Jyn complicatedly gaze at Grill.

Grill had a humble smile on his face. He seem to be a good person, a kind gentleman, it makes one to unconciously let down their guard when they are beside him.


For a perwon who survived that survival world, he is not so good as he appears to be.

He was well-known for being a smiling tiger.

His metallic ignorant face added more credibility to his Mr Good smile.

"You are of the Mechanic race"

It was not a question but a statement.

"As you can see, God of Maker"

Grill smile more brightly, he was exuding a good person aura.

"When did you transverse here?"

"200 years ago"

Jyn frown.

"Since you want to meet me, I don't want to bother myself having a question and answer session. Add me in detail about your current circumstances"

Grill was not offended with the plain remark and command.

"You are still as haughty and overbearing as ever"

Jyn gave him an unadorned look.

Grill perceiving her annoyance finally spill his situation in details.

He transverse here two hundred years ago as the Mechanic race.

He has always been talented at his ability and it was not a wonder that he became the most promising person.

A prodigal person.

".....At such a young age, the official position I held could be claimed to be relatively high but it will take a bit more time to be the new leader of the mechanic race"

Jyn gave him a plaintive look.

That was too much detail.

She didn't need to know all that!

But there is this one thing that she need to know about the most, since he transmigrated wayyy before her, he might have that much knowledge.

"Are there any other who came towards this dimension?"

"There is, I know one... You... You know that person as well" Grill glance at her knowingly seeing her constipated expression.

Jyn flinch with such an answer.

The hope for it not to be 'her' have been extinguished with such a reply.

Jyn silently mourn in her heart.

'Of all the people, why her?!'

"How many years have she been here?"

"I50 years, currently she was the holy maiden of the holy race"

Jyn sigh, she expect that much from her.

"Now, why do you want to meet me again?"

At this, Grill have a sly but brighthest smile since he enter the room.

"Make a new body for me"

"You already have a-"

Before Jyn finisb her word, she saw that the center of Grill metallic body retract, making a hole on its centre. There she saw a globby slime like glowing orb.

A voice came out of the globby orb.

"This is my real body"

Jyn have a marvelous expression.

This fortified the fact that she has truly pitiful amount of knowledge on this interstellar like era where there exist countless races.

The Slime like orb came out of the center, it levitate, whirling aroun Jyn like a child.

"What do you think?"

"Marvelous, but I have a few question, What is your gender? How do you mate? How do you produce offspring?"


Although she could not see the face, Jyn could feel the speechless expression she received from Grill.

Jyn glance back at the flying orb innocently. She is only curious! It was a glowing orb fir godsake and being curious in such aspect is normal.... Maybe?

After a long pause, Grill finally answered.

"I... The..The mechanic race is a sexless race"


Jyn blink innocently but also at the same time encourging him to go on.

"I suggest You look up to the Galactic net"

Grill dully gave a suggestion.

Jyn was not satisfied but she still give face to the male oh.. She mean the now sexless fellow.

She quickly look up to the common basic knowledge of the mechanic race through her wristband holographic panel.

As Grill said before, the mechanic race are sexless.

Their real body, which seems like it will be their weakness was in fact, apart from not being able to fight, it cannot be killed.

It is resistance to most of ability, it only weakness must be strong spiritual attack.

They are like golems that could control metals or clay or mud and used it as their own body.

The mechanic race are like a soul and can inhibit countless vessels.

They are such a pervasive race.

But they have a severe downfall.

There are only at most ten of their races for each of their generation.

The other citizens of the mechanic race was a mechanic robots. More like transformer to Jyn.

A soulless transformer who only recognize the mechanic race as their sole master.

Those transformers are all D to SS grade.. But, like many other races, the SS grade transformer make up to only ten or twenty amongst countless transformers. They are a strong race, so they have such many SS grade. If it was a weaker race, at most one or two SS grade will exist in their races. That is one of the reason why they are called the weaker race.

"How do you produce offsprings for the later generation? Who make the transformers?"

Jyn immediately ask her doubt, there really was no written documents on how a new mechanic race was born.

"Tran-transformer... They are not transforme- forget it, we have a mother Machine, we only need to fill in enough materials for a new transformer to come to be" Grill calmly informed, giving up explaining that the maquina are not called transformer. Who didn't know that this God Of maker naming sense is terrible. All those device she created in the previous world, which of them have a great name? They have the most ordinary casual name, it does not give justice to its amazing function and power at all.

