At night in a house clanks of spoons hitting the plates can be heard. A guy and his dad were having supper.

'So, your grade was still the same?', His dad asked but he continued eating paying ignoring the question. His dad asked and still, he ignored. Now furious, the dad broke the cup in his palms and banged the table the broken glass cut the boy's eye. He groaned and held it tight, he removed the glass and it healed.

 'Now out of my house! you freak of an abomination!', dad shouted. Then the guy went out and his eyes glowed yellow.

***†***(Next day)

'Hey man', Sam greeted excitedly as Wade parked his motorcycle and Max got off it.

'What's up man?', Wade asked smiling.

'Am good', Sam replied shaking hands with Wade.

'Bye bro', Max said and hugged him.

  'Bye', Wade said sharply and started the engine then he took off.

'Have you heard?', Sam asked.

'What?', Max asked.

 'What's your super hearing for dumbass?', Sam asked and pushed Max towards the hallway where the two policemen and the VC were talking with Hardy. 'What can you hear?', Sam asked curiously.

'A student killed his dad and absconded. They are asking about his details", Max said then Hardy spotted them and he started walking towards them.

"I believe you heard", Hardy said as he squashed his jotter into his pocket and Max nodded.

 'Do you believe the boy did it?', Sam asked.

'You have to see the scene first', Hardy said.


They went to the house and entered.

'Gross', Sam said and puked in a corner. Max grunted seeing the corpse and he bent down. He noticed the marks.

'I think he's somehow like you guys', Hardy said staring briefly at Max

'No. Am not like him. And he's not like me. A claw wouldn't cut so deep like this. Unless it's talons', Max opined

'A werewolf doesn't have talons?', Hardy asked.

'Not that I know off, Max replied briefly.

'How can we be sure he did this?', Sam asked.

'We don't need to be sure, 'cause he didn't do it', Daryl said and all turned to look at him.

'Hey, how'd you get in here?', Hardy asked.

'That doesn't matter, Daryl said and raised a totem. 'This is a totem of his clan. He's a vampire. And I can assure you he didn't kill his father. A vampire doesn't kill it's a food source, not like this,' He added.

'You can tell what clan he's from by that totem', Max asked.

'Yes. He's not from my clan. His clans are one of the weakest vampires', Daryl said.

 'I think we have to find him, Sam said.

 'Wait. If he didn't do it, who did?', Hardy asked.

'We will find out, Max said.


 Grey fired many bullets and threw the gun at Luke who grabbed it and chuckled.

'You think am slacking?', He asked jokingly.

'No, I don't think so. I know so', Grey replied mockingly. Luke aimed and fired he missed the target. He bowed his head in defeat and gave the gun to Gina who aimed straight and shot the target.

'Someone is getting better every day here while the other is sulking behind', Grey said not looking at the frown on Luke's face whilst Gina smiled.

'Alright. Am out. I'm tired', Luke said and went away then Grey walked up to Gina.

'Am happy to see you this way. Keep it up', Grey commented.

'Thank you, dad', Gina said and smiled then hugged, Grey.

'Am happy I have you as a daughter', Grey said softly.

 But not far from a corner a person could be seen watching them and with a smirk on his face,' let's see how long this will last?', he said and jumped from the tree to another holding them with his tail.
