Can't Refuse

Jihan handed Leyman the plate of woven coconut sticks, and Leyman didn't like that.

"Feed me!" Leyman said, still keeping the pressure on his voice.

"B-but, sir–"

"You want to refute an Angholi warrior commander?"

Jihan quickly shook her head.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" said Leyman. "Take that chair, sit beside me, and feed me!"

Jihan just obeyed because she didn't want to get into trouble. Well, at the very least, all the commoners really wouldn't want to have anything to do with royal people from any kingdoms.

All they know is that the throne owners in the seven kingdoms are equally untrustworthy, and they always oppress commoners.

Leyman smiled. Then, he got up and sat on the edge of the bamboo cot. He deliberately sat astride in front of Jihan who was sitting on a bamboo chair.

Jihan felt more and more confused. Looking at the man's face, she did not dare. Even if she looked down, she would see Leyman's throbbing and then the perfectly tensed penis.