10.Jealous? (2)

"Jealous?" A man's voice startled me.

I immediately looked in the mirror and saw the figure of Ali standing very close behind me, and he seemed to smile mischievously. I tried to hold my breath and calm his sudden heartbeat.

Jealous? I spelled the word in my heart. Not! How could I be jealous? I don't have any relationship with Ali. I immediately denied the word in my heart, but I couldn't deny that there was a pain in my heart when I saw Ali making out with another girl. Actually, I was surprised, and this feeling had never existed before except after the events of that night.

I turned around, looked at him coldly, and then walked out of the toilet, leaving him without saying anything. At a glance, I could see his mischievous smile growing wider on his handsome face.

I immediately continued my steps out of the library room and left Tia and her friends, who were still there.

Before leaving the library room, I heard a voice calling out to me, Tia. The girl jogged after me until she was out of breath. I stopped in my tracks and waited for him.

"You're crazy, Zie! You're walking so fast. It's like being chased by a ghost. Where are you going?"

"Not a ghost but you. Let's go to class. Break time is almost over." my excuse.

I smiled, seeing Tia spread her hands and take a deep breath.

"Come on, ah.." I dragged Tia to class.

The class was almost entire when we got there, and soon I saw Ali also enter the class. He walked casually to another row of seats opposite me. Without realizing it, my eyes followed his every move.

The commotion in the classroom soon died down when Mrs. Yayuk entered the room. After greeting us and saying a few opening words, he immediately shared our practice schedule at the hospital. This time we were divided into several hospitals outside the city.

I'm not in the same group as Tia and Ali for tomorrow's practice. I was surprised when I felt disappointed when I found out that I wasn't in the same group with Ali even though I used to be very happy when I wasn't in the same group with him. I took a deep breath, glanced glumly at Ali, and immediately averted my gaze when our eyes met.

"What are you doing, Zie?" Tia asked as we left the classroom, "why, gloomy."

"Hehe, it's okay, I'm just sad that I can't practice with you so we won't see each other for a month," even though in my heart I replaced the word 'you' with 'Ali,' I laughed a little to cover my feelings.

"Shit! Usually, we're also rare to get a group," Tia murmured.


I no longer pay attention to what is happening around me, and I don't even hear what Tia says, which makes the girl feel irritated because she has to repeat her words several times.

When the lesson ended, Tia immediately rushed out to the toilet. I tidy up my and Tia's things. After ensuring that nothing is left on the table, I intend to leave this room to wait for Tia outside the classroom.

When I was about to stand, I felt someone standing in front of my desk. I lifted my head and was surprised to find Ali's handsome face there. A smile appeared on his gloomy face. My chest immediately thumped faster when I realized this was the first time Ali smiled at me.

"Don't be gloomy, fight!" he said as he touched my left ring finger and stopped on the platinum ring I was wearing.

I widened my eyes when his actions took me by surprise. My heart is beating fast. Ali had never greeted me before, let alone encouraged me. Without waiting for my answer, Ali immediately stepped out of the classroom.

After Ali left, I felt helpless especially considering his face, which also looked gloomy. Does he feel the same as me? I sighed, feeling the tightness that suddenly engulfed my chest.

"Geez, Zie... why are you still here? I've been looking for you everywhere," Tia groaned when she saw me still sitting in my chair.

I smiled as I stood up and walked over to her.

"You had another fight with Ali, didn't you? I saw him just out of here," she snarled. Tia hated Ali as much as I hated that guy.

"No," I answered.

" Surprise..."

"Just lazy," I answered unenthusiastically

"Ha ha ha,..."
