He told her. "You'll enjoy it, I swear."

Amber jumped as he reached beneath her skirt. He pressed his body into hers, the heat of his chest flooding across her back. His hands moved towards her inner thighs. Amber's breath hitched, and she wanted to tell him to stop. That it was too risky, that they would get caught.

But she didn't. The desire was strong in her, just as it was in her partner. The intoxicating feeling of risk made it all the sweeter. She felt his fingers fumbling at her sex. Stroking her engorged labia, feeling the wetness of her womanhood. Her face flushed red. Even after so long, she wasn't totally comfortable about her own body when she was aroused. The idea of someone knowing just how sexual she was, and how much she enjoyed this sort of thing still made her nervous.

But her worries were soon worn away with Adam's touch. His fingers played across her womanhood, gentle like the caress of a many-legged spider. Amber moaned in the back of her throat, and managed to stifle it as she remembered where they were. Her head was now spinning, and Adam was moving more quickly. His fingers started to rub her opening, moving in a slow circular motion that made her grind her hips. She gasped, feeling her nipples strain against the inside of her bra. Heat rushed through her body, and her skin started to tingle.

When he was sure she was wet enough, Adam started to enter her. His fingers slid into her opening and made her moan. He used just two, moving them rapidly back and forth in a motion that made Amber's hips buck and her heart pound.

At any moment, she thought, someone could come in and see what they were doing. There would be no hiding it. No way to hide it. They would see and then everyone would know. Adam had been finger-fucking Amber in the library!

The idea made her hotter and hotter, her pussy responded by gripping at Adam's fingers, the increased friction pounded through her, made her all the more lusty. Amber was mortified when a moan managed to escape her throat, but it was soon followed by another. Adam had found a pace now, his fingers made her legs go weak. She could feel his body pressed against her own, her chest pushed into the shelf. Her whole world had concentrated down to just the space between her thighs.

It felt so good.

It felt so very good!

Adam moved faster and faster, his fingers penetrating her pussy, driving her wild. She gasped and moaned, her hips swaying with the motion of her boyfriend's hands.

Amber's own hands rose up, reaching down her dress and playing with her chest. Her nipples were almost painfully hard and the touch of her own fingers tore the air from her lungs. She was glad the shelf was so solid as she shifted her weight against it. Her clit was tingling, the stimulation between her legs washing across her lower body.

Amber came, a shuddering orgasm washing through her body. She gasped and moaned, and then sank to her knees gasping for air.

"Fucking hell," She whispered. "Anyone could have seen that, Adam!"

"I'm glad I did," He said with a doofy smile. She shook her head, but her eyes caught sight of the bulge in his pants.

"That's right," Amber said. "I haven't done anything for you yet."

She crawled towards him, moving on all fours made her feel excited. If someone saw…

Well, it didn't matter at this point. She was committed. Adam's jeans were right in front of her face and she reached up to undo his zip. Amber reached into his trousers, her fingers closed around his cock. It was warm and stiff, the tip already wet with desire. Adam breathed heavily as she drew it out. His face tainted red. She smirked up at him.

"It's not so fun when it's happening to you, is it?"

"I-it's still pretty fun!" He argued.

She smirked and stuck out her tongue, licking the head of his cock. He moaned, and the sound only made her all the more confident in her choice. Still kneeling on the ground, she drew his shaft into her mouth and started to suck on it. Her lips closed around it as her head moved back and forth. Adam jerked, and now it was his hips which were gyrating to match her rhythm. Amber could taste his seed on her tongue. She moved her head back and forth aggressively, her tongue lapped at his cock. Adam moaned, the sound made her hair stand on end. She just knew that they were going to be seen! They were going to be found!

But she couldn't stop now. She didn't want to. Even as she sucked him off, Amber hitched up her dress, exposing her pussy to the world. Anyone who came in now would really get an eyeful, but she didn't care about that. Her trembling hand went to her mound, stroking it more and more quickly. Waves of pleasure shook her body to the core, her previous climax having made her sensitive down there.

She knelt, grinding against her own fingers. Adam's cock was in her mouth, and she was pleasuring herself to the memory of his fingers in her pussy. With her dress hitched up, she had absolutely no way to cover her dignity if they were discovered.

Adam came and filled her mouth, his cum was sticky and she had to quickly swallow it down before she tasted too much of it. When she had, she stood up slowly. Her pussy was red and dripping, desire thrummed through her body.

Adam pushed her onto the table, the sound whipped through the library. Before she even knew what was happening, he'd spread her legs and was kneeling before her sex. Amber yelped, Adam's tongue lapped at her pussy! He was licking her down there! The feeling of his mouth a thousand times better than her fingers had been! She moaned, heat rising through her body and her face growing red.

"H-holy shit Adam," She cried out. "People will see…"

"Let them," He said. "I have the most beautiful girl in the world, why wouldn't I want to show her off?"

"Y-you idiot…"

But it felt good. It felt so very, very good. Adam's tongue lapped at her pussym pleasuring her by sucking and teasing her pussy. Amber's clit burned for attention and her whole body jerked as Adam gave it to her. When he sucked on it gently, she felt as though an electrical current was surging through her sex. Her back arched and she moaned. Adam was eating her out right here in the library! She had to put a stop to it! She had to… had too…

But it felt so good. Her nerves were on fire with it. The feeling coursed through her, building minute by minute. Tightness and heat formed between her legs, Adam's tongue alternately teased her entrance and her clit. He sucked and nibbled gently, using his tongue and his lips to make her jump and yelp and cry out in pleasure.

Amber came again, this time with a more powerful orgasm. It swept through her body, tore the words from her tongue. She moaned, the cry was primal and erotic, straining against her throat. When it was over, her legs were trembling. Adam stood back, nodding to himself in satisfaction.

"Right." He said. "I'm pretty sure that counts as a break for health purposes."

Amber glared up at him from the table. Her face was red and her legs were shaking.

"You….you are so annoying!"

He simply grinned at that, and she could not help but smile back.

She was glad she had found him. Even if he knew how to get under her skin better than anyone else.