Chapter 24 - Truth and Sex in Vegas (1)

A couple of weeks had passed since the premiere, the show would be live a week from Sunday and the excitement level began to grow. Mark and Maiara's wedding would take place on the same day. This weekend Mark, I and two other friends from college were headed down to Vegas for the bachelor party. I had rented an SUV for the trip down as we decided to drive. I rolled my eyes thinking about what Margot would say if she knew. "This is just like the hangover!" In her Australian accent. I grabbed my bag made my way to the garage and jumped in the powerful vehicle.

The first stop was to pick up Marty. We shared a dorm with him back in our college days. He was a funny and charismatic guy. He was probably the most laid back person I had ever known. He was so confident and never self-conscious. He went on to law school after college and was now in L.A trying to make it as an agent. He was currently at the bottom of the totem pole at Paradigm Talent Agency. He was working under Sam Gores who is one of the top agents in the city. So there was hope for him.

"Hey! Duncan how you been?" We hadn't seen each other in quite some time and it was obvious in how happy we were to see each other. After hugging and a quick catch up we were on our way towards Mark's place.

"How's everything going on at work Marty?"

He took a deep sigh before answering.

"It's really not what I thought it would be. I came to Hollywood hoping to make a difference you know? All I'm doing is fetching coffee and connecting calls."

"I can understand that completely. I remember when Wyatt had me on those horrible sitcom pilots. It was brutal."

"Yeah it's all part of paying our dues I know. It's just this business is so cruel and unforgiving. There's no heart to it; which is a shame. The movies out there suck. We could be doing so much better, so much more. But all that matters are the box office numbers and the Marvel supremacy."

I nodded totally agreeing with him. I couldn't help but think back to our days in the dorm. When he and Mark often talked about how lacking some of the movies were and a major power shift had to take place within the hallowed halls of Hollywood. I smiled inwardly knowing exactly what his next line was going to be.

"We need to return power to the talent and the creators and not studio execs. Too many people on too many power trips trying to make things about them and their bank accounts instead of what's really important; the art."

He would go off like this for a while so I just listened and nodded away whenever it was necessary. Don't get me wrong I loved Marty's passion and desire to make Hollywood a better place. He was absolutely right. My own experience at MTV had taught me that much. Change seemed so far. Almost unattainable at this point that it was difficult for me to get riled up.

"Its guys like you and Mark that should be running studios." I said to him. "People who actually like movies and television. Not guys who are just in it for the money and the trappings of the job."

"What about you?" He questioned me. "I remember back in school whenever Mark and I were going on and on about the greatness of The Sopranos and The Wire you always preferred having your nose in a book. Working on your novel and wanting to make a difference in people's lives. Do you think you're doing that?" I shook my head without needing to think about it.

"I never expected to be part of the industry. I saw myself writing dozens of books and traveling the world. Hopefully righting some wrongs along the way. "

"Then Mark got you the job." He finished for me. "I understand your reasoning for getting in the business. Why'd you stay?"

He hit at something that had bothered me for quite some time. The answer had presented itself very simply as these things often do. I looked over at him as we approached Mark's house and responded.

"I fell in love."

Mark was already waiting out front when we pulled up in his driveway.

"Really guys? Can you ever be on time? Even to my own bachelor party?" He nagged.

"What you gonna do Philips?" Asked Marty. "Get new friends? That ship has sailed. You're stuck with us!"

We all hugged and grabbed Mark's bag throwing it in the back with our own. I shifted the car into drive and we headed to pick up Brad. Brad was the most sensible out of all of us I had to admit. He married his high school sweetheart a couple of years out of college and already had two kids. He owned and operated his own restaurant in L.A. He was a great chef and had a really great head for business.

He had no ties to Hollywood and was probably happier that way. Mark and Marty quickly got into talking shop; the new series that were coming up, the resurrection of franchises long dead, and well whatever the hell NBC was doing. I kept quiet and let my mind drift to other things. The thought of what would come next bothered me. Before I could get too deeply lost in my thoughts Mark pulled me back in.

"Duncan you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind is all." I told him.

