Dance With the Devil

Writer: Doomtroid1

A knight of great renown is sent by the church to slay a demon. Only it just so happens that this demon is a delightfully devilish succubus with more than a few tricks up her sleeve. Shenanigans ensue

Pate had never been one for roughing it. The son of an Archbishop of the Church of Arcadia, he had always been more used to the soft silks and lavish luxuries granted to the upper clergy than the rugged self-sufficiency of a true outdoorsman. Sure, he'd been trained in the ways of the sword and horseback riding from a young age, and had made a name for himself as a skilled warrior on the battlefield, claiming glory and fame…but that hardly left him particularly inclined or prepared to fumble through the thick Arcadian forest, like he was now.

But this mission had been given to him directly from his father, and his target was a dangerous one: a most devilish and evil succubus, said to make her lair within the sacred grounds deep in the woods. Such an abomination could not be allowed to exist on lands holy to the Chuch, and so Pate, being the worthy and acclaimed knight that he was, had been tasked with rooting out such corruption and destroying it utterly.

Lost in recollection atop his horse, Pate nearly missed the dark and narrow entrance of a cave looming ahead of him through the thick trees. Good. He had arrived. Now he could dispense with the tedium of travel and get right to what he did best. Eagerly, he clambered off his mount and tied it to a nearby tree trunk. His steed grunted and pawed the dirt, clearly nervous, ears flicking and tail swaying from side-to-side, and Pate allowed himself a moment to rest his hand on his horse's shoulder, breathing quietly as he tried to calm them.

They snorted once more, as if in protest, and then remained still as Pate unsheathed his blade and cautiously entered the mouth of the tunnel. It was dark, and his vision was limited, yet he bravely pressed onward, his faith in the inherent justice of his mission, as ordained by his father and the Church, banishing any fear from his heart. He had fought in more deadly locales than a poorly-lit cave, and the dark did not daunt him.

Pate would surely be victorious on this day, and the common folk would praise his noble deeds, and recount how he had utterly vanquished the festering evil at the heart of the forest. In his innermost thoughts, he could already hear the songs and commendations that awaited him, and allowed the visions of future glory to grant him confidence as he moved ever further through the narrow tunnel, which eventually opened out into a larger chamber, lit by candles lining the wall in metal sconces. This light cast eerie shadows across the room, the dark shapes appearing sharp and malevolent as they illuminated what might have appeared, to an untrained eye, to look like torture devices. Ropes and straps made from leather, designed for binding and bracing, littered his surroundings, alongside spikes and rings and gags: surely they were intended for administering all sorts of heinous tortures upon unfortunate souls.

For those more familiar with the equipment, however, it was clear that the room was designed for pleasure rather than pain: the spikes were far too blunted to cause any real damage, the ropes and straps lacked studs that would irritate or pierce the skin, and the rings and gags were neither small nor sharpened enough to risk harm. Yet such an epiphany eluded Pate, for, being a devout follower of the Church's doctrines of celibacy and asceticism as mandated for its knights, Pate was indeed a virgin. Thus, the true purpose of the gear that lay before him remained outside of his understanding: little did he know, however, how quickly this lack of comprehension would continue.

A sound came to his ears, like a clack-clack-clack of two stones together, and he readied his stance for battle: his shield upraised, his sword pointing slightly downwards and behind him, the hilt clutched in his hand in preparation for an upward, eviscerating slice. He knew better than to call for his quarry to come out.

What he did not know was what they would look like.

Pate had never seen a succubus before, only heard rumors of the foul beasts. Having no illustrations to go off of, he was expecting to find a creature that had never seen the sun, with rows of sharp teeth and hideous features set in a sickly complexion, incapable of any thought beyond murder and pain, eyes devoid of intelligence, breath rank and stale.

