(Warning: Following may contain an unsuitable content. It is advice to skip this chapter for those under 18 years old. Do not come blame me or report me as you have already been warned )

Its been a week since Emily left, Jyn was quite carefree now.

Lunox on the other hand insist on staying at Paramount. His attempt to approach Jyn however was intercepted everytime. The Zerg could not lay a heavy hand on him to cause a fatal injury.

His luck to survive a death blow is amazing. His luck is amazing. Except for Jyn who can negate his luck, he is in the rank where he hold a position of being in the rank of the undefeatable.

Although he is stop from approaching Jyn, he was allowed to roam around Paramount because, his luck again. He is really lucky to discover a treasure and rare ore which will be hard to find. Those things are all at an insconpicious place.

Lucky bastard.

Those items, even if he found it, he have to submit obediently to the Zerg. It was found on their land afterall.

It belongs to the native of this planet.

Taking an item from an owned planet without consent is a crime in the galactic law. Only if an item belong to an unmaned planet will they be not subjected to such law.

Jyn just let the Zerg treat him as a living tresure hunter.


Jyn just get back to her room after creating a part of Grill body.

Its tiresome.

She quickly took a bath and came out with a bathrobe. Ari was standing nervously on her room.

This was the first time he enter Jyn room and Ari was a bit nervous and felt shy. The room was filled wih Jyn scent which intoxicate him.

He glance at Jyn who came out of the bathroom, he hurriedly lowered his head and stiffen.

"I-I'm so-sorry for coming in suddenly, I didn't know that you take a bath" With that said, he turn around, intending to go out.

Just as he was about to go out, his waist was wrap with a vine and was pulled back abrubtly, he was heavily thrown on the bed.

Jyn sway her way towards Ari, climbing the bed, directly sitting on his lap.

Ari head heated up, his heart beating wildly while a mischievious smile flit on Jyn lip.

She started to trail her finger on his chest down to his belly.

"Why the hurry? As a couple, shouldn't we do something fun?"

Then a Twirl was done on his chest seducingly.

"W-what f-fun?"

Ari stammered unconciously questioning.

"Something like....this"

With that, the chest area was opened and then it went lower and lower, when it was about to reach his pants Ari took a grip of the naughty hand.

"A'Jyn...." His voice was soft, his eye reddening a bit, his diabolically enchanting face flushed. He resemble someone that was waiting to be bullied.

Jyn suddenly felt her throat dry.

She bent down while pulling Ari a bit, she smack her lips on his. Jyn was not experienced in this but countless hours of reading novels have gave told her what to do.

She suck on the enticing lips, lick and take a few bites.

Ari on the other hand eyes went wide, his face crimson.

It felt so good.

He unconciously open his mouth letting the tongue that try to pry his mouth open in. His tongue was entangled and was then suck, the other tongue was not well-behaved as it roam every cranny of his mouth.

Ari got heated immediately, spark and electric running through his body, his brain became numb.

His brain in a state of confusion.

He does not want this to stop at all so he started to tentatively extend his tongue, entangling with the restless delicate tongue and suck on it. The taste is sweet.

Man, even if they don't know anything, by some animal instinct or somewhat, started their plunder to posess and dominate, not letting their prey go.

Ari raise his hand and press on Jyn head, taking the seductive french kiss deeper.

Once they were out of breath they parted, a silver thread lining between them.

A heavy panting echoed in tge room, Ari lean forward licking away the juice they share from Jyn lips.

Jyn on the other hand was really aroused. The meat before her look too tasty and she want a few bite ah.

She started to become naughty again, she became a temptress hard to reject.

Jyn started kissing down his chin and then his neck, a lick and then suck leaving a hickey while her hand restlessly started to wander about his body.

"Ngh.." A low moan came out of Ari mouth.

"A'j..A'jyn...A'jyn..." A breathless pant came out of Ari sexy mouth rendering one to tremble and lost in lust.

"Umm...." Jyn was still lost in the novel of seducing and tasting the beauty.

"A'jyn... It.. Its .... Lets stop okay..." A slight pleading tone came out which Shook Jyn, she on the other hand want to do him more with such begging!


She sat up, looking down at him.

Ari face flushed deep red. His eyes teary, he evade the eye, embarresed. Jyn pay close attention to him and saw him inadvertantly glancing down time to time.

Looking down as well, Jyn notice the bulging thing.

No wonder she felt something poking her.

But Jyn was not embarresed.

She once again raise her mischievious hand, she started pulling down the pant.

Ari was shocked "A'Jyn!"

"What? Your body is mine, I can do whatever I want. Are you defying me?!"

A domineering gaze cast at him. Looking up at the sneering expression of the person he is obsessed about, Ari became even more obsessed. His heart beating wildly. Deep inside, he like it and felt satisfied when Jyn domineeringly claim posession of him.

He is her posession after all.

His gaze low, something dark whirl inside his eyes. Only him is enough to be hers.

He slowly shake his head still lowering his head "A'Jyn, you know I am yours"

Jyn does not like his action, she raise head, pinching his chin.

"Say it again" She domineeringly demanded.

Ari bit his lips. He seem very easy to bullied, really docile and tamed. Very obedient. It was this action that Jyn extremely like about Ari. She like this kind of action. She like this kind of way where she owned and can control each and every of the other person. Body, heart and soul.

