Jyn was fiddling with the drosedra that was on her wrist. She was feeding a high grade source stone as if it was candy.

She was leaning on the 'couch' with Ari sitting beside her while Ifrit serve the 'tea' and 'snacks', Alvis checking his hologram like a reliable assistant and Eira standing upright, looking out for any potential danger like a dutiful guard.

"When I first read the human past of being nearly destroyed by the Drosesra, I was really interested in this little thing"

Ari nod his head, his dragon tail swinging. He try to put his tail under control as much as possible but it was too honest.

Everytime, swinging side to side like a dog who was in ecstacy because it was near its owner.

"Um... I heard that incident, It happened when I was a child"

Ari hurriedly add, trying to appear knowledgeable.

"Child? I thought the disaster occured 200 years ago"

Jyn had a confused expression.

She was clear she didn't read it wrong.

Isn't Ari age 121? Which basically meant it happened 80 years before his birth.

Seemingly aware of her confusion, Ari hurriedly explained.

"Um... During my childhood. I was around 3 or so years old. In the Mithioga race, Human two years was one years for us"

"Ah... So thats why"

Jyn nod her head, clearing the doubt.

Then Jyn took a sip of the 'tea' but nearly choke on it as she realised something.

"So, that means, in human term, you are 242 years old?"

Jyn try to act as calm as possible seeing Ari nod his head.

'My God!'

That remind Jyn something as well .

"I wonder, Ifrit, Alvis and Eira, what are your age in human term?"

What exactly was her Alphas Age?

"Replying to Your Majesty, your subordinates are around 3000 years old"

Ifrit seriously thought and gave a reply.

Jyn nod her heart nonchalantly while her heart was in turmoil.

She was the youngest. She is among granpas and grandmas. \( ̄▽ ̄;)/

Most of the sentient Zerg are 'immortal', its not that they cannot be killed, the reason was simply because they molt, they will go in hibernation, abandoning their old body and waking up with a new body.

They are very much like immortal jelly-fish.

Only when the current Alpha Zerg passed away would the new Alpha Zerg born.

Until then, don't expect more than three.

"My Queen, we almost sold the items finished at the paramount shop"

Alvis the great asisstant report.

"Thats good, Buy whatever items sold on other shop with the income".

They sold faster than expected.


[Item: A shirt

Materials: Fulia Branch, Fire Gem, High Grade Source Stone.

Capability: Have the defensive toughness of the fulia tree.

Give energy to the user.

Boost the fire ability user x10

Grade: S

Type: Defense

™ Paramount.




[Item: Bracelet

Materials: Rare stone ( the stone that could evade or disturb detection)

Fulia branch

Usage: Can let the user avoid detection except the detection radar specially created for detecting the rare stone.

Toughness of the Fulia tree.

Grade: AA

Type: conceal

™ Paramount




[Item: Whip

Materials: Silk of Lady Silk of the Zerg race.

Tangsten, Fulia branch.

Usage: A whip that could cut metal like mud/tofu.

Have the toughness of Fulia tree.

Grade: AAA

Type: Offense

™ Paramount.




[Item: Sticky gun

Materials: Lady spider web of the Zerg race.

High grade source stone.

Shell of Mr Ant from the Zerg race.


Usage: Can shoot a sticky web that coule even trap an S grade psyche.

Have the toughness of S grade.

Able to shoot x 100 mile.

Can also be used as a knife that attached to the side.

Sticky bullet x 50

Bullet is available at Paramount shop.

Grade: S (gun)

Grade: AAA (Additional Knife)

Type: Offense

™ Paramount.




[Item: Sword

Materials: Rare Metal, Fire gem, high grade stone.

Usage: The S grade fire intensity.


Please check out its usage after buying.

Grade: SS

Type: Offense

™ Paramount.




This five item was neatly arranged on the Web shop.


[Half Celestial: Have you seen the items sold at the Paramount shop? Holy shit! The lowest grade was AA, can you believe it?

Thats was so freaking @ # !?*$= ]

[Detention is my bane: The price, I would like to say that it was expensive but also not. Considering its grade, it was cheap. But considering me buying, it was fucking expensive QAQ]

[Lady B: That Whip (drooling jpg. ).... An S grade item ah ah ah..]

[Zero: Even the More Rich and powerful race will not sell an S+ grade item so casually, the fuck is with The Zerg]

[I am Bored: How can us poor people afford those items. Can look but cannot have... This is too painful]

[Fundamental Mathematics: Those Capital Planet did not even have such extravagance of aelling an A grade ITEM much less an SS]

[Cutie: Has anyone notice the Creator? Jyn? Isn't the queen of Zerg name Jyn Monarque?]

[ABCD: Exactly what I was thinking. Is it really created by their Queen? How amazing is the Queen?]

[Xander need sleep: No false information can be reported. It must be authentic]

[Cult I forbade: The fuck is with this. If she really create those, the queen is truly awesome but also dangerous ]

[Fight for what I think is right: Can create an SS grade item. This is sick! It was even sold in the Universal Market app as if some common goods. If those are common goods to them, what will be the treasure goods for them? The Zerg race is truly deep. No wonder they are the Strongest race]



[Salted Peanut: I bought the Shirt]

[Sunfish: Upstairs, really? How does it function]

[Salted Peanut: I can approve that it is authentic and also, the usage that was written was too humble. It was more than what was written. I shoot the shirt with the S grade laser gun, guess what? it does not even left a scratch. I wear it, guess what? I felt more energetic as if I could fight for three days and three night. I activate my fire ability, guess what? My fire ability was boost up more than 10 times. I am an S grade fire ability user. my ability was boost up by 10 times which means I am comparable to SS grade psyche.