The form that now emerged from the shadows and greeted his eyes was not true to this preconception, and shocked him into a stunned silence. The candlelight glowed softly over the features of a beautiful woman, one with deep purple skin and curling ram's horns growing from her temples, crowning the top of her head. Her face was framed by dignified pointed ears and long flowing hair, which flowed forward to rest around her high collar and extend further below onto her chest.

These details were all difficult to focus on, however, as Pate's attention was drawn to her strange garb, revealing parts of a woman he had not yet known. Her skin-tight suit hugged her curves provocatively, with large windows in the garment revealing more cleavage than he had ever thought possible, as well as her toned stomach and belly button. Where most clothing would continue on into trousers or a skirt, hers abruptly ended at her crotch in a triangle shape on her front: the back was little more than a string between her buttocks that left much of her rear exposed. This was likely due to the fact that she also possessed a long, dexterously-twisting tail that swung to and fro with prehensile precision as she sashayed forward, the appendage the same purple hue as the rest of her skin. This ensemble was completed by a pair of thigh-high black leather boots, which served to add an inch or two to her height, which was already quite impressive for a woman, if you could even call her that. While Pate was considered above average height and towered over most other humans, this woman, this creature, looked straight down her aquiline nose at him with disdain.

In a sultry tone, almost a whisper, like the suggestion of a word that lingered on his ears so lightly that he was unsure she had even vocalized anything, the succubus spoke to him. Her lips parted, revealing her too-white fangs and her dark violet mouth, her forked tongue a brighter purple-pink behind her bottom teeth. "Now what have we here? A little lost lamb stumbling into my home? What ever shall I do with you?"

Taken aback, Pate struggled to speak, his voice nearly trembling. His training momentarily forgotten, he shifted his shield to the side and brandished his sword in front of him: a poor choice, sacrificing his protection and the surprise of an upward slice for paltry intimidation. With as much of a bellowing tone as he could muster, he shouted his reply.

"Stay back, foul beast! You don't belong in this world! I know not what manner of devilry you perform, but you shall perform it no longer! I have come to end your miserable existence, and free this land of your vile taint."

These words, spoken with such conviction, seemed to only amuse the succubus. With a sly smirk she began to inch forward, closer and closer until she was nearly within the range of his sword.

"Back, I say! I will purge you!" With his challenge and intent declared, Pate swung his sword downward. The motion, carried by the sword's own weight, should have cleaved her in two from neck to groin, or at least carved a gorey vertical swathe across her chest and stomach. And yet, his sword did not strike flesh, and he did not hear the telltale, wet squelch and thunk of muscle and bone being torn asunder. His weapon met only air.

With no discernable indication she had even moved, she had closed the distance between them in half a heartbeat, and now stood directly behind him. Her breath was hot on his ear, her chest pressing plushly against the back of his armor, and her words were dripping with sardonic amusement and anticipation.

Mmm, I do so love a toy who fights back."

Then, with a swift and fluid motion, her hand connected with the back of his head, and all became dark in an instant.

— — — —

Pate awoke with a gasp, his eyes flying open and surveying his surroundings, dark as they were. His first observation of most immediate importance was that he was fastened to a cross-like structure in such a way that his arms extended diagonally outward above his head, and his legs were slightly spread. For a moment, Pate panicked, recalling the draconian persecutions that had been inflicted on the Church's early followers, before its wider acceptance in Arcadia: to have their wrists and feet nailed into planks of wood and left to die. Did this demon hope to inflict such a punishment on him?

Mercifully, Pate realized that what restrained him were bindings on his wrists and ankles, rather than anything so brutal. At the very least, he had been spared that much misery. Still, as he strained to break free, he quickly realized that movement was impossible, despite his many fruitless struggles to shed his shackles, and his efforts brought a just-as-troubling truth into light.

Pate was entirely naked, without so much as even his small clothes to hide his shameful nude form. Most other men would have looked upon his naked body with envy, rather than shame: one could see clearly at a glance that God had gifted him with significant endowment, thick and lengthy even while flaccid, framed nicely by unkempt curls of pubic hair. However, Pate was unaware of the extent to which he had been blessed, having never seen or even thought about the size of another man's member, and having never had the opportunity to consider the merits of his own.

