Anti-Ugly B*stard

(Are you tired of reading or watching hentai where the ugly bastard has his way? Well, look no further than these series of one-shot stories where you can find those ugly bastards getting just what they deserve!)

It was only the second period of school, but Neon was done with today. Weird teachers, boring classes, and work that was just too easy. Not for the first time was Neon regretting transferring schools. Sure, Daigo High had a great athletics program, which he was here for, but baseball didn't really make up for the lack of friends, strange looks, and creepy staff members. So far, he'd give this new school experience a 4/10, would not recommend.

As Neon walked to the 'bathroom' idly spinning the hall pass, he wondered how a school could have so many freaks in it. From some of his peers to the staff, he got major weirdo vibes from them, and it had nothing to do with their mouth breathing and constantly sweaty pits. Okay, maybe it had something to do with the fact they didn't seem to wear any deodorant or brush their teeth, but it was more than that.

He heard how some boys talked in the locker room while changing out for PE. Creepy sexual comments about the student council president's 'huge rack' or the women's swimming team's 'luscious thighs.' Neon had literally seen Mr. Hue stare at girls really, really hard whenever they went up to the board to complete a problem, pick up something off the floor, or- shit- even blink. If there was some secret club of mouth-breathing weirdos that met every Friday, no doubt Mr. Hue would be sponsoring it.

Neon could have reported this behavior to the higher-ups, but Mr. Hue and Principal Guff seemed too buddy-buddy for his liking. Neon didn't want to risk speaking up and being targeted or labeled a snitch. Neon told himself as long as the weird stayed at this level, he'd keep an eye on it because it seemed everyone else was blind, deaf, and/or dumb. Maybe a mix of all three.

He neared the bathroom and slowed to a halt. Weird noises were coming from just up ahead: wet noises like someone was mopping the floor and muffled voices like music playing too loud out of a pair of headphones. There was something else underneath the first two things, but Neon couldn't make heads or tails of it. Neon knew the janitor wasn't working because old man Toki worked later in the day. Neon got a bad feeling in his gut like when you're watching a scary movie, and it goes all quiet. It put him on edge and not in a good way.

Now, Neon crept toward the bathroom. He thought about sliding his shoes off and going full ninja, but that might be doing too much. It could be nothing, maybe a weirdo jacking off in a stall between periods, or something. Eww, that mental image was not needed.

Neon got closer, and the sounds grew more distinct, and he could tell they were coming from the men's bathroom. His theory of some weirdo jacking it in school grew, but Neon wasn't too sure. Could he let whatever kid it was get away with being gross but harmless or enter the bathroom and make him stop? Maybe fuck with him a little? Lord knew he was bored enough to get some fun out of it.

Fuck it. Poor guy was going to piss himself, and Neon could already imagine it. This was going to be hilarious.

Neon made it to the door and eased it open as quietly as he could, a smirk growing on his face. Today was his lucky day, as the door opened without noise. Now, the noises were obvious. Whoever it was still thought they were alone in here. Good. Neon eased the door closed without even a click. Sneaking out of his room at night to the kitchen paid for itself, he guessed.

"Yeah," he heard a man, not a teenager but a full-grown man, say breathily. It was gross. "How does that feel, Konami? Tell me how my fingers feel on your little pussy."

Everything shifted hard left for Neon then. He froze, unable to comprehend or believe what he was hearing. Was that…was that Mr. Hue?

"N-no," A voice that was not from a phone or pair of headphones said. "Y-you disgust me. How d- uhn- dare you touch me like this? L-let me go. Now!"

"Don't be like that, my sweet, tasty Konami," A girlish squeak, and Neon heard people shift around in the second to last stall. Then the metallic shifting of a buckle. "You'll do everything I say, or I won't delete this picture. What will everyone think when they see their student president in such a compromising position?"

"Y-you creep! It'll ruin my life if that picture gets out. You can't do that to me."

"Oh, I can do anything I want to you, Konami. Unless you'd rather this picture go up on the internet and around the school…"

Neon heard pants slide down and hit the floor. "Look at how excited I am for you, Konami. I bet a virgin like you has never even seen a cock like this before, huh?"

Neon had heard enough. His heart beat almost painfully hard, and his ears rang as the situation truly sunk in. This disgusting piece of shit. Neon knew he could run out or make a fuss, but that felt too easy. It wouldn't get rid of that picture, nor Mr. Hue. His mind made up, Neon acted.

Mr. Hue, in his arrogance, never expected the stall door to be kicked in behind him. The door cracked against his back and threw him forward, and Neon gave him a negative chance to recover. He hauled the big man by the back of his collar and yanked him out of the stall. A girl shrieked, but Neon was too focused on the disgusting man groaning in pain on the bathroom floor with his pants down.