This is a fucking sick item]

[V: What the hell!]

[Meow meow meow: What the hell! +1]

[Plum blossom: What the Hell! +3]



[Joker: Upgrading to an SS level is too much]

[Ultimate System: The Zerg are sick! Selling this type of Item. (Ps- As expected of the strongest race]

[Gourmet lover: The one who bought the item is rich]

[Sunfish: jealousy is eating me up inside, I am also a fire ability user]

[Flame of Hell: +1]

[Nether Fire:+2]

[Salted Peanut: I want to buy the Sword as well, for an SS item it was too cheap in my opinion but for me, its a bit expensive. I used my pocket money buying the Shirt and while I ask my dad for more money the sword was sold. I felt truly regretful]

[Soysauce: Go away, don't flaunt your richness here]

[Vermillion Bird: +1]

[Bark bark bark : +2]


Mostly, level are classified as D, C, B, A, AA, AAA, S, SS, SSS grade.


The high rank officials of the different capital planet held a meeting.

It was about the item sold on the Paramount shop.

"Have the Item bought on the shop being tested?"

"Its been tested, it was more than what it was stated."

"Hmm... The Zerg truly fit their title of strongest race. The Queen create those item, an SS grade item was just a tools sold on their shop, I'm afraid of what their treasured item would be"


The other officials nod their head. Their expression solemn.

This is really not a good news for other races.

The formidable strength of the Zerg race was unquestionable, now, if they as well were equipped with an S+grade item.

Their overall strength will be unimaginable.

"Has the SS item been bought?"

"It was bought by the ⬛⬛⬛ Race"

"I see, what a pity"


At the Mithioga race.

"Their Queen, being able to create such an item, if it was truly authentic, I'm afraid this is not a good news for us"

"The Zerg race are indeed powerful, their ability, psyche and destructiveness are above us"

"Our favourable position was only the tools and item we have while the Zerg never used weapon other then their own ability. The Zerg didn't have the talent of creating weapon but they are already a weapon of SSS Level and above. We could cope with them by using created weapons and tools but now. I'm afraid those favourable condition of ours are nil with the emergence of the Queen"

This kind of thought were what the other races thought.

The Capital alliance were also troubled with the emergence of the shop that could sell an SS item easily.

Selling an item qhich was above AA are not allowed as it could be manipulated by the criminals and extremist.

Requesting the Zerg not to sell those item...

Although they were afraid of Igniting the Zerg irritation, they still need to make a request.


The perpetrator Jyn was happily making another item.

Lately, she has not seen Eira, who act as a dutiful bodyguard around her.

She want to gift the Alphas something.

Might as well call her through the spiritual connection.


"My Queen.."

"Er.. Where are you?"

"Your subordinate is on her way to obtain the best metal"

"Oh... When will you return?"

"It might take a while, Sorry for the inconvenience I caused my Queen"

"No.. Its alright, come back soon alright"

"..Um... I  .. Will My Queen"

Come to think of it, why did she feel there were less zerg around her?

"Alvis, by the way, do you know the place where Eira intend on obtaining Metal?"

Why didn't she inquire about it just then? Jyn berate herself internally.

"... Alpha Eira was going towards the Mechanic race planet, Metallica to obtain the best quality metal"


The mechanic race metal truly was the best material.

Jyn nod her head, the third strongest race...

Very reclu-

"What! Which place did you say again?!!!"

Alvis although bewildered at his Queen sudden outburst, he still obediently answered.

"Metallica of the Mechanic Race Planet"

Fuck! The Fuck! The Fuck!

"Tell me, did she brought a troop and the gamma ship with her?"

"Yes your majesty"

Jyn took a deep breath trying to calm herself.

She quickly connect Eira.


"My Queen"

Listen to that obedient and sensible tone.

But the freaking thing she attempt on exerting was not what a good and obedient child did at all!

"Come back"


"Come back! Thats an order Eira, with the other fleet,Come back"

"I understand My Queen"

Jyn turn towards Ifrit and Alvis.

"Did Eira try to attack the Mechanic race? Are you two in approval of that as well?"

Reign in your temper Jyn.

Reign in.

The two alpha nod their head.

Jyn almost couldn't control her rampage.


She still asked even though she already know the answer.

"To obtain the best metal, my Queen. The mechanic race are not fond of transaction. They are reclusive like us, the only way to obtain was forcefully taking from them"

Alvis answered as  matter of fact but also carefully as he perceived his Queen anger.

"That will caused a war between us. Aren't you aware of that?"

"The Mechanic race are weaker than us, we normally act this way when we try to obtain things"



She nearly forget, her Zerg are truly violent and brutal.

When they try to obtain things, they are worst than a star pirates.

Their strength and overwhelming power just act to their favour too.

If not, their Destructive and unruly nature would lead them being exterminated long ago.

Thankfully, they are strong.

Thankfully, they are not interested in outsider materials and things except newly discovered planet and resources.

They are content with their own and never desire for wordly weapons or materials of other races.


"My Queen, May I boldly asked, Are we perhaps not allowed to attack? Or fight?"

Ifrit tentatively inquired.

If their Queen won't allow them. They won't fight anymore.

"No.. Its not that. When others provoke us or act unpleasant to us, fight back. Beat them up. But, the main point is, unless being provoked. Do not attack indiscriminately, understand?"

She is not some Mary Sue ah..

Anyone who try to harm her were beaten black and blue.

They were already buried 6ft under.

As a person who survived in the UF world, killing was just part of her life.

But that was carried out only when she was provoked.

In most cases, she was a very good and upright citizen. Carrying out a responsible citizenship responsibility.