If he had had the time, perhaps Pate might have been able to formulate a solution to his present predicament. Alas, time was the one resource he did not possess: from behind a velvet curtain towards the back of the room emerged his captor, whose name he would later learn is Bliss, gliding gracefully across the stone floor to stand before him. She was dressed as she had been before, insofar as one could call her scanty attire "clothing," and she observed him carefully, circling him in a wide arc in a manner that uncomfortably reminded Pate of a lion stalking its soon-to-be-devoured prey.

A sound of satisfied approval escaped her lips, which were then promptly connected to the nape of his neck, nibbling and kissing his skin, warm and damp with sweat. He tried to move away of course, struggling against his bindings, but to no avail. Her mouth, soft and warm, plush and smooth, had its way with his skin, nibbling and stealing kisses, leaving trails of saliva and kiss marks where she sucked in and dug just a little harshly with her teeth.

And then, a whisper in his ear. "Allow me to show you everything you've been missing out on, darling. Let me shatter your world, your very perception of reality."

These words sent a chill down Pate's spine, and he could not help but to shiver in fear, even as some tiny, long-suppressed part of himself murmured with a feeling akin to…anticipation? No, surely it was apprehension. It had to be. Yet the doubts did not stop, even as the sound of straps being undone greeted his ears, followed by something he could not see dropping to the floor. And then, emerging from the corner of his left eye, the succubus, naked as the day she was born.

Did demons even give birth? Pate did not know, and did not care to know. As far as his prior experience in the Church was concerned, demons existed, and people like him were meant to make sure that demons stopped existing. Yet at the same time, he could not deny that the sight before him was beautiful. It was a different sort of beauty when compared against the idyllic hillsides of the sacred land he called home, or the majestic mountains, or the densely lush forests, or the babbling brooks and rushing, clear rivers, but it was beautiful. She was beautiful. Her nipples were pert and perky, a slightly darker shade of purple than her skin. The curve of her hips, backside, and bust were unlike anything he had seen before: her breasts were ripe and full, her rear was soft and smoothly round, and her waist was voluptuous to the point of awe-inducing. Finally, her crotch was smooth and hairless, faintly glistening in the candlelight with an already-forming moisture.

Pate had never laid eyes upon the genitalia of a woman, or even truly looked upon a woman's undisguised form—the nuns of the Church only ever wore loose-fitting robes, which concealed their bodies— and yet this sight before him stirred something deep within him, some primal instinct that roused his manhood to life. Against all the willpower he could muster, his cock began to stiffen until it stood at full mast, a testament to his weakness.

To his left, Bliss pulled a lever connected to the contraption he was bound to, to which it responded by reclining further backward until he was facing the distant ceiling of the cavern above him. The changed position left Pate briefly giddy, and he blinked, trying to avoid the rushing dizziness to his head that came with such an alteration, leaving him unprepared to respond as she walked back towards his head, her fingers tracing a pattern that he could not recognize across his bicep as she went.

Then she was out of his sight. Pate could not see her, and the inability to track her, to ascertain what she was doing at any moment, terrified him. Pate had never thought of himself as a coward, but despite the fact that he knew her intentions could only be malicious, he was quickly beginning to understand that failing to cooperate would result in him suffering the consequences of defiance. But before he could dwell on this thought for too long, she set her plan in motion. One silky smooth, lithe leg lifted up and over his head, straddling him as though he were a lowly beast to be mounted. The warm pressure of her thighs met his ears, muffling his hearing, the sound of his own heartbeat pounding through his head. And as she lowered herself further, her pussy met his lips, the warm sensation of her arousal strange and unfamiliar to him.

"Open your mouth and lick it, you mutt, or I'll feed you to my minions as punishment for being useless."

