Arrive at Purnajaya

"You know," Rumansi said to Aryan in between grilling fish by the bonfire. "That was the first time for me and Maruna to see directly the form of this lake's magical guardian."

"Yeah, that's true," said Maruna who was also grilling a fish. "So far we have only known about the Golden Silk Eel from the hereditary story, and even more ridiculous, many misrepresented its true form."

Maruna and Rumansi chuckled. But that's natural, Aryan thought. Stories that are told from mouth to mouth always have something to change, either added this and that is, the same story must be reduced in some aspects.

"I think," said Aryan, "the Golden Silk Eel came from the dragon races."

"You think so?" Maruna frowned.

"Hey, but it doesn't have horns?" said Rumansi. "Hmm, is it because of this that our ancestors named the creature eel?"