Chapter 19 - First Day of Shooting

CUT! CUT" Screamed the director at Eric. "What the hell are you doing Strong? Those are not the lines." A few days had passed and we were on the set shooting the first episode of the season. We had barely begun the first scene with Eric and he was already going off script. The director let it go a few times before getting in his face about it.

"Why the hell can't you stay on script?" He asked him incredulously. Eric gave off his trademark smirk before off handedly replying.

"I'm sorry but the script sucks." I was in the back as always. I liked being on set so changes could be made right away in case something didn't sound right. What Eric had just said definitely did not sound right. "Whoever wrote this trash should seriously consider a different career." That line sent me off and I quickly moved across the set and towards Eric.

"Oh yeah! You did write this trash. How could I have forgotten?" I tried to keep my calm but it really was not easy. I knew what he was trying to do. He wanted to get a rise out of me, wanted to push me or at the very least embarrass me in front of the crew. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves before speaking.

"What exactly are you having trouble with Eric?" I asked him as politely as I could muster. Victoria still stood to the side not interfering. Watching closely.

"The whole thing. Who would say this? I mean have you ever tried to seduce a woman?" He looked over at Victoria. "How did you get her again? Do you remember that? I bet she made the first move. Have you ever had the guts to step to a woman Duncan? I doubt that very much. Cuz if you had you would know your little EN 101 quotes won't work on women."

I felt my blood boil and made a fist with my hand. Victoria caught my eye as she shook her head and gestured for me to calm down. She finally intervened.

"Okay Eric let's just follow the script for now, we can always plan re shoots later if it doesn't turn out well. Right?" The director nodded obviously pressed to return to his shoot.

"Fine I'll go through with it Tori. But only cuz you asked me so sweetly." Eric said.

"Duncan maybe you should wait in my trailer the scene is almost done. I'll be there soon." Victoria suggested. I nodded thinking it was better for me to stay the hell away from Strong before I broke his damn jaw. I turned and began to walk away.

"Good boy Duncan. You should listen to her more often. Maybe if you did you would have an Emmy to your name by now, Instead you're just another loser who will soon be forgotten."

That was almost too much. I felt a deep seated rage that I had no idea I was even capable of. I couldn't let this get out of hand; couldn't let him get the best of me. I walked off the set with as much dignity as I could. I walked into Victoria's trailer and sat down on the couch right away. I was furious. Who did this little shit think he was? That last shot about the Emmy weighed heavily. A few minutes later Victoria joined me in the trailer.

"Are you okay babe?" She asked.

"What the hell was all that about? What did he have to prove? "

"I'm really not sure. I'm really sorry. He just got carried away. I think he's just frustrated with his rehab and everything."

"What does that have anything to do with me?"

"Nothing Duncan. We have to be understanding of him. He's going through a really tough time."

"Are you actually seriously defending him? As though he was the only person going through a hard time."

"It's just that rehab is taking a toll on him. We need him at his best for the show. Please just calm down okay?"

"I can't just calm down V. This sucks so bad."

"Well maybe I can help you calm down." She leaned into me and kissed me deeply. The moment I felt the softness of her lips against mine; the rage dissipated as quickly as it had arisen. I pulled her body closer to mine and she settled on my lap; straddling me as her tongue sought out mine. We kissed slowly, lovingly. Whenever she would kiss me this way I would remember why I was taking all this bullshit that seemed to constantly surround me. I took the button off of the tight jeans she was wearing, she lifted herself off of my lap in order to help me remove them. We pulled them down along with her damp panties and her sexy pussy was once again there for me to make mine. She fished my cock out of my pants and released it from its confines in my pants.