She also just randonly call people 'beardy, High nose, yellow hair, Pink, Light' when she didn't know their name and continue calling them even when she finally know their name. Her personality famously circled around the net. Umm... Even his personality and about circled famously around the net. But half of them were false, while this God Of Maker, almost more than half of what was written was true.

"As for when the next generation of mechanic race is born, they came every ten thousand years, each time a mechanic race member dies. As for how they came about. Its our mechanic race secret, but if its you, I will give you the permission to visit our planet and let you see the process"

Grill explain in details and in sincere earnesty.

"Thats a really pitiful amount of race"

"It indeed is"

Silence descend.

It was Grill who spoke out first.

He know that Jyn was waiting for him to spoke up first and start the 'that' tacit agreed topic.

Grill first flow back to his 'body'

"God of maker, have you thought about why the three of us tranverse here?"

Jyn have a sartical smile.

Isn't it obvious?

"Apart from the dimension requesting for help, what else could it be"

Grill smile, nodding appreciatively.

"As expected from God of Maker, you are truly smart, intel-"

"Enough with the bullshit, say what you want to say. Who cares about the dimension SOS or whatever"

Jyn wave her hand, this person mouth is a honey coated mouth. And she was not interested listening to his nonsense.

"Have you thought of preparing for the unknown Catastrophe that even the dimension need to pull three existence from another dimension to seek for help? Even keeping us in such a high position"

Although Grill still have a smile on his face, his gaze is serious and solemn.

Three people pulled from another dimension and even putting them on such a high position.

The unknown catastrophe that even the dimension seem to be afraid of was not a thing that could be disregard as a simple matter.

"Huh.. Just because it brought me here doesn't mean I am willing to help. Did it even ask for my consent before bringing me here?"

Jyn nonchalantly spat out.

"Don't tell me you don't want to come here and meet your zerg races"

Eira, Alvis, Ifrit and the other high rank Zerg inside the room guarding their Queen flinch at the statement.

They bow their head.

'Is their Queen unwilling to be their ruler?'

'Did she come here involuntarily?'

'Will she abandon them if she got a chance to go back to what seem to be her dimension?'

If she want to, as her loyal subject, they really cannot do anything to stop her.

The Zerg race mood fluctuate turbulantly. Almost hard for them to control the chaotic emotion that torment them.

Their pulse beating and their head having a splitting headache.

Jyn glare at Grill, this smiling tiger.

She quickly sent out a spiritual energy to calm the Zerg.

She sent a voice message in their conciousness as well.

'Unless I personally say I don't want you all, do not ever believe in other people mouth'

Jyn reassure them and scold them as well.

The Zerg calm down.

The alphas glance at their Queen, their eyes gleaming with happiness.

That simple and brute word was enough to satisfy them as well as relieving their fearful nerve.

"Protecting my Zerg is enough. What does other races have to do with me?"

"Still selfish as ever"

Grill state the truth and fact Jyn does not denied.

"Can you really watch the innocent race facing catastrophe?"

Jyn raise her brow.

"What do you think?"

This time, Grill did not smile, he have a loss expression.

"Although you are Vicious and brutal, you still are such a person with a strong sense of Justice"

Jyn remark calmly seeing his expression.

He and her does not have much interaction at their previous world.

But they do know each other as a powerful survival or players.

They are the three big figure among the other big figures.

She was the well-known 'God of Maker'

He was well-known as 'Lord Silver Knight'

And that holy maiden girl was well-known as 'The Holy Savage Angel'

Savage because she swear too much and even though her ability was light, her method is not gentle but vicious and sinister.

Grill has always known that The God oF Maker was an indifferent person, but he did not think that she will be this cold.

He took a deep breath.

"Is there anything I can do for you to agree?"

Jyn took a sip of her tea, hiding her smirk.

If she hastily agreed, won't the other party expect her to do things and work tirelessly for the greater benefit of the countr... Oh wait, no.. Unviverse.

"It is not hard to agree on working together and preparing for the catastrophe. Just pay me for my work and the resources required for the work. You need my help to make tools, weapon, device etc etc don't you? Treat it as a commercial trade. Nothing in this world is free"

Grill who first thought that he could make use of the abundant resources of the Zerg to create weapons and protective items to protect the universe was at a lost for word.

But he agreed with the proposal.

