Chapter 14 - A storm is brewing

We had returned from Paris a few weeks ago and were back in New York. The second season of Eye Candy would start production very soon; but for the moment we were in the midst of the pre-production; the part of television that is often overlooked but where most of the heavy lifting takes place. I was at the studio with the rest of the writing staff working when I received a call from Greg Johnson my boss asking to meet with him in his office.

"Hey Greg, how are you?" I asked him as I sat down in the chair opposite him. The same chair I had sat in the day he offered me the job that would change my life.

"Doing well Duncan. Thank you for asking. You and Victoria all set for the Emmys?"

"Very excited. We hope we can bring at least one of those statues home."

"As do we. There's a reason I asked you in here. Do you know who Eric Strong is?

"Yeah of course."

"Well his manager called me and Eric is very interested in being a part of Eye Candy."

"With all due respect didn't he just come out of rehab with a pretty serious drug habit?"

"Yes but that is all behind him now. I heard you had set up a casting call; searching for a new love interest for Lindy on the show. He would be perfect for the role."

"I'm not so sure. Aside from the rehab he has been a pain on the set of everything he's ever done."

"That is true but he is really turning over a new leaf."

"Why do I get the feeling that this has more to do with brand recognition, than actually being a good fit?" I asked furrowing my brow. I knew very well where this was headed.

"Well I cannot deny that having his name attached to our studio could only do wonders for our show and our network." Greg responded seeming just as wary as I. "We also would appreciate if you made his arc on the show mirror some of the addiction he's been dealing with in real life. We think it would help the audience grab on to him quickly."

"So not only are you telling me who to cast you are also dictating how I should write the show?" We stared at each other neither of us really prepared to lose any ground. We had always had a good relationship. True we didn't speak much and he mostly stayed out of my way; but this was ridiculous the show was doing so well and now he wanted to put his stamp on it.

"Duncan I am your boss after all. You've been doing great work but you've never run a hit show before."

"I got us Emmy nominations. Something this network has never had before. Not one but three." I spat back at him feeling the anger rise in my chest.

"You've admittedly done some great work. But truth be told we are just not sure you'll be able to keep it up."

"You gave me this job because you thought I had talent and could get you to the next level."

"No!" He answered coldly. "We gave you the job because your girlfriend threw a fit and gave us no damn choice. We thought you would come in crash and burn and we would cancel the show and bring something fresh along to be rid of the both of you. Now things have changed; we have a hit on our hands and we intend to keep it that way." He took a beat and stared daggers my way. "With or without you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. After everything I had done for the show they still looked at me as though I was expendable. They never believed in Eye Candy, they were prepared to cut their loses.

"If I were you Duncan I would tread lightly." He continued. "Do what we ask and you and your girlfriend may have another season. Refuse and we can easily replace you. Writers are a dime a dozen."

"What about Victoria? She's the star of the show? Can you just as easily replace her?" He almost laughed when I said that.

"You believe that she would follow you out the door? She is the star of a hit show she will stay put. Even you're not naïve enough to believe otherwise. It's just the nature of the business."

I was beaten. We both knew it. I would have to suck it up and do what they asked even if it meant putting the show in jeopardy. I thought that all the hard work we had done would have earned us some faith but I was wrong. They now knew what they had. I nodded to Greg and left the office almost in a daze. I was almost to my office wondering how I had gotten there when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to find Kiersey smiling at me.

"Hey Superstar!" She said full of enthusiasm and excitement. We had gotten along very well since I took the job and we hadn't seen each other since the last season had wrapped. She saw the look on my face and her excitement quickly turned to concern. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I just had a meeting with Greg didn't go too well." She nodded knowingly.

"I bet. He can be a real jerk at times. How badly did it go?"

"Nothing too serious! Just deal with the devil type stuff."

"You want to talk about it?" She asked sweetly? She had always been a good friend.

"Not right away. But at some point it will do some good to talk about it."

"You know where to find me Superstar." She hugged me and walked on. Even In my current state I enjoyed the hug. She smelled great and had a wonderful figure. For a second I hoped that maybe Victoria wouldn't mind if she joined us in the way Ariana had during our trip to L.A. Only to remember that although they got along pretty well they didn't like each other too much. Kiersey had actually auditioned for the role of Lindy and had been looked over for Victoria. Kiersey never said it but I knew she felt that she would be better for the part.

I had to forget all that because I had some news to share with the rest of the writing staff. They were equally as bummed as I was. We had some great ideas going and we realized we would have to give up on most of them to fit in Strong's character's new story arc. We worked a little and broke off until the next day so we could start off fresh. I was supposed to meet Victoria for dinner and had a surprise set up for her afterwards. This whole ordeal had really messed with my head though and I would try to get out of my funk so we could enjoy the evening ahead. I walked into the restaurant and Victoria was already waiting. She looked beautiful in a white sundress. Her hair was down and she had put on just enough makeup. Even though the day had been horrible just seeing her made things a tiny bit better. She saw me walking towards her and smiled and it got a lot better. She kissed me and I held her tightly against me.

