Louis was activating his holographic camera drone while Felix was taking care of the best lightning and angle.

They were sitting in a luxurious living room with flora around like a marvelous decoration.

Jyn was sitting at the single seat while there is a two man seat for Rhume and Louis.

The Alphas were standing solemnly like a guard behind Jyn with Ari standing beside her.

The five Rhinoceroes Beetle Zerg were standing in a guard posture behind Louis and its entourage.

While they were preparing the set, Jyn was lost in her silent mulling. Witnessing the three first foreign visitor acting cautious and vigilant the whole time make her wonder just how much her Zerg left an impact on the other ethnic race.

It also make her realise that her Zerg were not a force to scoff at.

It make sense on why her zerg might be this strong.

They have the characteristics and resemblence of an insect.

There was always a theory on how 'if the insect were the size of human' and such. With their small stature, they are strong beyond their size, now, with them being this large....

It was a matter of fact that they are great and mighty.

Jyn was filled with smugness again. (๑¯ω¯๑)


"3, 2, 1 Start"

Once Felix start the countdown, Louis officially start the interview and a show.

"Greetings to all the Distinct races of diverse planet and Galaxy, this is your host Louis Zorro.

This show is brought to you by Glem.

I am aware that each of the viewers are curious and enthusiast about the person I am going to have a conversation with.

For the official opening, let me introduce you the Great Queen of Zerg, Jyn Monarque"

The person sitting next to Louis was finally shown.

Jyn was sitting calmly without much fluctuation of an emotion. She nod her head when she was finally revealed.


[Fighting the Gods: Its Louis!! Our favourite host Louis, How many years have we not witness him doing this kind of show? Once he take over his family business, he only put his focus on his business]

[Cult I forbade: Exactly, our King of show have always gone to the most dangerous place and conducting a show. Finally, he's back and this might be one of  the most dangerous place he ever went for a show]

[The world only God knows: True... Btw, the Queen of Zerg is truly beautiful sigh...]

[Humming the tune of sea: She has that noble and arrogance aura]

[Meow meow meow: when will it start?]

[Messiah: +1]

[Necromancer Oris: +2]

[Sunfish: Do you see those high rank zerg behind Louis and The Alphas behind The Queen? It gave me a pressure. I hope Louis is Alright]

[Doctrin3: He is for now.. But this is what exciting right?]

[Millie Brown: I turn on the holograhic mode. The setting was set to the entire living room and I am amazed, its really beautiful, like an elf house]

[Drunk in the party: Upstairs, you too? I thought I would see a gloomy sorrounding]

[Zurco: +1]

[Cannibalism: +2]


"As the Platform will also be eager for the interview to start as soon as possible, I won't speak more of pleasantries and goes straight to the point"

Louis clear his throat but he flinch a bit when he hear the Zerg behind him reacting to his mere coughing.

Living and being under the surveilance of The Zerg is no joke.

"Your Majesty, for the first question, the Zerg race have announced the name of their homeland 'Paramount', I wonder if there is any backstory on the reason why"

Louis politely asked, maintaining his smile albeit with his heart, body and mind in vigilance.

He is a proffesional. He need to maintain his professionalism even in such a tense stmosphere.

Even if with the feeling of his life on the line.

Jyn smile when she heard the question.

She took a sip of the 'tea' that Ifrit prepared.

Who woulv'e thought that the Alpha Zerg Ifrit would be this amazing at brewing tea.

"Paramount... Isn't it not because my race are strong and mighty? Every actions and decisions of ours are the concern of the other races. I think... No.. I believe.. That the Word Paramount suit the homeland of our race, In respect to our race mightiness and in respect to our motherland"

Of course, Louis doesn't dare say 'thats very arrogant of you'.

"You think its arrogant for me to say this?"

"Eh.. E.." Louis take a deep breath. This is not how a proffesional should act. He need to calm down. He need not to let the pressure behind and in front of him affect his show of interviewing the Queen of Zerg.

"Yes, I thought so, its truly arrogant"

Ignore the hissing zerg behind you Louis... Unless the Queen gave them an order, they will not harm him.

He only need to focus on the person he interviewed.

He believe. The Queen will not order for his death so arbituary.

"But, even if its arrogant, the Zerg have the capital to be so"

Jyn smile, she withdraw some of the bluff ability.

She should not bully others too much.