Deep down, she is a very domineering person.

Fuck that!

Actually, only now did she relize that she is this kind of person in bed. QAQ.

What is with this action? She act and behave just like a domineering CEO. Or an Emperor to his consorts at his bed chamber. The hell!


Why is she enjoying it?

Is she always such kind of person?

Aiya, all this profound bed thinking is giving her a headache. She'll continue thinking after she done the deed for now.

"I am yours"

"Yours what" Jyn narrowed her eyes.

"Yours to do whatever you want" the voice came out meek but earnest.

Jyn smile and give him a gentle kiss on his face, kissing the place where the crysolis laid. The place she like the most.

The gentle kiss on his most diagusting and hated part make his breath stop. He felt loved and cherished, Ari subconciously tighten his hold on Jyn. A light seem to shine on his dark world.

'A'jyn, don't even think of leaving me'

'I won't let you'

"Good boy, a good boy will be rewarded"

Jyn trail down her fingers, stopping at his pants, removing the belt and pulling down the pants, the pillar that have been covered by the linen have been removed.

It was massive and big, the purple veins pulsing. It twitch from time to time and a small leak could be seen on the tip.

Seeing his most sacred part being intently stared by Jyn, Ari felt even more hot and aroused. He felt ashamed but also excited. His muscle tightening.

The leak spew spill out more under the scorching gaze.

Suddenly, a pinkie was press on the tip, it twirl on the tip hole giving the person a loss of breathe.

His thing was grab by a soft hand and was wrap around a bit tightly. Ari pant, sweat gliding down.

It was rub up and down in an uniform motion.

"hmm..." Ari moan enticingly which could make a person ear pregnant, he felt weak all over.

At first, the admistration was a bit unskilled but the person get skilled by the minute.

Ari leaned on Jyn chest while a low suppresed moan came out of his throat.

He have never felt this good before.

His was pump up and down and felt so good that his eyes misted over. His breath getting ragged.

He open his mouth and suck on the clavicle of Jyn loose robe.

The pleasure reached its peak when the pinkie started to rub the tip of the swelling thing.

A white sticky fluid flow out like a fountain leakage. While a growl came out of the man that was receiving the greatest carnal pleasure.

The skillful hand brought up the pants, tucking the thing inside, hiding the big and lustful thing from the view of the world again.

"Is the beauty satisfied by this lord?"

"Satisfied" The breathing was a bit shallow.

"Serve this lord well and I will naturally award you"

Looking at the smiling and domineering A'Jyn, Ari parted his thin red lips.

"If, If the lord does not abandon me, this servant is willing to serve the lord for the rest of my life"

Jyn narrowed her eyes, smiling happily.

Jyn was smiling but her inside was also mourning at her loss of (self proclaimed) naive and innocent self, now she horridly found out she was this kind of person in bed.

If she was a man, she was sure that she will be the gong! Of course, that is, if Ari is still a male as well.

She must be this wretched because she has been an old virgin for so long.

Jyn really has to think of a way to further her feelings with Ari.

The deep feeling where she want to marry him. For now, she is not willing. Look! She really is a bad wretched!

But one thing for sure is that, apart from Ari, she is not willing to do such a thing she did just now to other person.

Thinking of her doing that kind of thing to other make her feel uncomfortable and disgusted all over.


Yu Fukurō:

Fuck me! Did I write that just now? Did I? Did I?

Do not talk to me for the time being. Let me wallow in my grieved.

So shameful. Spitting at myself. I am an old cougar. A pervert, I know you people are also one.

Yes, I am not going to take the black pot alone.

It is all because of you perverted readers! And also because of Mu Rulan and all the yaoi smut I read. I want to delete.... this is the reason I don't update for a long time. I got cold finger, I am ashamed..... why do I write it that wqy again? and don't leave conment on this chapter please. or my head will explode.

I am innocent. I am forced! My hand is posessed by a demon.

I'm a little bit unholy,

So what so is everyone else

-Miley Cyrus (Unholy)

Cyrus, console me. QAQ


For forcing me to write such thing, You are ordered to read, vote and comment the other novels that I published.

Its called "Let the light be with you"

(Go to my account and check it out, don't tell me you people are not going to compensate me for letting me write such a wretch chapter *cough* )

Let the light be with you


In the worlds of destruction, there exist a devil that was capable of destroying the heaven and Earth.

Oblitering the path of life.

Causing Mayhem for the rest of the surviving livings.

That was the case....

That was what was expected and deem inevitable....

A bright light have pierced through the heaven, bathing the world of ruins with its hopeful and gentle light.

Legend claim it to be the descendance of an angel, a peerless and pure angel to salvage the destructive world.

Majestically and awe inspiringly spreading her wings, an enthereal voice came out of the Pure Angel "Let The Light Be With You"

Legend have further carried on, saying that the devil that was supposed to turn the world into a purgatory have been tamed and subdued by the Angel.

Blessed be the Holy Angel.


Shuan, an ordinary girl, (in her opinion) was transvered in various world. Flittered through countless planes.

Its not that big of a problem, unless, the world you transmigrated happen to be an end of the world setting.

For an ordinary girl like her, this is really a distressing matter.


and other such as....

Reincarnate of a mad scientist.

The great witch Lena

Creator Ella


My exam is next week, I will be busy and I don't know when I can upload again. But, pray for me ya'll.