Martial Arts and Magic

"Still think I'm a snotty kid, huh?!" Darna said with a savage grin on his face as soon as his feet hit the ground.

The kris returned by itself to Darna's left hand. He waved the sword in his right hand.

"Come forward, all of you!" he challenged. "This is the result if you dare to speak harshly to my Guru!"

Meanwhile, while the five bandits previously attacked Darna, two others charged toward Niluh Tantri. One wields a sword, the other uses a scythe that is tied to a chain at the handle.

"You belong to us, beautiful lady!" one of them shouted. He swung his scythe, twirling the scythe in such a way as to intimidate Niluh Tantri.

"Give up well, my dear!" snickered sword bandits. "We're going to have fun!"

However, as soon as the two of them were near Niluh Tantri, the woman who looked very sexy kicked her horse. As if the horse and rider were of one mind and body, the horse lightly jumped to the side while turning around, then kicked with its two hind legs.