"I know right. My Zerg are truly powerful and mighty"

When praising her Zerg, Jyn has a jovious expression. It can be seen that she was proud of her people.


[Dignity: LOL The Queen is really arrogant but I like it]

[Soaring through the sky: Ikr.. Its those lovely arrogant type]

[Flowers are blooming: Hmm.. You praise beacause you are afraid of the zerg causing a war because of bad comments]

[V: what do you know, this is also maintaining a form of a long term peace. If we act lovely, maybe the Queen will think that we are cute and not cause a war to take over planet]

[Bulky Belly: Exactly, But the Queen is lovely is also a true praise. Lets be realist here people]



"Yes, the Zerg truly are mighty, then Your majesty, I want to ask the second question if you would allow me"

"Of course, Go on"

"I have heard that the Zerg register at the Commerce and  trading Universal bureau Market, on this matter I have two question. The first question is that does the Zerg want to do tradings with other Races?"


"May I ask, why?"

Jyn stir her tea lightly.

"If we want to can we not? Does it need a reason"

Jyn raise her left brow.



[Xander: HAHAHAHA.. Very domineering.. Look how speechless our king of show louis is]

[Sunfish: that face.. Hahahaha...]

[Muzimo manio: The Queen= /Sneering/.. Why can't we, I can do whatever I like, can you stop me?

Louis= /Speechless/ QAQ You are the boss, you can do whatever you want]

[God of Destruction: Upstairs.. This is too.. Hahahaha.. I can't]



"No, absolutely no, of course, you can, if it cause your majesty irate, I apologized, I will then go to the next question"

"Go on.."

"I have seen the Shop 'Paramount' where armament type are sold. I wonder if those are really created by your majesty, by no means do I try to doubt your majesty greatness and authenticity"

"Its Alright, I can show you how I made on the spot"

"You can?! It will be An honour!"

Louis eyes started to sparkle. This will be the very top of his greatest achievement.



[Victor is handsome: What?! The legendary S grade weapon creation process? OMG]

[Fundamental Mathematics: Everyone, open your eyes wide.. This may be a once in a lifetime]



The platform was clamouring noisily..

Jyn wave her hand, instructing one of the high rank Zerg to bring her the materials.



Louis and the other two secrectly swallow their saliva.

The Zerg are too extravagant.

No, its just that the Zerg materials are not what other races could have. To the Zerg it might be an everyday common waste, but for the other races, it was a high quality goods.

The high source stone, the silk and other zerg 'waste'.

Even the people at the platform are claotically noisily. They have never seen such expensive materials.

When a pitch black light sorround Jyn hand, a shocked expression fleet through the face of the three foreigners.

"I will use High Source stone, adamantium, Lady Silkworm silk, concentration of UV laser that was stored in this UV container, Lady Spider Web....."

Jyn list out the materials she was going to used when the three listeners and even the star network was stunt silly by the rare materials.

"May I ask, Your Majesty when you refer to lady silkworm, do you meant Bombyx family of your Zerg race? And Lady spider the Aranaeae family of your Zerg race?"

"I guess"

Jyn does not know what their family line or what they are called.

She just call them that because it was the most convenient.

Once the black light consume the materials, it resemble and started to create the desired result of what Jyn imagined and want.

Once the black light fade, the materials convert into a black umbrella.

"An umbrella?"

Jyn smile at Louis confused expression.

She pick up the umbrella.

"You have an S psyche, why don't you attack this?"

"Are you sure?"

"Just do it"

Louis nod his head, he has a serious expression.

His whole body covered with an intense aura. He dissapear from his spot arriving beside Jyn in the blink of an eye. He raised his hand, he concentrated his energy on his hand, this attack, even a normal SS psyche will have a hard time dealing.

He punch the umbrella..



He was rebound back heavily.

Blood started to drip out from his mouth. If he add more strength in his attack, the rebound would double and vomitting blood will not be just what he will suffer.

Louis back got a chill.

Thankfully, he held back as he was afraid of hurting the Queen, he minimize the impact so that he could stop himself in time and not suffer an internal injury of holding back at the last minute.

"That is a formidable Umbrella"

Jyn smile.

"Isn't it not? It have the defense strength of admantium, the shields will activate and cover the umbrella silk when the owner wield it, the admantium have been transformed into a fine thin thread weave together after all. Once I press this button it can sho-"


A laser was shot out that cause a slight burn on the Fulia tree.