"Are you okay babe?" She asked with worry in her eyes.

"The network wants us to sign Eric Strong as your new love interest on the show."

"Eric Strong? I heard he was in rehab."

"Nope he's out. And since Eye Candy is doing so well he wants to be part of it hoping that it'll help him get back to the top."

"You don't think he'll do a good job? I mean he is quite talented."

"Yeah he can act but he's an ass to work with and he just got out of rehab. The worst part is that the network wants us to rework his story arc to mirror his real life trauma."

"Oh wow are you serious? That means all of the hard work that you put in is all going to go to waste."

"The guys were bummed in the room. But there's not much to say. We just have to find a way to make it work."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out."

We spent the rest of the dinner talking about other things. Plans for the Emmys, Madi starting school at USC and just all around small talk. I tried to get out of my own head but it was incredibly difficult. I really loved the show we had built and the world we were continuing to explore. I was losing control of it. I didn't have the heart to tell Victoria some of the other things that Greg had said. In the grand scheme of things I don't think it really mattered anyways. I excused myself from the table to head to the bathroom. Greg's words keep resonating in my head. This is really not what I had signed up for. I washed my hands and turned towards the door when Victoria walked in and locked it behind her. She grabbed me and kissed me deeply. "I'm sorry you had a bad day baby. Let me try to make it a little better." She pushed me back against the wall and continued kissing me. My hands ran up and down her back finally resting on her plump bottom. I raised the back of her dress and began grabbing her ass cheeks. It was easy since she was wearing a thong that fit perfectly in between her cheeks.

She unbuckled my belt and snapped off my pants. She dropped to her knees pulling my clothes with her all the way down to my ankles. She looked at my cock for a minute appreciating the length before kissing the head and pumping the shaft with her hand. My dick began to grow and expand quite quickly within her possession. She pulled the head of my cock closer to her mouth before enclosing her lips on me. I tossed my head back in pure pleasure. I looked down and loved the sight that was before. My sexy girlfriend was on her knees giving me an earth shattering blowjob in a public restroom. I watched as her sexy lips stretched beautifully around my dick as she took more and more of it into her mouth. I held her head in my hand and pushed her down softly. She gave me a knowing look before taking the entirety of my cock in her throat. I began pumping my hips into her mouth loving the feel of her tongue as it ran all across my cock.

She popped off of my dick with her mouth and began sucking on my balls while continuing to jerk my cock. She took my left ball and then my right continuing to alternate between the two and making my head dizzy with desire. She knew my cock almost as well as I did at that point; she could feel that I was about to burst. She placed her lips at the head of my dick once more sucking me in deep and jerking me off quickly. The cum build up in the head of my penis just ready to explode and drench her mouth in sticky cum. I put a fist to my mouth so that I wouldn't scream, while I unleashed my cum down Victoria's throat.

She was incredible she didn't miss a beat and sucked me in deep taking every drop that I had to offer. I was weak at the knees and if it weren't for the wall behind me I would have fallen flat on the floor. Victoria cleaned my dick and continued to suck me until I went fully limp in her mouth. She put me back in my pants and made me presentable once more before laying the deepest sexiest kiss I had ever received.

"I love you V." She smiled at me and held me tight.

"I love you too. I hope that helped you feel a little better."

"Better about what?" I half joked. In that moment I didn't think I had anything to worry about.

"Let's get out of here I have a surprise for you."

"What? Tell me please?"

"Let's go you'll see."

We paid the check and walked hand in hand through the beautiful New York evening we had been blessed with. Victoria held onto my arm and we laughed together as we made our way through the busy city streets. In that moment though it was as though we were the only people in the whole world. We finally arrived at our destination with Victoria still not knowing what to expect. We entered the elevator and I could feel her excitement rise. The doors opened and we were greeted by the receptionist.

"Welcome to MSR recording studios. Who are you here to see?"

"Duncan Bryant, here to see Kanye West."

"Yes sir. He's expecting you."

Victoria turned to me.

"Babe what are we doing here?"

"I saw you performing at Ariana's show and you looked so happy. In that moment I knew we had to find a way to get you back on stage as many times as possible. I worked on the show for Kanye and he loved it. He felt he owed me a favor so I asked him if he could produce a song for you and help you get back out there." She looked at me in awe. I could see tears streaking in the edge of her eyes. She hugged me so tight.

"Babe are you serious?"

"Dead serious.See?" I pointed to Kanye who was behind a huge mixing station. He came out to greet us.

"Sup Duncan. How you doing bro?"

"I'm good man. This is Victoria."

"I know who she is. How you doing Tori? You ready to hear what we got set up for you?"

"You guys already have something?" Victoria asked even more surprised.

"Yeah we been working on it for a few days here. Your man here wrote the lyrics and everything. We think with your vocals and my team doing the audio this gonna be a hit."

