Chapter 21 - Goodbyes (2)

I rose up and kissed her lips again. I set myself between her legs and guided my dick into her pussy. As always her walls gripped my cock almost instantly, I pushed in slowly; taking my time determined to enjoy these final moments with her. I continued to dive deeper and deeper into her as our eyes met and passed so many unspoken emotions. I kissed her again, a hot lust filled kiss as my hips began pushing into her continuously. She wrapped her arms and my neck and her legs around my waist. She refused to let me go. I wrapped my arms around her. I'm sure we were quite the sight. She began bucking harder against me begging and urging me to pick up the pace. I gave her what she wanted and sent my hips into overdrive. I drove my cock into her as deeply and quickly as I could. Victoria's nails scratched my back forcing me to scream in both pleasure and pain. She had a naughty smile on her face and whispered to me to fuck her harder. I grabbed her hips and fucked her just as she had asked. She was throwing her head from side to side, her hair flinging all over the place. We were both drenched in sweat and both heading straight for orgasm.

"I love you!" We both said to each other almost simultaneously as we came together. Her pussy tightening, my cock pumping, her body bucking up and down on the bed as though she were possessed. I wasn't doing much else either as I fired my dick into her again and again as cum continued to burst from my cock head probably drenching her and painting her insides white.

We both crumpled on the bed kissing and reaching out for one another. We held each other close and took deep ragged breaths. We kept telling each other how much we loved each other. She fell asleep. I didn't. I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower, letting the water wash away all of the strain I had been feeling these past few months. I stepped out and got dressed, gathered a few clothes in a bag. I stood at the edge of the bed watching Victoria sleep and my heart called out to her. I wanted to lay by her side and hold her closely but knew that part of my life was over; at least for the moment.

"I will always love you Victoria." I whispered into her ear before leaving the room. I had my hand on the knob of our apartment, before I left I turned around to take a look at our apartment. It would more than likely be the very last time I stepped foot there. We hadn't been here for very long but had shared some great memories. I finally turned the knob and left feeling both heaviness and a lightness that was hard to understand. I would miss Victoria, I'd always carry her in my heart. But the thought of leaving behind all the pettiness, bullshit and stupidity I had faced as of late felt good. I stepped out of the building the rain had quieted down to a drizzle

I caught the first cab I could find and gave him the address to my old apartment. I hadn't gotten rid of it yet and still had a few things there that I needed. During the ride I pulled out my cell phone and called Kanye. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey it's Duncan."

"How you doing bro? It's all over the news you punched out Eric Strong. What's with that?"

"He's an asshole. That's all." He laughed on the other end.

"He sure is. What can I do for you man?"

"Well I'm free to work with you on the show if you'll still have me."

"You for real man? I was hoping you would change your mind. We bout to head back to L.A you should meet me there the day after next we can talk about everything then."

"Thanks man. See you soon."

I hung up and knew I had made the right decision right away. I got to my old apartment and quickly rushed upstairs. It was just as I had left it. I went to the drawer in my nightstand. And right where I had left it there was the little black box that carried inside it the engagement ring I had bought for Victoria during our trip to Paris. I couldn't leave without it. It wouldn't have felt right. I took another look at it before putting it in my bag. I lay in my old bed and fell asleep to rest for a few hours.

I woke up a few hours later reaching out and not finding Victoria there. I felt a dull ache in my heart as the events of the past 24 hours came rushing back. I took a deep breath before getting out of bed taking a shower and making a call to get a flight out to L.A that very evening. A red eye! Just my damn luck. I also called for a car for the day to take care of a few errands before I left tonight.

My first stop had to be at MTV. I met Greg at his office where he yelled a lot before firing me; stating that I had a morality clause in my contract and would not be paid a dime. I shrugged it off. I honestly could not care less and had taken more than enough shit from this suit as it was.

"Listen Greg, it's fine keep your money. Just know that this will not be the end of me. You'll hear my name again and will continue to hear it. You'll regret having taken Eye Candy away from me, you'll regret hiring that piece of shit drug addict and more importantly you'll regret doubting me."

Without giving him a chance to respond I left his office my head held high. There is something to be said about saying exactly what you want, exactly when you want to. I went to my office to clean out my stuff. MTV had kindly provided a box for me to stuff my things into. I was in process of getting my things together when I heard a knock at my door. I looked up and there was Kiersay standing in my doorway.

"Sup Superstar? How you holding up?" She asked me a bright smile on her face.

"I'm good. " I answered returning her smile.

"Are you sure? Tell me truth." I looked at the picture of Victoria that was still on my desk.

"I'm not. Not yet. But I will be. I ended things with Victoria for good last night. And I was just officially fired. "She walked over to me and hugged me. I returned the hug and kissed her.

"Thank you for being such a good friend Kiersay."

"Anytime Superstar. What's the next step for you?"

"I called Kanye and will be writing his show on HBO. I'm headed to L.A tonight." She looked sad to see me go. But decided to just hug me.

"Promise you'll keep in touch. "

"You know I will. We will text and call. You're my friend and I wouldn't have been able to get through all this without you by my side." We kissed once more.

"Don't be a stranger Superstar. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do amazing."

After she left, I finished packing up my box and headed towards the car. I ran into Strong on my way. He saw me and flinched a little. He had a pretty nasty bruise where I had hit him. I personally thought he looked a little better.

"Strong, I'm not going to hit you. Victoria seems to believe that you're a good person; she's always been able to see the best in people. Don't disappoint her, don't let her down and more importantly don't hurt her. If you do, just know that you'll have to deal with me again." He stared at me and I saw it in his eyes again. That inch of humanity that I caught a brief glimpse of months ago. He nodded and we left it at that. Leaving the set I saw Victoria dressed as Lindy. She was about to shoot a scene and was reading her script. She looked up and saw me. Our eyes met and just like that first time in the hotel my heart quickened. There was sadness in her eyes, I'm sure she could see the same in mine. She blew a kiss my way and I played along and acted as if I were catching it in midair. We smiled at each other before the director called action.

I left the building and noticed just how heavy my heart was. I stood outside as the driver held the door open for me.

"Are you ready Mr. Bryant?" He asked me. I wasn't sure that I was, but there was no turning back now.

Duncan Bryant will return in EGOT Season 2... The Road to EGOT is only just beginning.