Chapter 2: Caught a bullet

I arrive in CC Jitters 15 minutes earlier than my shift. Better early than sorry. I once again run through my head all the things I need to do to avoid making mistakes. I was nervous when I saw the people bussing in at such an early time. Thankfully I'm not such a nervous wreck when surrounded by numerous people.

Wearing the cafe's apron with the CC Jitters logo on its left chest, I assisted the people buzzing in. Letting them choose the seats they want, before roaming around to check if ever someone wants something. Then I clean the tables of those who decided to dine in and stay for a few minutes. I even get to refill a few mugs.

It has been a few hours since I started when I notice a familiar face entering the café with a few people with him. Barry and his friends chose a table nearer to the entrance. I'm not sure if greeting him while at work would be practical, so I decided to let it pass. Besides, it's not like we're close at all. We just exchanged names and that's it.

I head back to the edge of the counter to wipe a spilled coffee, just right after Barry took four mugs of the Flash coffee without a tray. Just like yesterday. I didn't think he notices me, but he also didn't notice the woman behind him. Once again like what happened yesterday.

Thankfully no coffee was spilled on the two, and I think they know each other. Awkwardly. Because I just watch the two hold a conversation that eventually leads to giving numbers while both trying hard to find the right words. Barry's laugh was also awkward and I find it amusing to see him stammer.

Shrugging after the two went both their ways, I went back to my job. I was trying to grab the spray bottle when it started.

My eyes widen as I watch my hand start shaking very fast it was blurry. Like it was vibrating or something. I quickly tuck it in my chest and check around to see if someone other than me saw what happened, before walking towards the end of the room.

It starting again! Why is it starting again?! It can't start again! I'm trying to live peacefully! I had been very careful not to touch anyone physically- Wait! Yesterday... Yesterday I touched Barry's hands to prevent his coffee from spilling. Is he...

Without completing the question in my head, I march towards his table but another woman beat me to it. She is tall and has long curly brown hair. I watched Barry and his friends, feeling the tension from where I stand. Though, Barry's friend was the one talking to the woman.

Then all of them started leaving the table and into the door. I run after them and carefully grabbing Barry's elbow. Not wanting to once again touch his skin.

"Barry..." They all look at me, confuse about my action.

"Thora? What are you-"

"Barry." The guy called to Barry, motioning his head that they need to leave quickly. Barry looks again at me and takes my hand carefully off his elbow.

"Something wrong, Thora?" I look at him and bit my lower lip, thinking it all over in my head.

What if it wasn't him? What if it wasn't from him? What if it was another person I didn't know I touch? It can't be Joe because I was wearing my gloves when I shake his hand. And I haven't touched anyone today. Not even the ones I'm serving. I made sure not to make any physical contact at all. So... It can only be Barry.

"If... Uhm... If you have some free time, can I talk to you?"

"Why?" he confusedly asked, looking back to his friends after they call him once again.

"Not now. It looks important so take care of it first, but please if you have time, the quicker the better, talk to me."

"O-Okay. See... See you around." I watched them all rush out of the cafeteria. Leaving me with my hands shaking.

I made sure to calm down before getting back to my work, but I waited the whole day for Barry to drop by and got nothing. What did I expect? I mean, I only met him yesterday. I bet he thinks I'm weird for grabbing him like that and asking for him to talk to me if ever he has time.

Who would want to talk to someone who you only met yesterday, then suddenly ask to talk to you in such a way?

I didn't see Barry the next morning, after all, the man surely has a job too. My shifts are all morning shifts that start at 7 am and then end at 2 pm. 7 hours every day. It is tiring especially when there are a lot of people in the early hours, but it keeps me preoccupied.

I head out when my shift ended and decided to drive around the city since I haven't explored any place since I got to Central City.

I was planning to head home when I saw Joe stepping out of a police car. Just like the one I saw yesterday when he introduced himself to me. I was near him and was about to call his name when I noticed a guy a few feet away from him.

Squinting my eyes, I started seeing the man's body. Literally what's inside and what's under his clothes. His bones, and a gun in the pocket of his jacket. My eyes widen when the man started pulling out the gun. I step into the accelerator, drive past the man and stop right behind him. I rush out of my car and stand in front of Joe. I don't even know what's going on anymore.

I was never a heroic person. I always will try to help, but I have always put my life as a priority. I can't die and leave my mother alone.

All things happened so fast. And when I said fast, I mean it. I heard the sound of a gunshot, and another from behind me. Probably coming from Joe. An attempt to prevent the guy from firing another one.

"Thora! Thora!" I look up at Joe and stare at his eyes filled with worry. His eyes search me for any wound or sign that I was hurt, but both of us are confused more than ever.

"Joe?" He frantically searches again if I was shot because we're both sure that the man he just shot and lying unconscious on the ground, fired first.

"Thora? Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! I've called 911. Tell me, what's wrong?" I look around and notice the people starting to buzz around about what's going on.

"I... I'm... I'm not hurt, Joe. I don't-I don't know. I can't be hurt because-" He looked at me more confused than he was earlier. He watches me as I lend out my right hand, slowly opening it from my tight fist, and showing him the bullet that was supposed to hit me.

Joe slowly picks the bullet from my hand and stares at me with complication. Like he wasn't sure if what he was seeing is real.

"How did you-"

"I don't know. I-I don't know, Joe. I... don't know."

