Sam entered his room and dropped his bag. He sunk into his bed and an exhale escaped through his nostrils. He couldn't stop thinking about Gina. He discovered he now liked her more than he thought. He opened his bag and took out his phone, he thought of texting her but he decided not to, perhaps she will think he's too clingy. He thought about what Daryl had done to her. Perhaps he could change all that and be there for her. Recently, seeing her in pain hurts him somehow but he just didn't get the nerve to open up.

   Then the door was knocked and his mum came in. 'Hey sweetie. You are back', She said enveloping him in a hug.

'Yeah,' he whispered softly.

Taking a peep into his phone, 'Whose this? Is this your girlfriend? She asked curiously and Sam shook his head slowly smiling.

'I know that smile. Have been there,' she said and rubbed his hair.

'I like her', he whispered grinning widely.

'Do let her know. She may feel that way too', She said. 'Am sure she can't resist my handsome boy's charm', she added tingling Sam and the grin became more wide.


Gina wrapped herself with the blanket. With Grey and Luke standing over her. 'You guys can go. Am fine', she said for the I-lost-the-figure-time.

'Just stay put okay. And get your ass to sleep', Luke stated with a grimaced expression and it was clear he's disturbed about something.

   'Shes worried about us too despite being hurt. We will go now okay. Don't worry. Just rest up and be fine. Call me if you need anything', Grey said patting Luke and went with him. Grey knew Luke was disturbed about his sister.

    She turned her side and exhaled, taking out her phone. She now thought about the scenario again. And how Sam stood for her asking how the bond can be broken. She couldn't deny Sam likes her. And gradually she's begining to feel the same too. She expected him to text or call her. But he didn't do so. Perhaps he is just been nice, she thought as she put away her phone. She didn't want to rush anything again.


Max flipped and landed. He scoffed and took his bag. Then his dad knocked, he opened and he came in. 'Hey deepshit. How was school today?', he asked.

 'Fine. And great', he replied. 'You are back early today. Is something wrong?', he asked back.

' Nothing really. I just got tired. And I want to rest', he fumed and patted him. 'Take care of yourself. Call your brother and ask how he's fairing', Aldor said.

  'Okay dad',Max replied and took his phone, dialed his brothers number and both talked. But on the phone, Max knew something was wrong. He hung up and Aldor asked him how his brother was. He nodded implying he's fine.

'I will be back soon. I need to go see Sam for something', Max said

'I thought you just came back from him or something', Aldor said but Max shook his head.

'I just remembered I forgot something at his place', he said. 'And I will be home at night or tomorrow', he added.

'Okay. Stay away from trouble', Aldor said and went out.

'Oh I will.....cause some trouble', he murmured and clenched his fist.

 ***†***(At night)

'Why wouldn't she leave you alone? One of the guys asked pushing Wade. They were around when he was on the call with his brother. He just lied that he was fine. His hell has begun this night again. They have been tormenting him because of his to-be-girlfriend, so he had no choice but to break up with her. Still he wasn't left alone by the leader of this gang called Seno. 

     It has been a while now and they haven't left. 'You are going to regret ever loving her.' Seno said as he prepared to give him a beating. But a strange smell entered his nose, he sniffed and looked at others. They immediately went out and found a guy standing outside. His face was covered. 'Who are you?', Seno asked. The guy didn't answer, he rushed towards them and attacked. He struck the first guy and kicked the second guy. The third guy rushed attacks at him but he dodged and  grabbed the guy, he smashed him to the ground but as he lifted his head, Seno grabbed him and punched him hard in the face and threw him against the wall. Seno and the guys saw him slowly standing up, when the guy raised up his head, the veil has been removed and they could see his eyes glowing burning blue which caused a shiver to run through their spine.

  The guy made a low feral growl, but Seno came for ward and snarled at the guy. 'Who are you? and what pack are you from?', he asked.

'I want you to leave him the fuck alone', the guy replied and others hurriedly nodded but Seno didn't. He came forward again, 'You are just a nobody to me. A lone wolf here. You can't tell....', he hasn't finished his words when the guy grabbed his arm and twisted it backwards and Seno giving out a pained yell. 'Go now! He growled and Seno was dragged away by his colleagues. Wade has been watching from his window. As he came out to talk to the guy, the guy had already been gone.

He walked up to the front but he couldn't see anyone and he wondered who that could be. But far from him was a pair of glowing blue eyes staring at him from the dark.
