Ryuu’s plan: Phase 1!

7 months later…

Meanwhile, Shisui and Itachi met with Ryuu at their usual cliff.

It was the middle of the night, no one knew they met since Ryuu showed them how to get past the surveillance.

Itachi hadn't arrived yet, and Shisui and Ryuu sat there discussing the matters of the clan.

"Sensei, why can't you just use Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku-dono?"

"I already told you, even if I use Kotoamatsukami on the entire clan, that will only delay the clan for a while.

Generations to come and they'll attempt another coup following mistreatment from the village.

I want to guarantee that the clan gets the treatment they deserve and that their hatred doesn't spread any further."

"I get that, but sensei…

This plan just doesn't sit well with me."

Ryuu put his hand on Shisui's shoulder.

"I know, it doesn't sit well with me too, but it's what we must do," Ryuu reassured Shisui.

"Sorry to make you wait."

"That's not a problem, we also just got here, we're just going through sensei's plan."

"Where's Obito?" Itachi asked.

"Obito's never been one to keep time, but he'll be here." Itachi nodded.

Just as he said that Obito appeared from Kamui.

"Sorry, I got caught up with something."

"You're always so late, Obito," Ryuu commented on his tardiness.

The only person who know the entire plan was Obito, Ryuu told Itachi and Shisui what they needed to know. At first, Shisui was hesitant, and Itachi wondered why but didn't push it.

"Is everyone in agreement?" Ryuu asked.

They all nodded.

"See you all tomorrow.

Itachi, tell uncle that you have a mission or something, Shisui, meet me in the morning, you too, Obito, and don't forget to bring them."

"Alright." Ryuu teleported home.

The next day, Shisui and Obito arrived at Ryuu's house.

"Follow me." Ryuu led them outside, near the training grounds.

Naruto was training with dummies and a shadow clone.

"What's up, Naruto."

"Big bro!" Naruto excitedly gave Ryuu a fist bump.

"Listen, I need to use the training ground for a bit, you can come back later and maybe I'll be here to show you a cool ninjutsu."

"Aw man, that's so unfair, you know." Ryuu smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Hey, who's that man with the scarred face?"

"Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself after all this time."

"That's Obito, he's my friend, he was on my team growing up."

"Ohhhh, is he the kid with the goggles on?"

Ryuu nodded.

Obito hadn't spoken to Naruto ever since Minato and Kushina's deaths.

It was only natural that he was this hesitant to meet him.

After all, he was partially to blame for Naruto being an orphan and a Jinchuriki.

Naruto reached out for a fist bump and that snapped Obito out of his thoughts.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna be Hokage!" Obito's eyes widened, he saw a glimpse of his past self in Naruto.

"You're going to be Hokage, huh?"

Naruto confidently nodded and pointed at him.

"Believe it!"

Obito smiled.

"Well, you'll have to wait for a few more years because I'll be Hokage before you."

A confused look appeared on Naruto's face.

"What kind of Hokage doesn't have both eyes? Aren't you supposed to watch over us?"

"Hahaha!" Ryuu laughed at Obito.

"That is a fair point, Obito.

Besides, you two will have to wait until I'm done being Hokage, you know." Ryuu pictured himself wearing the Hokage's hat while Naruto and Obito cheer him on.

"Well, at least for big brother it's more believable, he's amazing at everything, you know." Ryuu shyly scratched his head as he received such kind words from Naruto.

"Thanks, Naruto, come back later. I have some business to attend to here."

Naruto nodded.

"It was nice meeting you Obito, see you later big brother Shisui!" Naruto waved them off and leaped out of there.

"He's just like them." Ryuu nodded.

"He's the best of both Minato and Kushina."

"Ryuu-sensei, why are we here? Shouldn't we do this somewhere more private?"

"I protect this place enough, the only people who can see us are the people in my compound, that's why my compound always looks empty."

"I see…"

"You don't need to worry about Naruto, just follow me first."

Ryuu took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

He bit his finger and drew a symbol on the paper, and then he placed it on the ground.

After making a hand sign, the paper glowed up before suddenly being covered in flames.

A small hole opened up in the ground, it had a staircase leading underground, Ryuu flicked a switch and multiple lights went on.

Ryuu led them into that room.

A round table was in the middle, with eleven empty seats, only one of them looked like it was sat on, the one in the middle. Ryuu's seat.

After the war, Minato would pressure me to make secret hideouts around the land of fire.

So I made 7 different hideouts, including this one near my house, I also have one inside Kirigakure, near the Hōzuki clan compounds."

Ryuu removed a small box from a shelf.

"Shisui, inject yourself with this after you do it." Shisui nodded.

"Here, the Sharingan you asked for."

Obito gave Ryuu one eye.

"Three tomoe's, perfect."

Ryuu took Shisui's right eye and replaced it with the other one.

He sealed Shisui's eye.

Shisui blinked to test out his vision.

"Can you see well?"

"Yeah, I see well, thanks." Ryuu nodded.

"Obito will be there to catch you, make sure Itachi sees you fall." Shisui nodded.

"I'll see you around then." Ryuu bumped his fist on Shisui's chest.

"Sometimes I forget just how lucky I am to have you as a student." He ruffled Shisui's hair.

"Thank you, sensei, I won't fail you."

"You never do, Shisui." Shisui nodded and left, flickering away.

"You've made a great shinobi out of him. He's willing to do anything for you and the village." Obito stated.

"Yeah, when I met Shisui, he was already incredible.

He would become incredible even before me, but I just made him greater than he would ever be."

Obito sat on the table.

"Hey, this table was really expensive, you know."

"Sorry," Obito said as he sat in his seat.

"Ryuu, I have to tell you something."

Ryuu sat down first and then put his legs on the table and his hands behind his head.

"What's up?"

"You just said!

Never mind…

The clan suspects you."

Ryuu closed his eyes.

"Obito, you don't have to be a genius to see that.

I'm what the clan considers a 'disciple of the Senju.' I'm also dating a Senju and I have a distant Senju bloodline within me."

"Yeah, however, they sent someone to spy on you and Itachi."

Ryuu opened an eye and looked at Obito.

"Who could they have sent to get me?"


Ryuu closed his eyes again.

"Well then, no problem."

Obito nodded.

"We've known each other since we were kids. I trust you with my life, Obito.

I'm sure you won't say anything to them."

"You're right, I don't need to say this, but I won't say a word, I'll make something up."

"Still, it's surprising that uncle doesn't trust me like that.

I guess the stress got to him."

"No, it wasn't your uncle.

He doesn't know about this.

Yashiro, your uncle's subordinate, doesn't trust you at all and he knows Fugaku will side with you.

That's if you need it."

"Yashiro's dangerous.

He's aggressive, and he knows how to get people to follow him, that's not a good thing for the clan.

If they rebel against the village, they'll all die."

"Yeah, but that's why you made this plan.

You're going to save our clan."

"We're going to save our clan, Obito." Obito nodded.

"Well, let's not waste time, I'll meet you after I'm done doing my part and I'll send a shadow clone to the meeting, do the same."

Ryuu nodded.


Obito teleported out of there.

"Man, I'm so tired of this already, Nobu."

A small version of Nobu appeared, sitting on Ryuu's shoulder.

"You should leave too, Naruto and Sasuke are heading here now."


"What a drag," Ryuu muttered.

He made a hand sign, and the hole closed up.

"I wonder if Kakashi is up for some training." Ryuu got up and teleported to Kakashi.