29. She Gets Jealous When A Girl Calls

"You guys are a perfect match. It's nice to have a place to practice in one location so you can go out while dating," said Mrs. Tutik's husband while patting Ali on the shoulder, making Ali's face turn red.

I blushed even more, my face felt hot, and it must have been redder than Ali's. We smile shyly don't know how to dodge it.

"Wait a moment!" said Mrs. Tutik's husband when we were about to walk. He went into the garage and out again on a motorbike. "You guys use this! If you walk, you'll be too late."


"It's okay, just take it while you're here. It is my first boy's own, he used to come only when he was there."

"Yes, just wear it," Mrs. Tutik smiled at her husband's side

We just stared at the kindness of the husband and wife, the ringing sound of Ali's cell phone was heard awakening us.


(Is the data collection finished yet? We're about to finish tabulating,) Ria's voice seems to be on the other end of the call, Ali turned up the volume so I could hear it even though it was a bit faint.

"Yes we had finished it, we are going home soon, why? Already miss me, huh? I just left you for a while!" Ali laughed, his eyes fixed on me.

Mrs. Tutik had entered her house because one of her children was crying while her husband was starting the motorbike some distance from where we were standing.

(Miss you? It's bullshit! That's Airin who missed you, and she has been asking about you for a while)

"Ha ha ha,"

(Eh, Zie, are you okay?) asked Ria when she heard my laughter then Ria threatened Ali (Watch out if you bully her!) .

"I bully her? No, no. Usually, she was bullied me!" Ali replied casually, his eyes turned to me again. I glared at him and immediately pinched him.

"She just pinched me. Wow, it turns out that if no one else, she's even more vicious to me! Now, she's hitting my shoulder instead." Ali said while holding my right hand, which hit his shoulder. My left hand moves quickly to turn off the call from Ria.

Mr. Irman, Mrs. Tutik's husband approached us with a chuckle at our behavior, he handed the motorbike keys to Ali.

"It's normal, sir. she gets jealous when a girl calls," Ali smiled as he answered when Pak Irman asked him. He must have seen when I turned off the call on Ali's cell phone.

I glared. He says I'm jealous when he gets a call from a girl? Seriously!

"Mrs. Tutik used to be like that too, she could be angry all day if a woman approached me, hahaha!" the two men laughed, "but you know, she's angry that means she really loves me,"

"Yes, sir. She's just embarrassed to admit it," Ali chuckled as he saw my face getting darker.

Mr. Irman confirmed Ali's statement, the two men smiled meaningfully.

"It's getting late, Sir. We better to go now because we have to process our data. Thank you for lending us your motorbike, Sir," Ali said goodbye to Mr. Irman, he also said goodbye to Mrs. Tutik who had just come out of the house.

"Fine, enjoy you trip to go home, bye," Mr.Irman smile.

"Goodbye, Mr, Mrs. Thank you,"

I also said goodbye to both of them, Bu Tutik handed me a black plastic bag and forced me to accept it. I thank you for receiving the black crackle from Mrs. Tutik. After greeting the husband and wife, we immediately headed for the motorbike that Mr. Irman had prepared for us to use.

I was surprised when Ali took me to the motorbike in front of us, so surprised I didn't even let go of his grip on my hand.

Ali released his grip and got on the motorbike and told me to get on too. Ali moved the backpack on his back to his chest. Slowly I got on the motorbike and sat on the seat behind Ali. I felt uncomfortable because the back seat position was higher, which brought me closer to Ali's body, causing my chest to beat fast.