If it is like this, he need to re-consider and re-evaluate his plan on how to propose the help of the zerg under her for man power when the catastrophe arrived.

He also need to seek the help of the Mithioga race and the Holy race, from the holy race, the best accomplice would be the Holy Maiden who is from his original world.

He seek her out many times, she refuse him always.

Grill then gaze at Jyn.

But .....

If she is here, The God Of Maker, he don't need to seek her consent anymore. The God of maker could convince her.

That girl listen only to the God Of Maker after all.

But First, he need to take the agreement from the God Of Maker first.

As a maker, the God Of Maker obviously value trading.

It fine, the mechanic race are rich.

Jyn and Grill have a long discussion and without her needing to say a word, she was promised the best metal of the Mechanic race...

Hei hei hei..

Jyn felt that she was very clever...


After Grill left, Jyn slump tiredly on her cushion.

Ifrit quickly pass her a water before Ari could.

Jyn drank the water to relief her sore throat even though Grill did almost all the talking.

She will sometimes interject a word or two to gain more benefit from this transaction.

Jyn turn towards the Alphas and thought of teasing them.

"Do you know, your Queen here need to fight blood, sweat and tears to survive and finally came to you guys and be your Queen?"

If she is not powerful, The dimension won't choose her.

She was not talking nonsense or boasting, okay, maybe a bit.

Fine! She is boasting.

Because she stood as one of the top in that world, she is summoned here.

The alphas kneel down solemnly.

"We thank our Queen for gracing us with your presence and fighting for us to be our ruler so that we can serve you"

What is this rigid, solemn and ceremonious atmosphere?

Didn't they know that she was making a light joke and boasting?

Her Zerg EQ are truly...

Aiss... Forget it. They are lovely and cute this way.

Jyn could only bite the bullet and spoke out a dignified word to not break the 'sacred' and 'ceremonial' atmosphere.

"We will work together and thrive to develop our race further!"

Jyn heroically declare.

The Alphas and the high rank Zerg agreed solemnly.

Ari at the back intently gaze at Jyn whom he thought seems to shine brightly.

She was like the star that everyone adore.

He know that the dark him is not deserving of such a bright person, but he still want to chase after such a bright star.


Grill was walking back at his room provided for the players.

He contact his other family to inform that he had obtain the help of the The Zerg Queen.

Their race are few in numbers and could not afford to lose even one.

Aside from wanting to prepare for the catastrophe and look out for the survival of this dimension, the reason he work so hard was so that his family could survive.

In his previous life, he did not have a family so he cherish this hard earned family more than anyone.

His sense of justice might be strong but if in the life and death between his race and the other countless race, he will decisively choose his family.

He was only doing this on trying to protect and safe the universe because it was a kind of payment to this dimension for giving him a family he want and cherish.

Grill shape shift his hand into a hammer, a sword and other weapons...

Thinking back on the conversation he have with the God Of Maker, he thought back of the person sitting beside her silently.

That person have a bloody aura, a dark and pitch black abyss like aura but he have a facade of innocent... Facade of a naive inncocent.

When he glance at him, his eyes are cold, devoid of emotion, a gaze like that of a dangerous predator.

He shudder at the thought of that.

There are always weird and dangerous kind of people around The God Of Maker.

Thinking upto that point, Grill quickly throw that person at the back of his mind.

It was only because of his abyss like gaze that he suddenly remember him. He do leave a deep impression on him.

He will feel ill at ease if such a person was beside him.

But, if it was the God Of Maker who have such kind of weird and dangerous follower. She might be used to it.

That also make him curious, how did the God Of Maker who seem to be 'normal' attract all kind of weird and dangerous people? The holy maiden was one of those.

Even now, she became the Queen of the most ruthless and vicious Zerg that every race warily look out.

At the past, the Zerg are full of Malevolent energy but now, even though they still are filled with such energy, they appear like a tame beast.

Grill shook his head.

There are things he need to do.

He need to stop thinking about the Zerg race.


This Chapter is longer than intended.

Word count: 2734.

I thought of breaking this chapter into two parts but.. I thought, the hell with it and mash them all in one page.

This days, there are countless plot and imagination that bombarded me.. I will have a impulse to publish a new book and then get tired of that and then get another inspiration and then get tired of it again.


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Tōhyō!! 🇯🇵

Tóupiào!!! 🇨🇳

I wish heaven have visiting hour.

       - Ed Sheeran.

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