To be able to cause that much burn already announced how deadly the laser shot was.

"If I press this button"


A spider web was shot out.

"A net will be shot out, also, the tip of this umbrella is extremely sharp. The lady silk sharpness, this umbrella can also provide an energy as it contain the source energy. This is where the battery will be kept, I still haven't make that bullet that could only be used by this umbrella, I need to make some afterwards"

Jyn laugh at her forgetfulness.

Felix swallow his saliva nervously while helping Louis up.

"May I ask, your majesty, what is the grade of the umbrella?"

"Hmm...Defense is mid rate SSS level. The laser was AAA level, pretty good right?"

Felix nod his head dazedly.

An SSS grade item was made before his eyes.

It was simply too marvelous...

But also, the person who can create such item easily was more dangerous and terrifying.

What if she create a mass slaughter weapon that was indestructable? What will they do?

Louis also have a serious expression while Rhume was sitting like he was on pins and needles.

There was a lot of noise on the platform, thank goodness Felux turn off the comment section to appear before their eyes.

An SSS iten was created in just a minute.



[Antiquity: ........]

[Phantom Sword: ....]

[Gullible: has my ear defect? I think I heard an SSS grade Item!]

[Mirage of Haze: upstairs, you are not the only one. You heard it, I heard it and we see it]

[Ghostblade: Even the Capital planet only have three SSS grade item, and here, it was created so easily, have my whole life been a lie?]



There are also a lot of controversy about the disaster it would cause if the terrifying ability was used for creating destructive items.

"Your Majesty, Shall we continue our conversation?"

"Yes, Lets do that"

Jyn act as if she didn't see their tense expression.

This was her intention.

She was showing the Other races how powerful they are and that their Queen is not weak. She need to maintain the status of a powerful race.


Green light emit out of Jyn hand.

She shine it through Louis who was injured.

Louis mouth open wide in shock.

He stood up immediately.. He was more amazed than when he witnessed the marvelous creation of an SSS Grade weapon.

"H-How? My core is cracked and was incureable! How did it heal?!!"

Louis agitatedly questioned Jyn, even forgetting to address Jyn your majesty.

Eira frown in displeasure.

She immediately released an opressive pressure towards Louis.

Louis face paled, his knees gave out and bend them in a kneeling position. He have a cold sweat.

Because he was too agitated and surprised, he forgot his bearing.

"I apoligized, I have acted rudely"

Jyn wave hand, Eira finally withdraw her pressure. She then back away and stand at her original position obediently.

"Your Majesty, My C-Core-"

"I Just did a simple healing, as long as my spiritual energy does not run out, I could cure almost any illness, since you get hurt because of my instruction, take it as a compensation"

Jyn smile slightly.

She also need to show that she cannot only bring destruction but also a blessing.

"Can heal almost any illness"

Louis heart tremble. This is more than a mere word 'almost'..

This is too perverse.

No race could cure a cracked core.

Every race have a core elsewhere in their body which sustain them and gave them strength. If the core is broken, they either die or live their whole life in a weak ordinary body.

His core cracked on a battle between Zerg for ownership of planet which have abundant resources 100 years ago. All the well-known doctors he made an appointment with were not able to mend it.

Ironically, it was the Zerg Queen who heal the cracked core.

"Thank You"

After a years of giving up in search for healing his cracked core, he met an amendment at the Zerg Planet.

"So, will we continue our interview?"

Yes, He didn't need to mull over this.

Its all about karma..

He suffer in the hand of zerg and got ailment in their hand as well.

His grievance have already been swept away a years ago. They were not strong, so, they lose. There is nothing to be grievious about.

"Yes.. This time, the ambassador would want to present the congratulatory gift and question some if the Queen permit"

"Hmm.. Go on.."

The platform was in chaos.

What kind of godly healing ability was that? It could heal even a cracked core?????

The terrifying Zerg Queen have the ability to cure a cracked core?

This is too perverse!!!



[Salted Peanut: Destruction level= 100

Healing Level= 100

Is the Zerg being loved by God? What is this plaything? THIS IS TOO OP!!! I- I think I might turn into the Queen Jyn fan.]

[I want to eat: I'm sleeping, this way, I won't have the desire to be part of the zerg race _(:з」∠)_]

[Mjolnir: +1]

[Asura Sword: +2]

[Heaven halberd: +3]


