Louis, Felix and Rhume went back the next day after staying for one more day at the zerg planet.

They have done a show on how the zerg planet was like.

It refreshed the understanding of many races on how rich the Zerg really are.

It also left them with a long-lasting memory of the beautiful place of Paramount planet.


A month have peacefully passed.

Alvis have a frown on his face.

This days there was one person who send endless barrage of request message.

Even after blocking, that person will create another account and continue to send the message.

Jyn was quick to notice the irritated Alvis.

"Alvis, what is it that bothering you?"

Jyn comfortably lay on the luxurious sofa.

"It was not of significant matter, I apologize for causing the worry of my Queen. Hm.. There is this person who sent a request to visit the Zerg planet tirelessly, this time was no difference, I got another same message"


Jyn nod her head, her interest pique.

"Did you check his information?"

"Yes, His name is Yadruv. A young famous researcher, he is 245 years old. He was of the ethnic Maladruv race"

"Did he state his reason for such request? Never mind, I have an ingling feeling on what his reason might be, just ignore him"

Those Rhume and all are already enough. No need for other bunch to visit her planet.

Jyn then glance down at the hologram, scrolling the galactical internet.

Apart from making items of S grade and below item, she does not have better things to do. Jyn have done a reflection on herself about on what ambassador Rhume said. So, she tone down the grade of items she sold, at most S level.

Although extremely valuable, it was not too rare...

Also, this days, Jyn does not have much things to do.

Jyn does not want to admit that she has a restless personality. Life is quite boring, she does not want to go back on her old profession to write novels either.

As Jyn scroll through the net pages, she happen to read the various competition that was held for the past few years where countless races would participate.

Then an idea struck her.

What if she also commence a competition?

Work to do and not some official work.

And she can enjoy excitement too? Right?

She has survived countless survival games at the UF World. She does not believe that she will not be able to come up with an exciting competition.

What about the price?


Her Zerg are rich!

Okay, she need to prepare and take in to consideration a lot of things.

For the kind of competition she will like to held, She will need the help of a science and metaphysics professional as well.

Science and metaphysics professional?...

"Alvis, that Yadriv or Yadrav, invite him. I have a great use for him, oh.. By the way, let him bring some gift in exchange for his stay at Paramount"

"Yes, My Queen"


Yadruv rub his face, excitement was written all over his face.

He rewatched again and again in fascination, The Queen of Zerg creation of an SSS grade item. 

He have send that request for a whole month with little to no response. He sigh ruefully, but! He will not give up.

Yadruv did another bout of prayer, hoping to received a mail of affirmation. The hopeful heart and waiting is suffocating...

After his prayer, Yadruv like a miracle hear the sound of heaven...

He jumped in shock.

Oh no wait...

It was the sound of his mail message.

It was the tone he was fervently waiting for.

He had set a different tone for the Zerg platform meassage.

Yadruv took a deep breath, it should be an acceptance right?

Please let it be. Please let it be..

Yadruv silently chant while shakingly opening the message.

[Your request have been granted.

Requirement to enter Paramount:

Prepare a valuable materials.

Limititation: you are request to come by yourself]

Yadruv laugh happily. Even with such an unreasonable demand, just to enter the planet, he was willing to.

He have never been treated as such an insignificant beings, but Yadruv was completely fine with the treatment. As expected of the person he admire.

He need to immediately prepare and set off as soon as he could.


Louis was going through the file when he received a video call.

He glance at it and was surprised by the person who call him.

It was from the Zerg.

He quickly connect through it.

To his further amazement, he saw the queen of Zerg, lounging on her luxurious green sofa.

"Your Majesty"

He quickly did a respectful bow.

"Lou Lou long time no see"

Louis mouth twitch. He cringe at the name, obviously, not only his psychology but even his body repel such name.

Lou lou?

What kind of nickname is that. He is not a pet!

"Yeah.. Long time no see, Umm... Does your majesty need anything I can help with? Since your'e calling me personally"

Louis drily laugh.

"Nothing much... I just need to borrow the Glem in assisting on something I intend of helding"

"May I asked what that was?"

"I thought of helding a competition among races"

Jyn lightly proclaim as if it was an everyday matter.

"Oh.. A competition amon- WHAT? A COMPETITION AMONG RACES???"

Louis have an expression of bewiderment.

He hear it correct right?

His fox ears are working fine right?

"Theres nothing to be startled about. For more detail informatiom, wait until I formulate a proper plan, BTW, Come to Paramount. I promise the Glem a never seen before show"

"Ye-Yeah... And what is B.T.W?"

"Its a short text word for By The Way, upgrade your knowledge"

Seeing the despise expression on Jyn face, Louis brow twitch.

Since its for texting, why not use for texting? Why use on verbal chat?

Louis complain silently but does not let it appear on his face.

Actually, the Queen of Zerg is Very grounded and down to earth. She is a little arrogant but thats it. She is quite a decent person.

"May I then make the last inquiry, Um.. What is the prize for the competition?"

"Ohh... What I can affirm is that it is going to be an SSS high grade item, Just come to Paramount. We will have further discussion"

Hearimg the SSS high grade item, Louis could not stay calm. He gulp his saliva either of excitement or of nervous.

"I will immediately depart"

"BTW, there is that Yadrav? Yadrov? Something, a famous researcher of the Maladruv race. Bring him with you"

Louis quickly note down the name.

The question is, is he qoing to abduct the Researcher?

He could no longer ask that question as the video was cut off.

Louis then connect to the Vice President.

"Felix.. FELIX.. Hurry and come to the office! The company is going to reign in a big fish this time!!"


Not once was they aware of the fact that the competition to escalate on a large scale.

It also became the official beginning of a competition to rate and determine the strength of a races.

It was a competition where even the ever arrogant and close-off Mithioga race, the Holy race and the Mechanical race participate.

The three strong race have never participate in any of the competition held, does not get themselves involved with other races, but this time. The three races participate under the countless astonished gazes of the other ethnic race.