As a holy knight, Pate would have been expected to choose death or worse over dishonor. But despite his training, and his vows, and his long, storied history of courage, Pate could not bring himself to throw her offer back in her face, to spit at her and accept the doom that came, secure in the holiness that awaited him after death. No, instead, he was too craven to disobey. He did exactly as he was told.

The taste of a demon's womanhood was surprisingly satisfying, being savory and pleasant, and somehow warming him. In short, it was good, and he could not help but to lap at her cunt like the mutt she accused him of being. Could it be that she was more aware of his true nature than he was himself? Had she already gleaned the uncertainties of his soul, before he had had the chance for self-reflection? Perhaps so, for he continued to greedily devour her pussy, guiding his tongue towards her clit without really knowing how vulnerable of a target it was as she grinded her hips against his face.

When his tongue met her clit, she hissed, and searched with her tail and found his stiff cock, pointed straight at the ceiling. Her tail wrapped around his length, undulating and pumping up and down, prompting Pate to moan and bury his face even further into her pussy to muffle the sounds of his degenerate pleasure, as if smothering the noise would erase his growing surrender. This was sin in its purest form, yet it felt better than anything he had ever experienced in his entire life, and Pate was getting ever-closer to understanding that he did not wish for it to end.

Yet it did, all too soon, and before he could reach his first-ever climax: when the pressure and heat and tight tension peaked, and something warm and sticky began to dribble onto her wrapped, pumping tail, she abruptly stopped, and wrenched a whimper out from between his lips, directly into her pussy. The robbing of his orgasm shamed and saddened him, even as he failed to grasp just how close he had been to blowing, even as the snide satisfaction on the succubus's face told him that she was taking sadistic pleasure in denying him.

"You're too eager for your own good, boy," Bliss whispered in that same faint, hauntingly sultry tone as before. "I won't let you blow your load this early on. That would ruin all the fun. Don't you think?"

All Pate could respond with was a disgruntled "mhm", not being very happy to have had his lips separated from her pussy, and then immediately feeling ashamed for being unhappy. This was quickly alleviated, though, as she turned 180 degrees and planted her plump ass right back down onto his nose, once again providing him full access to her pussy. This time, however, she laid herself out across the firm musculature of his body, her face now hovering directly in front of his impressive length. Pate could not see her tongue gliding over her top and bottom teeth as her plush lips smacked together and she let out a breathy, hungry moan, but he could hear her, and when she was was unable to contain her lust and greed for his seed any longer, Pate could feel the instant when she took his cock in hand and wrapped her lips around the head.

He groaned into her cunt, his whole body trembling, as her warm, tight, hot mouth enfolded his dick, slick and soft, her fangs grazing his length with astonishing gentleness and a hint of exciting danger. The sudden delight only intensified as she began to bob her head up and down, taking the full length of Pate's member down to her throat, planting soft kisses on his fat nuts with each downward bob of her head. She kept this up all while still licking the head of his cock on the upward suck, paying extra close attention to the slit that continuously leaked salty precum.

Inexperienced and out of his depth, Pate truly could not handle this pressure for very long. Before the succubus atop him could once again pull away and deny him his peak, he let loose his first ever, massive load. His nuts pulsed against her lips, and the first spurt of spunk blasted the back of her throat, coating it with its warmth. As she pulled up and away, shot after shot of potent seed sprayed into her mouth, pasting her tongue, painting her teeth, puffing her cheeks out with the volume of his load. She grinned, lips curling around the cock in between her lips, still relentlessly wriggling her tongue as he kept cumming. This was everything she had hoped for: to release the shackles of a virile, virgin man and allow him to unleash inside of her. She swallowed down every last drop like the skilled succubus she was, and once his orgasm finally subsided, removed her lips from his spit-soaked cock with an audible *pop*.