"Let's hear it!" She looked like a child in a candy store. Unabashedly happy and I felt the same in that moment. All that crap that had taken place earlier that day was placed to the backburner. I remembered why any of this truly mattered. The money was great and there were a lot of great perks to this industry and this job. But it wouldn't be as exciting living this adventure if Victoria wasn't along with me. Whatever Greg and the studio threw at me I knew that I would be able to overcome it as long as she was by my side.

The music started pumping through the speakers and it was even better than I had remembered. We went through the song a couple of times with Victoria. She was dumbfounded at how good it was. She stepped behind the microphone in the booth and started singing. She was never more beautiful than when she did the thing that made her happiest in the world. She was singing her heart out and the song sounded awesome.

"Hey Kanye. This song is great. Thank you so much for doing this."

"You welcome man. It's the least I could do after all the work you put on the show. Speaking of which NBC and FOX both want it."

"That's great man I'm glad to hear that."

"Where do you think we should put it on?"

"I'd say try to pitch it to HBO. That way you could really go wild with it and get more creative freedom."

"I love that. We gonna give it a shot."

Victoria came back into the room with us looking incredibly happy; smiling from ear to ear. She was practically glowing. Kanye put the song on so she could hear the full version with her voice added to the mix. She loved it and stood up and started dancing. A few other members of Kanye's crew followed suit.

"Thank you Kanye this is great. This studio is awesome."

"It sure is this is where I recorded the Yeezus album. But don't thank me, thank your man right there. He killed it with the lyrics."

"Oh I'll thank him alright." Responded Victoria with a naughty smile over towards him. Everyone laughed

"I might even ask him to work with me on a couple of tracks for my next joint. How you feel about that D?"

"I'd like that very much." I answered; thinking that he was just trying to get me to look good in front of Victoria.

"We gotta go but the studio is all paid up for the rest of the night. Ya'll can chill here and play with some stuff. Just buzz that button over there if you need someone to come in and help you with the instruments." He took a copy of the song that we had just recorded. "I'm gonna get this to my people, gonna try to get it out there ASAP."

With that he and his crew got together and left wishing us luck and Kanye telling me he would call me soon. Victoria and I sat on one of the couches listening to her new song playing on repeat.

"This song is great V. Going to be a huge hit."

"None of it would have been possible without you." She kissed me hard, her tongue snaking into my mouth. She sat down on my lap holding my face in her hands. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her tightly against my body. She began to gyrate her hips against my hardening cock. This woman just set my soul on fire. Her kisses were like starter fluid. Her lips and her tongue the match. We made out almost like teenagers my hands found their way to her ass. Her lips rained kisses on my neck and ears. My hands went underneath her dress feeling the supple flesh of her ass once more. I ran a finger across her pussy through her panties and she moaned loudly as I repeated the motion. I had Victoria on my lap moaning for me as her voice continued to come through the speakers placed strategically all over the room. I pulled down the straps of her dress and kissed along her neckline, as more and more of her body was unveiled to me. Her breasts were finally free and I wasted no time in latching my lips to the one nearest one.

I put it in my mouth as I pushed a finger into her pussy, causing her to moan even louder in pleasure and surprise. She started moving her hips on my fingers to the rhythm of her freshly minted song. She looked so unbelievably sexy, eyes closed mouth open in a silent gasp, sweat beginning to form across her chest as her body continued to bounce on my fingers. I felt her nearing orgasm and then I heard her as she screamed piercing through the music playing.

She came down from her high staring right at me before she began unbuckling my belt and letting my dick come out of my pants in order to play. She moved her panties aside and lowered herself on me taking me entirely in her in one stroke. When she bottomed out, she simply held herself on me as I grabbed her ass. She slowly began grinding against me never breaking eye contact. She slowly rode me and dropped her hand and played with my balls. Our lips met and we kissed and held each other as we fucked each other.

I stood up carrying her in my arms. I placed her on the couch and began fucking her. It was my turn to take charge and set the pace. I choose one a little faster than hers had been. I grabbed her ass and began pulling her into me as I pushed into her. She was moaning and screaming at every thrust, her head was wiping left and right and her hair was all over the place. "I'm cumming babe, I'm so close don't stop fucking me." I grabbed her hips and started pounding into her even harder. We were fucking so hard the couch was moving backwards, the music was still pumping through the speakers but it sounded almost distant at this point.

I pulled out of her soaking pussy and turned her around. Her ass was aimed directly at my dick almost like an invitation, who was I not to take it. I pushed my dick into her tight tunnel and we both groaned simultaneously. I looked down at her ass and started pounding into her pushing me closer and closer to an orgasm. I banged into her so hard my balls were slapping against her clit on every stroke. She threw her head back and was about to cum once more. As the high note in her song played she squealed in joy once more as her pussy clamped cumming again and forcing my cock to erupt into her. I continued sinking gallon after gallon of cum into her until I had nothing left.

We both crashed against the couch trying to catch our breaths. We held each other as we came down from an amazing high.

The music continued to come through the speakers and we were a mess. We looked at each other and kissed and couldn't help but laugh. Tomorrow would bring some new challenges but in this moment all was perfect. I closed my eyes and embraced this moment of peace. It would be my last for quite some time.