God, he did not need to see that man's gross, hairy package. Like, geez man, not even a trim?

Neon let his anger go, and he put a foot on the man's neck, choking him. Mr. Hue looked up with wild, panicked eyes. His hands went to his foot to try and remove it, but Neon pressed it down harder.

"Wha-ugh," whatever Mr. Hue, no, the ugly bastard had to say didn't come out.


He turned his head to look back at Konami but immediately turned it back around after seeing her state of dress. His cheeks heated up.

"Konami," Just focus on doing what needed to be done, Neon. "Y-you should...Uhm fix your clothes because…"

"Oh!" Neon gulped, willing himself not to focus on the sounds of the beautiful girl adjusting her panties and stuffing her breasts back into her bra and shirt. Fuck, now he was thinking of her hard, dark nipples and dripping pu–no! Focus up.

"Where's the phone, you ugly bastard?" Neon ignored little Neon's urging and pulled his anger back to the forefront. "Tell me where it is, and I won't fuck you up before calling the cops."

He blithered and blabbered nonsense, avoiding answering the question. Oh, woe is the ugly bastard who gets caught. The tears only served to piss Neon off even more.

"Shut the fuck up, you sad sack of shit," Neon stomped on the man's face and ground his shoe into his cheek. "Where's. The. Phone?"

"I got it here," Neon heard.

He looked over his shoulder and found Konami, the blue-haired student president, and certified baddie, holding the phone in her hands. Konami looked ruffled, as if she'd run to class to avoid being late. Her uniform was a little out of place, but nothing like it was. Good.

"Can you get into it?" He asked her.

"Yes, he– he had it unlocked to show me before you came in," She said and neared them. Konami had an odd look in her eye. She went from Mr. Hue on the ground to Neon standing over him like she was seeing it for the first time. "What are you going to do to him?"

The bastard tried to say something, but Neon just pressed harder, shutting him up.

Neon pulled out his own phone as an idea struck him. "Take a picture of him as proof and call the cops."

Konami slowly shook her head. Her beautiful expression darkened, saddened. "It won't work. He can just lie and get away with it. He told me he has friends in the police department and high up places."

That… was fucked. No way it was true. "He was literally caught with his pants down, Konami. How would any cop or judge not see he is a fucking creep that deserves to be put in jail?"

"Pants down in the male bathroom? The door you kicked in?" She began, her tone lifeless and eyes vacant and sad. It was a little heartbreaking, to be honest. "Any judge is going to demand proof–,"

"Hence the picture."

"And they'll need statements…from me," Konami said. "I can't confess to what he did. It'll ruin me. Everyone will know he put his hands on me. Then I'm a victim, then I'm damaged goods. They'll take me out of school, make me talk about it over and over, and he may not even get in trouble for it. Nobody will look at me the same again."

That was definitely fucked. Neon didn't know if Konami was being pessimistic or realistic or some other third thing, but, either way, it painted a grim picture. In his mind, this was an open-and-shut case, no? Or it should be, right?

"Hehehe," the ugly bastard had the gall to laugh. I pressed harder on his face, but it didn't stop his piggish laughter. "You see now, my dear Konami. You'll never be rid of me. I own you now, hehehe. You'll be mine forever and ever, hehe."

"Shut your mouth, trash," Neon said, but the bastard's words had landed with devastating impact.

Konami's eyes watered, and tears trailed down her cheeks. Neon didn't like seeing girls cry, and he mentally scrambled for something to do. How was he going to solve this problem? If they couldn't go to the police, then what could they do? The only option Neon could think of was to get rid of the ugly bastard for good. In fact…they could do just that.

Neon unlocked his phone, found the contact he was looking for, and pressed call.

"What are you doing, Neon?" Konami sounded on the verge of panic. "You can't call the police!"

"I'm not," Neon answered. "I'm getting rid of this trash, don't worry."

The call was answered, and the familiar voice on the other end said, "Yo."

"Yo, Juice, you busy right now?"

"Nah, what's up? Ain't you supposed to be in class or whatever you prep kids do."

"I am, but something important has come up. I got some trash I need to be taken out, and I'm willing to pay y'all for it. Full price."

There was a brief but long pause from the other end. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with what I do? Does auntie even know you're calling me?"

"No, and she won't know unless you snitch. These are special circumstances."

"I ain't a snitch."

"Exactly, so you down to help me or what?"

"Yeah, man. You're family– paying family at that. So, what's the fuckers name?"

"Tosh Hue. He's a teacher here at my school. Total fucking creep. Deserves The Works."