Throughout all this, Pate was entirely unaware of his surroundings. The only thought his mind could latch onto was the sheer, unadulterated pleasure he was currently experiencing. It radiated out from his cock and balls, filling his entire body with warmth and electric pleasure, fogging his brain and clouding his vision. He was unsure of when this feeling left him, but when it did, he was once again greeted by the big purple butt in front of him, and the pounding of his own heart.

Licking the cum from her lips, Bliss turned and spoke to him. "Yes, yes. You will do nicely. You are everything that I…everything that we have been looking for. You will be the progenitor of our dynasty, our very destiny. You must bear me a child, here and now. I will not settle for any less."

The suddenness of it all shocked Pate into lucidity. What? No. Pate was confused, that much was certain, and he was deeply dishonored by his heretofore-rapid descent into depravity, but he still had enough of his wits about him to know that the last thing he wanted was to impregnate a demon. How could he even impregnate a demon? How was that even possible? And even if it was, wouldn't that be a terrible, horrible, awful idea, with only horrendous consequences for everyone except demonkind?

And yet…the seed of doubt had already planted in him. How could something so wrong feel so right? His whole life, he had never felt such intense and overwhelming pleasure. He had always been told that in holiness lay bliss, and the greater the bliss, the higher the holiness. Well, if that was the case, then this perhaps had to be the holiest sensation of all: even if it wasn't, what was the difference? What had given the Church, and his father, the right to tell him that he was not allowed to partake of such pleasure? Why not allow the people of this world to experience this, and be all the more happy for it? Why had they lied to him and everyone else, casting the wool over their eyes and making them believe this act of pleasure was the highest sin? Had they been misguided, or wrong, or unaware, or actively hiding the truth?

No, it could not be true. It must not be true. He would have to find out for himself. He would have to prove it himself. That resolution steeled Pate's confidence, and gave him the strength to speak up the words that would either seal his fate or mark him as the apotheosis of holy knighthood.

"Do as you wish, demon," he said to her. "I will cooperate."

"Gooood." She purred, leaning over to remove the shackles on his wrists, shoving her plump purple bosom into his face as she did so, nudging his lips with a nipple. "I do love one who learns quickly. Let's get right to it, shall we? I believe we've no more use for these." There were red marks on his skin where he had fought against his restraints, but otherwise he was no worse for wear.

"I want you to touch me while I fuck you, and I want you to do a damn good job of it. Be rough. Be handsy. Don't hold back." Bliss demanded of him. Pate tried not to smirk knowingly. He had planned on doing no less.

She took him by the hand and led him through the darkness to the back of the cave. Here, she parted a barely perceivable velvet curtain, then proceeded through another narrow passage which eventually opened out into what was clearly a bedchamber, lit by soft candlelight. The atmosphere of this room contrasted starkly with that of the previous chamber. Gone were the ropes, chains, and instruments of torture, replaced with soft bedding and gold trimmed furniture fit for a queen, or perhaps a beautiful demon. As Pate admired the lavish decor, the succubus released his hand, giving his still-solid cock a squeeze as she walked away from him.

She laid back on the edge of the bed, facing the ceiling of the cave above, and spread her legs wide, her hands placed behind the back of her knees to lock them in place and allow him full access to her slick pussy and, below it, her tense, clenching, tight asshole.

"Come on, choir boy, show me what you're really made of." She leered, looking down at him from between her breasts. "I hope you can handle that dick better than you can handle a blade: you were hardly going to defeat me with swordsmanship that sloppy."

Never being one to back down from a challenge, Pate strode forward with renewed purpose. One of his hands found its way to her purple thigh, sinking his fingers into the soft skin. It was a sensation entirely new to his fingertips, and he relished in it, in the softness and squishiness of her supple thigh, giving way beneath his palm like nothing else could. His other hand guided his throbbing cock to the entrance of her slit, the swollen head spreading her lips apart slightly. He hesitated but a moment, his brown eyes locking onto her eyes of violet, fiery and eager in anticipation. Once he proceeded, there would be no going back: victory or complete failure would await him. He had no choice but to try, however, and so he thrust his hips forward.

