Ryuu the negotiator

"Minato-sama, Ryuu-sama, we're glad you're both here, we'll need all the power we can get to escort us back to base, we got ambushed twice already and lost a lot of our men, if we lose anymore it's over for us."

One man said.

"Travelling from here and back to base will take a few weeks, then we'll also have to wait for new resources to arrive, which will take roughly two months because of how many resources we need.

Ryuu and I will stay here until they arrive, but in the meantime, Ryuu will help me make a plan to push them back, and we'll likely go against Ay and Killer bee again, so be ready."

Ryuu nodded.

As they stayed there making plans, Bee and Ay were retreating to their base.

"Ay, Bee, hurry, the village is under attack!" One Kumogakure shinobi said.

"Who is it?!" Ay asked.

"We've discovered plans for an attack by Iwagakure Shinobi. they've sent 10,000 shinobi and are merely a few weeks away.

Raikage-sama has drawn them away from the village, he told me to summon you as fast as I could."

Ay nodded, he and Killer bee rushed to their village. Ay used lightning chakra mode to move faster, and Killer bee was not far ahead of him.

Meanwhile, Minato was making a plan.

Ryuu was holding his head and seemed to be stressed and bothered by something, Minato noticed this.

After hours of planning, Minato was done and looked at Ryuu with concern.

'He hasn't spoken or moved this entire time, is something wrong?'

Minato dismissed everyone except Ryuu.

"Ryuu, what's bothering you?"

Ryuu snapped out of his thoughts.


"You haven't spoken this entire time and you haven't even moved, clearly something is bothering you, tell and I'll help you." He said as he held Ryuu's shoulder.

"Thanks for the offer but…

You wouldn't understand, I have someone else that can help me, I'll be gone for a day or two, but don't worry if there's any trouble I'll come back, My seal is on you."

Ryuu teleported away.

"He's not here," Ryuu said as he reached Rikuto's Cave.

"I guess I'll have to wait, he doesn't seem far, plus Nakamura is here to keep me company."

The wolf ran to Ryuu, and Ryuu went on his knee to pat it.

'Nearly a day later Rikuto had come back to the cave, he carried a bag full of what sounded like shattered metal but they had a special feeling like chakra. I couldn't figure it out but it didn't matter, I got to see my brother again.'

"Rikuto!" Ryuu gave him a hug.

It shocked him to see him after so long and wondered what had happened.

"Good to see you here, Brother."

He said as he put the bag down.

"What's in the bag?" Ryuu asked as he grabbed the bag and checked.

"Are these…" He nodded.

"Pieces of father's sword." Ryuu poured the pieces on the floor.

"Why would you need these?"

Rikuto grabbed a piece of the shattered sword pieces.

"These are stolen memories."

Ryuu's eyes widened.

"You found them all?" He nodded.

"That's amazing, I can't wait to unseal them." He nodded and put it back in the bag.

"We'll do that after the war, I know you've been busy and I wouldn't like for Konoha to be defeated."

Ryuu nodded.

"Well, what did you come here for?"

Ryuu frowned.

"Minato and I have fought A and Killer bee, which can only mean Kumogakure is about to be attacked by the 10,000 shinobi."

"The death of the third Raikage."

Ryuu nodded.

"I want to change the way things happen here, If I save their Raikage, Konoha and Kumo could ally, but that would change how things are in the future, what if I change something and something catastrophic happens?"

Ryuu asked.

"In our previous life you always wanted to change everything, but you didn't have the power to do so, none of us did, but in this life, we both have the power to mold this world however we want it to be.

Whether it's destruction or peace, I trust your decision, and I will always be there if things don't go as planned."

Ryuu smiled and nodded.

For the rest of the night, Ryuu only thought about the impact his next decision would make.

'Should I just standby and let people die, this decision will affect the lives of many, but still…' Nakamura licked his hand.

"What about you Nakamura, what would you do if you were me?"

He slept on his leg, and Ryuu's frown disappeared, and he started smiling again.

"Rikuto's right, Now I have the power to change everything. The fate of this world is in my hands."

He went to bed.

'A tremendous battle awaits, and I'd better get ready for it.' He said to himself before closing his eyes.

The next day, Nakamura woke Ryuu up, and Rikuto was also awake.

"Have you decided what you're going to do yet?" Ryuu nodded.

"I hope I'm not too late, but I'll rescue the third Raikage, will you join me?"

Rikuto nodded.

"Of course."

"Grrr!" Ryuu's stomach growled.

"That reminds me." Ryuu took a scroll and unsealed a bow of Ichiraku Ramen.

"Is that?" Ryuu nodded.

After eating the two prepared for battle, Rikuto carried a staff made of special materials and gave Ryuu a Bow and arrow to carry along with his sword.

"Are you ready?" Rikuto nodded.

The two left Nakamura in the cave and headed to Kumogakure.

"My seal is still active on Killer Bee. should we use that?" Rikuto shook his head.

"If we use flying Raijin to get there, it'll end up looking like an attack instead of a peace offer.

Have you ever entered Kumogakure before?" Ryuu nodded.

"Just once, but I didn't get far, it was during a mission with Minato and Jiraiya-sensei."

He nodded.

"Then let's use your Mangekyou Sharingan to get there." Ryuu nodded and activated his Mangekyou Sharingan.