I glance down at my hands, contemplating whether my decision to work here in Central City is the right thing to do.

Joe brought me to the nearest hospital, after having another officer take the man to the hospital too, and get his wound checked. He wanted to make sure I was okay, against all my complaints. I've been telling him that I'm okay, but the man won't listen.

"Nothing's wrong with Ms. Fallon, Detective West." the Doctor started the moment he came into the room I was in. He was holding a paperboard, and glancing between two pages of paper. "all the results state that Ms. Fallon is very fine. Her vitals are stable so she's free to go anytime you guys want."

"Okay. Thanks, Doc." Joe stated, while I only smile at the doctor and watch him leave the room.

It was pretty uneasy inside the room now that we were both left alone. I don't have any idea how would I explain just what happened earlier. Like I could just tell him that I saw everything slow down including the bullet. Like I could just tell him that I caught the bullet easily because I can certainly see its trajectory. He'll think I'm crazy, even a freak.

"I'll be straight with you, Thora. How did you do that?" I bit my lower lip, contemplating whether I should look at him or just keep my head low. Unfortunately, I can't just dodge him even if I wanted to.

"I... I can't tell. Believe me. I want to tell you. I just... I just don't know what to say." Joe looked me straight in the eye, and when I remained quiet, he let out a sigh and grab the chair near the bed I was sitting in and sit in front of me.

"I will ask questions, and I want you to answer them honestly. Is that okay?" I lift my head to look at him and nodded, feeling like I am being interrogated about a crime I didn't commit. "Can you... I mean... Have you-Have you run faster than a normal human can do?"

My brows furrowed when I heard his question. I mean, I am weird for seeing things deeper than what they are, and now things are slowing down around me, but his question is a lot weirder than I thought it would be.

"No... What do you even mean by that?" I curiously asked which he immediately answered with a shrug. Honestly, it was like he hurried his response to dismiss that thought he started.

"Well, how about... Like weird vibrations... Do you have something like that?" My brows remained furrowed, wondering what was with the weird questions. I was planning to say 'no', but then I remember what happened at the Café this morning.

The one that happened after I tried to reach the spray bottle I was using to clean the counters.

As the thought emerge I felt my right hand doing the same thing once again. I quickly lift my hand and show it to Joe. Something I would never do If my mind still working properly.

"If you're talking about this... Then yes." Joe sprung out of the chair and stare at me with bewilderment.

"I need to take you with me somewhere." he bursts out, sending a lot of red warnings to my brain.

I immediately back up away from him, even jumping off the end and scooting to the far end of the room. I look around and thankfully the room doesn't have any camera. Probably outside.

"Where are you taking me? Mental Hospital?! I'm not coming with you." Joe took a step forward, while I step farther back into the end.

This was what I was trying to avoid. People finding out about things I can do. Even though all these slowings and vibration things are new to me too, I am still trying to avoid every attention from anyone. Because, I know that once someone finds out, I'll be living a freak show. And I won't let that happen.

"Thora, calm down. I just want to help you, okay?" he tried to explain, taking another step which I answered with more scooting even though there was no more place for me to move to anymore.

"Help me? How would you help me? It's not like you know what's happening to me." Joe stop himself from trying to move closer to me and look straight into my eyes.

"I don't know what's going on with you, but I know some people who might." I scoff, not believing any words he's saying.

The last time someone told me that they were trying to help me, I ended up in the hospital. Hook up with lots of syringes and stitches. Wound and bruises I received from trying to escape the facility they brought me in. They were planning to experiment on me, what was I supposed to do aside from learning from my mistake?

"Yeah? As if you would have such friends, Joe. You're a detective! All you will do is bring me into a psychiatric ward and let me rot there for all you care." I exclaimed, losing the last rope that was binding my patience.

"Yes, I do have. Calm down, Thora. I'm trying to help you because like you said, you don't know what's going on with you."

"You have? Who, Joe? Who? I just met you yesterday. We don't know anything about each other. You may be a detective, but you can't tell me to trust you. I don't trust anyone aside from my mom." he let out another sigh as if finally getting tired of what was happening. If he is, what about me? I am more than willing to do anything just to get out of this room.

"The Flash, Thora. I am talking about The Flash." my attempt to find a way to get myself out of the room was put to a halt at the mention of the name.

"The Flash? As in the one in the news who is believed to had to save Central City from disaster six months ago?" I asked curiously, finding it hard to believe that Joe knows the Flash personally.

"Yes. I might be working with them. The Flash and his friends might know what's going on with you. Trust me. I just want to help you." he lends out a hand, asking for me to take it as a show of my trust.

I didn't take his hands for a few minutes. Leaving Joe standing in the middle of the room with his hands lend out to me. He can't blame me for not immediately taking them and making him wait. No one can blame me. Because trust brought me down to rock bottom once before.

"Fine. But can we do it tomorrow after my work? I... I need time to think. Don't worry, I won't run away. Besides, I can't. We live next to each other." Joe took a long look at me before sighing. Knowing well that I do need time to think about what's truly going on. After all, it is happening to me and not to him.

"I understand. Can you at least give me a call when you're done with your work?" he took out his phone and held it out to me which I take and put my number on. I use his phone to call mine and end it before giving it back to him. I fish out my phone and save his number from my recent contacts.

"Thank you, Thora. You can trust me."

I hope so... I thought, already dreading tomorrow.