"I hope you're not going to be like this all night. It's my bachelor party! Need to have one last ride before tying the knot." Mark said laughing.

"You're marrying the girl of your dreams. That's a much better ride to be on than to a Vegas strip club where Marty will inadvertently get us kicked out of." I joked

"Man you ever going to let me live that down?" Marty complained.

Mark and I looked at each other and replied simultaneously "NO!"

"Come on guys I was drunk!" He reminded us.

"Mark?" I asked. "What is the first rule of strip clubs?"

"Don't touch the girls." He answered.

"What's the second?"

"Don't piss off the bouncers."

"What's third?"

"Don't forget rules number 1 and number 2."

"So my question is. How drunk were you to not only feel up a stripper, spill your drink on her and then say that the bouncer was a reject from the Terry Crews dance academy."

"All within 58 seconds." Added Mark.

"Has to be some kind of record." I deducted. We laughed so hard.

"You guys suck." Uttered Marty defeated.

We got to Brad's restaurant and he was waiting for us out front his wife in his arms. These two had been together for what felt like forever but they always seemed like two horny teenagers. I was only reminded of that as I saw Brad's hand grab his wife's pretty great ass. Her name was Cindy. She had short blond hair and was the most caring person I had ever met. We pulled up next to them and rolled the windows down.

"Get a room you two." Cried out Marty. Brad and Cindy laughed along with the rest of us.

"If you guys are willing to give us twenty minute I think we can do just that." Brad threw back at him.

"Twenty minutes?" asked Cindy sounding mockingly impressed. "Aren't we feeling ambitious today?"

"Come on Cindy! Let me look good in front of the boys." We cracked up again as Brad kissed Cindy goodbye and we drove off; finally hitting the road to Vegas.

"Is it just me or does anyone else find it weird that Mark is marrying Maiara?" Marty asked the group.

"It's not weird." Began Brad. "It's just man this dude was totally obsessed with her. He had a folder full of her pictures on his laptop."

"Don't forget the screensaver on his phone." I added.

"As well as the Cody in the House boxed DVD sets." Finished off Marty.

"I mean come on guys! She is beautiful. Always was." Mark defended himself. We all gave him a mocking AWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

"Does she know about your stalking?" Asked Brad.

"That's a good question. I don't want to bring it up during my best man speech only to have it mess up the whole party." I said.

"She knows about some... Not the folder though; or the screensaver." Mark answered looking away from all of us.

"What about the boxed DVD's?" Asked Marty.

Mark took a second too long to answer and we all knew the answer and started laughing out


"Come on guys how was I meant to bring that up casually?" He asked us incredulously.

"He makes a very good point. There really is no right time to throw in "I had a masturbatory folder of you." Without sounding like a totally creep." Said Marty. "Don't worry bro; your secret is safe with us."

"Not me!" Announced Brad. "I'm going to tell everyone at the wedding."

"You're kidding right?" demanded Mark.

"Nope not at all. You know I'm shy! This would be the perfect ice breaker."

The rest of the drive was pretty uneventful. Just a few guys talking and catching up and enjoying each other's company. Sometimes we got lost in our jobs and our relationships forgetting just how great it could be to just be one of the guys.

We arrived at the MGM Grand and quickly checked in. I had kept this surprise for Mark and had reserved one of their sky lofts for the next couple of days. It cost quite a bit but nothing but the best for my best friend for his bachelor party. We got to the room and our breaths were taken away by the luxury of it all.

The cream colored furniture, full service bar and huge flat screen TVs in every room made for a decadent experience. They had even thrown in a butler to take care of our every need. Mark looked over at me and just gave me the biggest smile ever. We each had our rooms and each broke off to get ready on our own before heading out for dinner and gambling.

I had only placed my bag on the ground and sat on the bed before my phone rang. It was Margot and I smiled from ear to ear seeing her name on my caller ID.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm fine. I wanted to check in on you and made sure you hadn't found a baby in your room." She said mockingly.

"Really?! I told you this is not The Hangover." I reasserted for what felt like the thousandth time.

"Let's make the checklist. You went to Vegas the eve before a wedding with three other men and are probably staying at an expensive hotel."

