Entering Angholi

After feeling full and well-rested, Aryan continued his journey through the wilderness to reach Kingstown.

Coming out of the forest area, Aryan finds many homeless people living on the edge of the Kingstown area, they live in slums and unfit areas. He seemed to see that the area on the outskirts of Kingstown was no better than the Vashara area which had been known to be very bad, slum, and dry.

"What did King Shaswita Sena do?" he murmured.

Don't tell me that this country has been ruled by pirates since ten years ago, he thought. Did the combined soldiers of the Seven Kingdoms lose at that time?

Well, when he thinks back on how terrible Gajah Mina's rampage was, Aryan was quite sure that the Angholi Kingdom was ultimately ruled by pirates who were then led by Ragabuto and Ragilpicak.

To answer the question that popped up in his head, Aryan approached a man around 30 years old.

"Excuse me," he said politely.