'We really don't need to kill him based on what he said',Elena said and Max groaned. 

'What do we do then?',Daryl asked and Elena went towards Brye. She murmured some latin words from a book and poured a liquid on Brye.

'What will that do?', Daryl asked and immediately. It started peeling off Brye's skin as he screamed in pain.

'What are you doing?',Max asked.

'Ripping him off his power', Elena replied. 'He is shedding his old skin', she added. Brye continued to scream in pain and until the liquid peeled his skin off and it stopped. 

 'What do we do with him now?',Daryl asked disappointed they didn't have to kill him.

'We turn him over to Hardy. He must go to jail for his crimes',Elena said and Max glanced at Brye awfully.