"Please be patient with him, sometimes he finds it hard to remember things, even speaking."
"That's alright Shisui."
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Dad, may I come in?" Shisui entered, and Ryuu closely followed him.
"Who is it?"
A deep voice spoke to them, it sounded sickly and raspy, and it was obvious he had been finding it hard to breathe.
"Dad, it's me, Shisui."
"..." They stood there for another 2 minutes and waited.
"Oh, Shisui, who's that?" He looked at Ryuu.
Shisui's father was in bed, covered in blankets, on beside his bed was a plate of pills, prescribed to him to take the pain away.
He had short unkempt black hair, much like Shisui, and had a sharp jawline, with wrinkles forming.
Over the years, he got unfit because he couldn't walk, and he lost his left leg in the war.
"Hi, I'm Ryuu, Ryuu Uchiha.
I'm Shisui's sensei." He slowly nodded.
"Cough! Cough!" His cough was rough and loud.
"You must be Yagami Uchiha.
I'll do my best to treat you, I promise."
Ryuu looked at him with his Sharingan to improve his vision.
'I see…'
"Shisui, I'll be back.
I don't want to give you false hope, but I believe I can save him."
Shisui's eyes widened with a new sense of hope.
"Sensei, are you sure?"
"I'm not exactly sure, but I have an idea, it might take some time, that's why I said I'll be back."
"Hm?" Ryuu looked at Shisui, he had balancing tears in his eyes.
"Shisui." Ryuu put his hand on Shisui's shoulder.
"I'll do everything in my power to help you Shisui, I promise." Shisui wiped his eyes.
"Thank you, sensei."
Ryuu nodded.
"Now I have to go, I'm already late enough, you know?"
Shisui nodded.
Ryuu left Shisui's house and went to Ichiraku Ramen.
Back at Ichiraku, Naruto and Sasuke arrived.
"Hey, old man Teuchi!"
Ah! Naruto! You're not with Ryuu?"
"Big bro is on his way here."
"I see… So what will you have?"
Naruto looked at Sasuke.
"Take anything you want, big brother's paying, so eat as much as you can, you know."
"Sure, big brother must be loaded after all the missions he went to."
They both ordered 2 extra large bowls of Ichiraku Ramen.
"I wonder what's taking him so long to arrive.
Maybe he finally lost it after spending so much time with you."
"Aaaah!" Naruto and Sasuke jumped back with their eyes bulging out.
"Don't creep up on us like that.
You had me worried for a sec, you know." Naruto said as he held his chest.
"Yeah, big brother, that was creepy." Sasuke agreed.
"Sorry guys." Ryuu nervously scratched his head.
"Ryuu, will you have the same as always?" Ryuu nodded at Teuchi's question.
"Your order is ready."
Teuchi came back with three extra large bowls of ramen.
"Eat up guys!"
Naruto and Sasuke sat down to eat.
"Big brother, what were you doing anyway?"
"Huh?" Ryuu looked at Sasuke.
"I went to Shisui's place, I wanted to talk to him, a little."
"You went to talk to big brother Shisui?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, he's my student, so it's important to keep in touch with him, you know?"
Ryuu ate 7 more bowls of ramen.
"Naruto, will you accompany me and Sasuke to the Uchiha compounds?"
"No way, big brother, don't show this idiot to my house! He'll be even more annoying."
"Hey, I'm not annoying! You're just stuck up."
"Heh…" Ryuu nervously laughed and realized he created a fight.
He held both their heads.
"Stop fighting…"
Naruto and Sasuke folded their hands and looked away.
'After paying, we left Teuchi's restaurant, then Naruto, and I took Sasuke to his house.
This was a way to test their speed using chakra, they didn't do badly, but they had room for improvement.'
"See you tomorrow Sasuke!"
"Stay away from my house, loser." Sasuke entered his house.
"What? You want me to come back tomorrow? Okay!"
Sasuke facepalmed and closed the door.
"Naruto, head back home, I'll catch up tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?!" Ryuu nodded.
"By the way, get some Ramen for Ichika, she must be exhausted from her mission."
Naruto gave him a salute.
"I won't let you down!" Ryuu smiled.
"You never do."
Naruto infused chakra in his feet and then jumped across the roofs of buildings.
Ryuu went into Shisui's house and entered Yagami's room.
"Nobu, I need your help."
The Phoenix appeared from Ryuu's body, lighting up the entire room.
"I already know what you intend to do."
"Is it that obvious, or did you read my mind?"
"Both." Ryuu nodded.
"Ryuu, the jutsu you're about to attempt can kill you."
"It won't, I have a plan."
Nobu's eyebrow raised out of curiosity.
"If you're seriously going through with this plan, you might as well have my chakra to help.
If you don't use it, I might as well be looking for another host."
Ryuu smiled.
Nobu started giving Ryuu his chakra.
His chakra it's…
"Now combine it with slug sage energy, you haven't used it since you went back to Shikkotsu forest to train."
Ryuu entered slug sage mode, a diamond mark appeared on his face, and then it turned green and green energy emitted through Ryuu's body.
He added his yang release to the mixture.
His hands started glowing with golden flames.
"Shisui, please close the door." Shisui closed the door.
Ryuu placed his hands on top of Yagami's leg and directed his chakra toward his wounds.
Ryuu Closed his eyes to concentrate.
'I can already feel the effects of this jutsu, and it's draining my chakra too much.'
Ryuu was sweating.
Shisui wiped off his sweat with a wet towel.
Yagami's flesh was repairing itself and his bones were also repaired slowly.
Ryuu kept this on for the next seven hours.
The sun had risen.
Ryuu was in the bathroom taking a break.
"Whew." Ryuu stretched "Yawn." He yawned and wiped his face in the bathroom.
"Man, Nobu, you weren't kidding about those unforeseen drawbacks.
I haven't been this exhausted since my first training session with Sarutobi-sensei."
"I warned you."
"Yeah, yeah, but at least Yagami will be alright." Ryuu weakly replied.
He strolled back to the room.
"How are you feeling, sir?"
Yagami had stood up with a bright smile on his face.
'Good to see that he's regained his youthfulness.
He looks much better now.
He doesn't have those wrinkles or all those patchy areas in his skin.
His muscle tone looks much healthier now.' Ryuu said to himself as he looked at him.
"Sensei, I-"
"I don't know how to thank you."
"You… Don't…" Ryuu held his head.
"Shisui…" Ryuu stumbled back.
"Sensei!" Shisui held Ryuu.
'My vision… It's…' Ryuu Closed his eyes.
"Take me home… Shisui." Ryuu fainted.
Fun Fact: not only does Ryuu have a fan club, but he has a cult named after him, which randomly sets fires.