"The Works? Nah, don't tell me he–,"

"Yeah, he is. Caught him doing it too."

"Fuuuuck. Alright then. You said his name was Tosh Hue? Lemme pull up his information real quick. The Works it is. Put me on speaker for a moment, bro. Let me say something to the bastard real quick."

Neon took the phone from his ear and clicked the speaker.

"Yooo, Mr. Hue who lives at 1452 Wilmer in apartment 257. No pets, no kids, no parents, and of course, no spouse. Why that sounds like no one is going to miss you when you're gone, Mr. Hue. Perfect."

"W-what do you mean? Who are you? Are you with the police?" The ugly bastard's bravado was nowhere to be found now. Juice had that effect on people.

Juice laughed hard through the phone speaker. "The police? You're a funny man, Mr. Hue. It's going to be even funnier when we finally meet in person. Neon, I'm done here. Send the money and consider the trash taken out."

From there, Neon sent the money to Juice and ended the call. With that settled, he almost stepped off the bastard's face. Only, Neon got an idea.

"Eh, Konami," He called to her. She was standing off the side, arms wrapped around herself in a sort-of hug. "You want to rough him up some before we go?"

She looked at him and shook her head. Neon didn't know how to feel about that, but figured there was no reason to stick around now. Still, before he left, Neon took his own picutre and gave the ugly bastard a kick to remember him by. What Juice and their gang would do to him would be way worse than a kick.

Neon got the chills just thinking about it.




The school day was over, and Neon wasn't sure if he should make some excuse to skip practice and head home. He wasn't sure what to do with himself after what happened, and Konami was being unresponsive. Neon thought he did a good thing and solved the problem, but he didn't feel that way.

Mr. Hue went home early after apparently lying to the front office about tripping and falling in the bathroom and busting his nose. He was no-doubt trying to get out of town, but Juice wasn't lying when they said they were a workaholic. Mr. Hue was in for a terrible surprise when he got home.

Still, aimless and feeling a little strange, Neon simply wandered about the halls until it was time for practice. His steps echoed in the empty school, and his thoughts found their way back to Konami. On one hand, he hoped she was doing okay, but on the other, he couldn't get the image of her body out of his mind.

He felt like a dirtbag for even thinking like that, but Konami was sexy. Full, perky boobs, thick thighs, and wide hips with an ass that turned heads and broke necks. And on top of that, she had a dazzling smile and earnest, hard-working attitude Neon loved. God, he wished she was allowed to date, but from what he heard Konami was from strict parents. Y'know, the type that didn't let their kids eat sugary cereal and had bedtimes still.

If only–

Before he could blink, Neon was snatched up by his collar and dragged into a classroom. He heard a door shut as he recalibrated his equilibrium and got a sense of where he was.

He twisted around, ready to unleash a can of whoop ass on whoever snatched him up like a bad child but found Konami leaning back against the door. Her eyes were shadowed by her blue bangs. Neon found himself curious but relaxed nevertheless.

"Oh, it's just you, Konami," He laughed a little. "You know, if you wanted to talk to me, you didn't have to snatch me up like a toy in the claw machine."

"Apologies, Neon," She murmured, eyes still shadowed. "But I was not sure if you would agree to this."

Neon looked around the classroom. Wasn't this one of those old classrooms with doors that still–


–locked without a key. Huh…this felt very suspicious.

"I feel I must thank you for what you did for me today," Konami said. She stepped closer, and Neon felt himself swallow thickly. His mind only lent itself to dirty fantasies, to hard nipples and wet, glistening cores. He was half hard before he could even stop himself.

"I-I don't know what you mean, Konami. What–," Neon tried to say, but she pressed a finger to his lips to silence him. She leaned forward and Neon could feel her nipples poking at him through her and his shirt. Neon was tall, but Konami was tall for a girl, so their chests were perfect height with each other.

So were their crotches.

Something hot and wet touched his hardening cock, and Neon almost gasped. Konami mewled and dragged a finger from his lips down his chin.

"I must," she breathed. She looked up, and her eyes gleamed like molten pools of gold. He'd always thought her eyes were beautiful. "You saved me, Neon, and thus I must reward you."

She pressed onto him harder, and he felt a hand slide down his flank and fiddle with the belt around his waist. He stopped her, though, in a rush of clarity.

Their eyes locked. "Konami," Neon began. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

She nodded back, a hand already going back to his belt. "I do."

He let her go after that, and she unbuckled his pants. Konami reached into his pants and gripped his hardening girth. Her hand was soft and hot, and Neon felt his balls clench, churn in anticipation. She pulled his pants down and squatted in front of his big bulge, rubbing his length with a firm hand.