He was immediately met with the heavenly sensation of heat and wetness enveloping his cock, every heartbeat sending an electric pulse through his dick that clouded his mind with pleasure. It took every ounce of willpower in Pate's body not to blow his load right then and there, not wanting to displease the demon who had him in her rapidly-growing thrall. He stood there a moment longer, his cock buried inside her, his balls twitching against her exposed asshole, and took some time to regain his composure. She felt so tight, and so warm and so slick and so wholly, encompassingly snug, that it was difficult to not want to luxuriate in this feeling forever. Having a demon's pussy wrapped around his dick felt fantastic.

But Pate couldn't linger. Mindful of the look of mild annoyance and boredom forming on her face, he took a deep breath and slowly drew halfway back out, his cock slowly sliding out of her with agonizing slowness, the sheen of her arousal now coating his length as she cooed in delight, a demand for him to hurry up forming on her lips.

Determined not to appear weak, and aching to feel that loveliness once again he quickly thrust back in. He ratcheted up the rate of his pumping with astonishing speed, quickly beginning to work up to a rhythm of frantic, pounding fucking. His fingers dug into her thighs, reddening the lavender hue of her skin as he continued to fuck the demon below him, all but losing his inhibitions, focused entirely on his own pleasure as he rammed his dick into her with unrestained delight.

It was fortunate for Pate that Bliss, too, was obviously enjoying the rough pounding her pussy was receiving, as she squealed and moaned, cooed and gaped, voice husky and needy and thick with want and promise. She had never seduced a human as exceptionally well hung and aggressive as this man. He would make a fine father…and a fine ruler. But those plans for the future would have to wait, as for now the only thing they could both focus on was the ever-mounting pleasure and pressure in their loins. His balls, fat and full of years of stored-up cum, slapped and smacked her asshole with each wild thrust, forcing gasps of delight from the demon as her asshole clenched and twitched. The relentless drumming of his nutsack against her asshole was leaving it raw and tender and continuously flooding her mind with overwhelming, ecstatic delight.

He was quickly losing all control. The contact of his skin against hers was audible as it echoed around the cave, but the succubus's voice, ringing out with words that were simultaneously commands and entreaties, rang out above even the slap of the holy knight's balls against her asshole.

"Yes, I can sense it, your mounting pleasure. Give it to me! Fill me with every last drop of your seed so that I might bear you a child! Yes!"

These words, breathy and desperate, were all that it took to push Pate over the edge. With muscles clenched and fingers dug deep into her skin, he launched himself forward one last time, burying himself to the hilt inside that warm hole, and let loose a veritable geyser of cum. Each twinge of his nutsack, pressed flush against her overstimulated asshole, released blast after blast of cum into her womb, filling her with a sensation of heat and fullness that elicited a moan from her lips. Pate himself could not contain the cries of pleasure that escaped his lips, shoving his face forward to bury himself in her squishy breasts and moan openly. All energy having evacuated his body, he now lay out across her torso, face resting on her bosom, hairy chest bristling against the supple skin of her tummy. They both breathed heavily, content to lay there and relish the feeling of their mutual orgasm. She knew with unnatural uncertainty that this holy knight's deep, filling cumshot would most certainly produce a strong child, and for some reason, he shared her confidence, even if he didn't really know why.

With his cock still inside her, preventing even a single drop of cum from leaking out of her cunt, the succubus spoke to Pate as he lay atop her. "You have proven yourself to be worthy indeed. With you at my side, we shall create a new order, one sundered from the grand delusions of yore. One you shall rule with an iron fist, as will your children and your children's children, with me as your wife. You need only give in to your desires, and turn your back on those who would delude you with lies. Let me show you true power…and let me be the mother of your children, again and again and again."

These were the last words he heard as he drifted to sleep, her legs wrapped snugly around his body, arms around his shoulders. And was that lavender he smelled? Somehow everything about this felt right. And above all, her words rang true to his ears.