26. Secretly Take His Picture.

After entering the neighbourhood Association 4, we visited people's houses to collect data. Ali and I took turns doing interviews and writing down the results of the discussions on a questionnaire paper. Actually, I was surprised because today, Ali and I can work together, and there are no communication barriers as usual. Even though we didn't talk to each other, this activity went smoothly.

While doing the interview, Ali and I also checked the condition of the bathroom, cage, ventilation and others directly. The houses in this neighbourhood Association are still many who still do not meet health requirements. Many places have untiled floors, lack of ventilation, cages that are still one with the house, and few residents have healthy latrines. Who defecate indiscriminately.

In addition, the health condition of the people in this area is quite alarming because many children suffer from diarrhoea, coughs, colds and other health problems. Even so, the people here are friendly and very cooperative. Moreover, Santi's presence as our companion cadre in conducting data collection is beneficial. Even though she is not a native of this village, Santi highly respected by the villagers, especially the residents of this neighbourhood Association.

Ali, Santi and I were forced to refuse the food and drinks that the houses we visited would give us because if each house we had to stop for a moment to drink and eat, how long would we have to complete the data collection? Maybe until the dark is over!

Without realizing, our steps until the last house we recorded, we immediately sat down after being invited in. I took out a questionnaire and stationery then interviewed the house owner while Ali checked the bathroom and cage after getting permission from the owner of the house.

"We're done, aren't we, ma'am?" I said as I stuffed the paper containing the questionnaire into my backpack. I counted the remaining empty questionnaires, there were still four that had not been filled. Could it be that Ali had miscalculated earlier?

"Not yet, sis. There are still four more houses that have not been recorded," Santi laughed when

"Really? I felt we've got all, ma'am." I looked down at the houses we had visited. It felt as if nothing had been missed.

Ali also stated the same thing as me, and he also felt that we had data on all the houses. Santi smiled at us, and she pointed to the path that led to the left from where I was standing.

"We'll follow that road, and later there will be a downhill road. There are still four houses down there,"

"Oh..." I said.

"Let's go there. Let's finish soon," said Ali, to which Santi immediately agreed.

I just nodded and followed Ali's steps down the path under our feet, and I was amazed when I saw the scenery in this place which was more beautiful than before. I immediately ignored the surrounding scenery with my phone's camera. I took selfies with Santi several times, ignoring Ali and neglecting the picture.

We stopped somewhere under a big tree. Next to the tree, a dirt road had descended steps. It seems to be the road to the houses below, and the street looks damp and slipper. I saw four separate houses down there. I took pictures of the places to show my friends the recorded sites.

Suddenly, Santi's phone rang, she immediately picked it up and said some things to her call. Ali and I stopped, waiting for Santi to be on the phone. Subconsciously I looked at Ali standing under the big tree, looking at the houses below. Ali looks so handsome and charming that I can't take my eyes off him. It was the perfect scene to capture.

I quietly pointed my phone camera at him and took some pictures. Suddenly Ali turned his head as if he realized I was looking at him and took his image, and I felt nervous because I caught it. I felt like a thief caught in action. I don't know what I'm going to say to the guy, and I don't know what he will tell me. I felt my heart stop beating, and my cheeks felt hot from being caught by it.

I quickly pointed my phone camera in another direction awkwardly, trying to capture the scenery around me. I tried to ignore Ali and pretended not to see his smile. After some time, I looked at Santi, who had just finished receiving her call.

After her phone call was over, Santi seemed busy making a call. After some time talking with the person on the other end of her call, Santi approached us, who were standing a little apart.

"My bad, Ali, Zie, I can't accompany you to collect the data below. I have guests at home who can't wait because they want to go back to town soon," she said

Then, her face showed an apology.

"I have contacted Mrs Astuti to help you." she continued with a smile, then she pointed to the path next to a big tree, "she will be waiting for you at the bottom of this road.

I was silent for a moment without realizing my eyes looked at Ali. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I was only with Ali. Could he be bullying me? Moreover, he knew that I took his photo secretly.

"Yes, ma'am. It's okay. Thank you for accompanying us so far." Ali smiled at Santi.

"Thank you, ma'am," I said with a forced smile.

Santi smiled and cheered us on before rushing back to the path we had taken earlier. I saw a father riding a motorbike come to us to pick up Santi.