She leaned forward until her nose pressed against his bulge. Konami breathed in deep with her eyes closed, almost savoring the scent of his crotch. It was one of the hottest things he'd ever seen, and Neon twitched in response.

"Ooooh," Konami moaned as she rubbed her face against his bulge like a kitten. "Were you perhaps hoping for something like this, Neon? You are already so hard."

Neon swallowed hard and felt his abs clench as she kissed his bulge. Her fingers skated up his hips and under the waistband of his underwear. He held back his moans but shuddered as her nails glided along his skin. She pulled his boxers down, and his cock jumped out and nearly slapped her across the face.

"Oh," her quiet wonderment was undeniably sexy. "It's so big."

Her eyes crossed, taking in his cock from tip to base. He leaked pre-cum, and Neon would be embarrassed for being this worked up if he had the chance to.

Instead, Konami leaned in and flicked a tongue out to lick the tip of his cock. Neon twitched and groaned under his breath. Konami looked up at him, beneath thick blue eyelashes questioning. She licked the tip again, and Neon clenched his jaw to not make a fool of himself.

Konami gripped his shaft and fondled his balls with her hands. Slowly, she stroked him up and down, up and down and cupped his balls.

"I can feel how full they are," She said, and Neon could've screamed at how unfair things felt. "Do you not masturbate regularly, Neon?"

"Urmphh," he whimpered. Neon didn't care if he sounded like a wimp. Konami, one of the hottest girls in school, had her hands on his cock and balls, asking him these things? God, if this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.

Konami smirked before she opened her mouth wide with an 'ahh.' Her tongue was soaking wet, and the tip of his dick hovered above her mouth. In one swift move, Konami had his dick in her mouth, and Neon almost fell to his knees. His hips jerked as a jolt of pleasure, unlike anything he'd felt before, ran through him.

Konami's mouth was unlike any toy. It was hot and wet, and her tongue danced along his cock. Her lips were sealed tight as she sawed her head back and forth, up and down his entire length. Neon wasn't small, confidently above average, and Konami swallowed him like he was toting three inches instead of seven.

Spit trailed down her mouth as she sucked his cock harder and faster. Wet, erotic noises came from her mouth as she swallowed him down. She slid back and let her tongue swirl around the head of his cock, touching the most sensitive parts.

Neon threw his head back, biting his knuckle to keep from moaning. It all felt so good. Her tongue danced from the tip to up and down the sides of his shaft. Her hand went to his balls and fondled them, enhancing his pleasure tenfold.

Fuck, Neon thought, watching Konami suck his cock was the hottest thing he'd ever seen. And it was all coming to an end sooner rather than later. His hands twitched until he placed them gently onto her head. Konami hummed around his cock, slathering it with spit and sucking like a loud, wet vacuum.

'MMPH, MMPH, MMPH,' she sucked his cock, almost magically making it disappear down her throat. The vibrations, the suction, the heat– it was all too much. Neon couldn't hold on even if he tried.

"Kona-," he gasped and groaned as she massaged his balls. "I-I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!"

She locked eyes with him, and Neon came undone. His balls clenched hard, and Konami kept her lips sealed around the tip of his cock while she milked his shaft. Her tongue flickered across the bottom of the tip, and Neon felt his eyes cross.

Shot after shot of cum rocketed into her throat, and Konami gagged but stayed locked around his cock. More drool and spit spilled out of her mouth, staining the floor and her shirt. Neon didn't know how long his orgasms lasted; all he knew was that it was over, and Konami was milking him for every last drop.

He came out of her mouth with a 'POP,' and Konami puckered her red, smeared lips with her cheeks puffed up. She swirled the cum around in her mouth and then opened it to show him his essence. She closed and swallowed it all in one big gulp. God, Neon felt his cock twitching back to life already.

"Konami," Neon felt out of breath. "That was…amazing."

Konami stood, face smeared with spit and drops of his cum dotting her lips. Her tongue flickered out to lick it all up. "Thank you," she said with a blush across her cheeks. "I– I have a further request of you, Neon."

He gave her a gesture to go ahead and ask; he doubted he could tell her no for whatever she asked. Neon's breath caught when she went over to a desk, bent over it, and hiked her skirt. Neon felt his breath catch.

Konami wasn't wearing any panties.

She spread her ass cheeks, showing him her shaved, puckered asshole and glistening, beckoning snatch.

She looked over her shoulder with lustrous golden eyes. "Will you fuck me, Neon?" She asked him and shook her ass a little from side to side.

Neon felt his little soldier rise back up to salute, and he was ready to do his duty with no hesitation.