We didn't have much time and we both knew it; Victoria quickly scrambled back onto my lap and pressed her wet pussy against my throbbing cock. She lowered herself onto me and my cock sank into her wet pussy. I was enveloped by her tight walls and threw my head back in pleasure. Victoria sat down on my dick and started kissing my neck and licking my ear. The grip I had on her ass got tighter as my desire for her continued to grow. I guided her up and down on my dick at a leisurely pace enjoying the feel of her pussy lips wrapped tightly around my erection. I kissed her soft lips and pushed my hands underneath her shirt searching for her nipples. Once found I pinched on them, feeling them grow and get harder under my ministrations. Victoria's moans started getting louder as she started really bucking down on my dick.

I held on to her tits as leverage and would thrust my dick back into her whenever she would come down on me. We had often rushed to her trailer to share moments such as these; but today felt somehow different. I loved her, I knew she loved me our lovemaking had always been fueled by passion and desire but today I felt a distance between us that had never been there before.

I still enjoyed being in her, and she still looked sexy as hell as she continued to ride the both of us towards orgasm. I reached between us and played with her clit. Flicking the nub with my fingers; enjoying her moans as they picked up in volume. I kissed her again feeling my orgasm drawing near. The cum beginning to build in my balls as the rest of the world ceased to exist. She wrapped her arms around me even tighter as the walls of her pussy did the same to my dick as she continued to launch her body up and down mine. She yelled out once more before her pussy erupted and she came all over my lap. Feeling her juices run down the length of my cock I could no longer hold back and erupted into her. I could feel all of the cum rush out of my cockhead and find its way into her. I lay back on the couch panting with sweat on my brow. Victoria lay her head on my chest with my softening dick still inside of her.

"Hey babe, did that calm you down?" she asked me with a smile in her voice.

"V you're in the wrong line of work. You do have a talent for calming me."

"Are you saying I should be hooker?"

"Well nah, you'd be too expensive and I could never afford you."

"You're a sweet guy may give you a discount."

"Are we really joking about you being a prostitute? It just seems wrong to me!"

"haha, I agree. I'm yours babe." We kissed and held each other for a little bit. All the while I was unable to shut off my mind. On the surface everything seemed fine, but I could no longer ignore the nagging feeling inside of me that something was very wrong between us. I looked in her eyes at one point and knew she felt the same. There was a moment there when we both just looked at each other, so much to say but neither of us said a word. We let the moment pass mumbling excuses of a need to be ready for the next scene. She went into the bathroom to clean up and I left the trailer in direction to my office. With the luck I had been having it was no wonder that I would run into Strong on my way.

"Just leaving Victoria's trailer? I can't wait until she visits mine. " I had had enough.

"Listen Eric. I have had it with you. I'm warning you stay the hell away from her and stay the hell away from me." He chuckled. He never took me seriously. Then again I was pretty sure he didn't take much of anything seriously.

"You don't get it do you Duncan? You're on borrowed time my friend. Here at this network, and with Victoria. When she was criss crossing all over the country she had numerous chances to come back to New York and she hardly ever took them; just enough to keep you happy. You've already lost her, you just don't know it yet." I flinched and he caught it. " Or maybe you do." He smiled broadly. "Tell me how does it feel? To know you're going to lose that nice sweet piece of ass, that soon it'll be another man, fucking her? More importantly how does it feel knowing it will more than likely be me. I'm telling you I cannot wait to..."

He didn't have time to finish, I punched him so hard in the face that I felt my knuckles crack against the side of his jaw. His head snapped back and he fell backwards hitting his head against his trailer. All of a sudden we were surrounded by people rushing over to see the commotion. The members of the crew ran to Eric to check on him of course he was just fine. Kiersay showed up saw Eric lying on the ground and knew instantly what had just taken place.

Not long after that Victoria ran from her trailer and saw me standing over Eric. My hand was on fire but nothing could have hurt me more than seeing her rush to Eric's side and ask him if he was alright her eyes filled with concern. Before she turned those same eyes to me but when she did those eyes were filled with disapproval. Eric caught that and grinned at me. He had won and in that moment we both knew it. I walked away knowing very well there was nothing to be done, but wait for the other shoe to drop.