"Okay fine, it's a little like The Hangover." She laughed in victory. "What are you up to Robbie?"

"I'm in my trailer about to shoot a scene. But I have a problem."

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I'm so horny and your dick isn't here with me."

I couldn't help but smile at the sexy turn the conversation had just taken.

"Is that so? Well I apologize on behalf of my penis for any and all grief it may have caused."

"Let me see it!" She requested excitingly.

"Margot I am not sending you a dick pic."

"How about a video chat? That way I can see you and you can see me?"

"That sounds very fair!"

I went to my bag and pulled out my IPad. I took my shoes off locked my door and got comfortable on my bed. As I lay my head on the incredibly luxurious pillows I received the chat request from Margot. I answered right away and her beautiful face filled my screen. She was definitely in her trailer her makeup was ready and she had a robe on. Her hair was just how I liked it; straight down and perfectly framing her face.

"Hey cutie." I said to her as her smiled beamed even brighter.

"I don't have a lot of time Duncan. No teasing! You love to tease me."

"No teasing Margot. I'll show you mine if you show me yours!"

The Australian beauty didn't even reply. She docked her IPAD so she wouldn't have to hold it. Stood up and dropped her robe. She was naked underneath and took my breath away instantly. Her body was a work of art. I had seen it many times but I always had to swallow whenever it was presented to me. My dick got hard as Margot posed for me. Showing me her flawless figure and even turning around and bending over presenting her ass to me.

"Like what you see Mr. Bryant?" She asked me seductively. I could only nod as she smiled at me sexily. "Your turn."

I placed my IPAD on the nightstand and removed my clothes until I was left only in my boxers. Margot was watching me intently waiting for me to separate myself from the final garment. I took them off and cast them aside revealing my hard cock to the sultry actress. "HMM" moaned Margot. She had been playing and squeezing her perfect breasts already at this point. She was sitting back on her couch and her legs were spread wide giving me a perfect view of her pussy.

My dick jumped as I watched her touch herself. Running her hands in places that I wish I were at that moment. She lowered her hand and began rubbing her pussy. "OH fuck! I want you so bad!" She said to me seeming so close unfortunately she was miles away. I poured some lotion onto my dick and began pumping it as I watched Margot play with herself.

She spread her legs even further penetrating herself with two fingers. Her moans were filling the room and I could not get enough of them. She had her eyes closed and was licking her lips. Her perfect chest was rising with each and every pleasure filled breath that she took. She opened her eyes and locked on to my cock as I pumped it. She licked her lips almost as though she was imagining taking it between them at that moment. I had to admit I was thinking the same. Margot gave wonderful blowjobs.

"Remember the first time you blew me Margot?" I asked her snapping her out of the trance my cock had put her in.

"In my car! Of course I remember." She answered panting. "When I pulled your shorts down and saw how big and hard you were I just had to have it."

"You went crazy on my dick that night. You took it so deep down your throat I was worried about you!"

"Oh you were?" She asked with difficulty. Her moans continued to cut her off. "I couldn't tell by how loudly you were moaning and how hard you were grabbing my hair."

"I came so damn hard!"

"I remember. I had to swallow your gallon of cum."

"You sure did like a champ!"

"I remember you fucking me like a champ the moment you recovered." She said has her hand sped up in circles on her clit; she used her other hand to fuck herself with two fingers. Her eyes closed and I knew she was thinking back about our first time together. How we had found an empty lot and I had bent her over and fucked her from behind on the hood of her car. Margot and I were both close to cumming at this point. Our hands were just blurs as we shared the memory of our first fuck.

"OH GOD, OH GOD I'm cumming shit!! " Margot screamed out and I watched as her body convulsed and pumped away on her couch. I could no longer hold myself back as I shoot cum all over my hand and on some of the bed. I asked Margot to hold on while I cleaned up.

"Thanks for joining me Duncan. Made it that much sweeter." Margot said as I returned.

"You're welcome. It was good for me too. Nowhere as good as being with you, but I'll take what I can get." She smiled softly.

"Have fun this weekend with your friends Duncan. Relax and enjoy yourself." She advised me.