"Hmph." Rikuto chuckled a little.

"what is it?"

"I just thought of something funny that's all."

Ryuu frowned.

"Are you going to tell me?"

He nodded.

"Ryuu the negotiator just sounds oddly funny to me that's all, you have one of the worst tempers I've heard yet here you are negotiating peace between to long time rivals, but anyway, let's go."

Ryuu smiled.

'He's right, that is strange.'

Ryuu said to himself.

He gave Rikuto his flames and disappeared into the smoke with him.

"We're here."

They entered Kumogakure and used their ash to hide their chakra.

"Great, let's get moving." Ryuu nodded and led his brother into Kumo.

"I've linked us using the mind transmission jutsu, this way it's easier to communicate."

Rikuto nodded.

"How did you get the Yamanaka clan's secret jutsu?"

"I don't fully get it but from what I understand I can copy all ninjutsu through my Mangekyou but the drawback is I have to have my Mangekyou Sharingan on otherwise using other ninjutsu will drain too much chakra." He nodded.

Meanwhile, the third Raikage arrived back in his village and was making a plan with Ay and his squad.

"Father, this plan is a suicide, there are too many men ahead, if you continue with this plan, all of you will die!"

"My word is final, if we don't do this, the village will be destroyed, as the Raikage, I cannot and will not allow that to happen."

Ay was still hesitant but had no other choice but to obey.

"Raikage-sama!" Someone came barging through the doors.

"There are two intruders in the village!"

Ay, and the Third Raikage's eyes widened.

'A frontal attack, now this?' The third Raikage's day just kept getting worse.

"Ay, prepare for battle!" He nodded.

"No need, Raikage-sama, we've come in peace," Ryuu said as he and Rikuto teleported behind Ay.

"You?!" Ay reacted as he recognized Ryuu.

"We've come to make a bargain."

Ryuu said as he bowed his head respectfully.

A cloud of dark smoke from his dimension covered him and Rikuto.

"What do you Konoha shinobi want?!"

He asked.

"We seek to protect you and your village, if you go out there, you will die pointlessly, this will affect your son and village the most. If we work together, we can stop Iwagakure's invasion." Ay gritted his teeth.

"Father, what are we waiting for?!"

Lightning chakra built up around him as he entered lightning chakra mode.

"Not yet!" He said. Ay left lightning chakra mode.

"Father, these Konoha shinobi are trying to distract us!"

Ryuu shook his head.

"You still don't get it, I'm not your enemy here." Ay clenched his fist.

"You're just trying to steal our tailed beasts and our jinchuriki!

This is just another plot to weaken Kumogakure by stealing its most powerful weapon!"

Ryuu frowned.

"Ay, you still don't get it, do you?

I'll tell you what Minato meant the last time we saw each other.

To simplify what Minato meant earlier, he was talking about Bee as a jinchuriki."

He gritted his teeth.

"And what does a child like you know about it?!"

"Much more than you, by the looks of it.

I'll keep this short. If a Jinchuriki is not sure who or what he or she is, then they wouldn't be able to control their hatred for a tailed beast.

A Jinchuuriki's most important aspect is love, Bee is lucky to have you because if a Jinchuuriki doesn't receive love, they would become hollow.

Bee has you, and with that love, that was enough to completely suppress the eight tails.

But I'm willing to bet you've seen this happen before, your cousin Blue B probably spoke to you about how people treated him differently, he probably had sleepless nights fearing that Gyūki might take control, that's also what war does and that's why I suggest you agree to an alliance."

Ay's eyes widened as he remembered talking to Blue B.

"Listen, I simply want peace for everyone, I've lived through war my entire life, I watched my parents die then I had to go through death to rescue the one who adopted me, and if you think that's bad, I was tricked into believing I killed two of my closest friends."

Rikuto frowned, remembering what he did.

"Raikage-sama, is your hate for Konoha that much stronger than your love for Kumogakure?"

He frowned.

"if you ally with Konoha, this war will not last long and both Konoha and Kumo won't lose more shinobi, I don't want to rush you but, I can sense them breaking through your first level of defense, it's now or never."

The Raikage activated lightning chakra mode.

Rikuto tightly gripped his sword.

Ryuu waved his hand at him, and he withdrew his sword hesitantly.

The Raikage looked at Ryuu in the eyes; the room was intense.

'Does he not fear that I will attack him?

Hmph, I'll do whatever I can to protect my village.

As a Kage, that is the least I can do.'

The Raikage nodded.

"Fine." A quick sigh of relief from Ryuu and Rikuto.

"After this battle, that's when we will begin talks about this so-called alliance."

Ryuu smiled and nodded.

Ay was still unsatisfied with this decision, but what other choice did he have?

After a day the third Raikage, Ryuu, and Rikuto lead a battle against Iwagakure forces.

"Ay, if I don't make it out of this battle, I know you'll be a great Raikage."

A tear dropped from Ay's eye.

He quickly wiped his tear and clenched his fist.

"If you die here, I'll avenge your death and take the hidden leaf down."

The Raikage shook his head.

"It won't be as simple as you think, especially with him around." He looked at Ryuu.

"Just take care of bee, he looks up to you." He gave him a fist bump and left.

'Father, I won't let you down.' He said to himself as he watched his father walk away with Ryuu and Rikuto beside him.