The call

Lisa wakes to a ringing sound "what time is it" she looks around her room to see the naked stranger in her bed from hours before. She looks at her clock it's just after three. The phone continues to ring from her night stand. She sits up and grabs her phone, looking at the unknown number she wipes the sleep from her eyes. "Hello" she answers the call with closed eyes and a groggy mindset. Who could be calling at this hour and why. But her questions would all be answered soon enough. The silence of the other end simply puts her more on edge as she gets out of the bed and walks to the next room. "Hello" Lisa says into the phone again. This time the caller on the other end starts to sob. Lisa's eyes wide now recognizes the voice crying out to her on the other end. "Marcy, what's wrong?" She asks. She grabs her keys and runs out the door leaving the stranger in her bed. Lisa rushed to the hospital where Marcy was waiting for news on her parents.

Lisa walked in to the hospital frantically looking for her niece as the world blurred around her. That's when she heard it the screaming she wiped around to see her niece covered in blood hit the floor as the doctors tried to help her up as she sobbed. Lisa ran to her she is unsure of how she got there so quickly. She doesn't remember running she doesn't remember moving she just knew she had her arms wrapped around Marcy when she became coughearent again. Marcy fell into her aunt and clutching her for dear life as she sobbed, how did this happen how did we get here. Lisa looked back up at the doctor still hovering over them. He looked into Lisa's eyes with an apologetic look and shook his head. "I'm so sorry" he said as he turned on his heels and walked back down the hall. Leaving them in the floor holding each other.Marcy just pushes her face further into her aunt's shoulder inhaling her dark hair with every gasp she closes her eyes as the events of the night replay in her head.

*Flash back*

Marcy laughs as she shuts her mom's car door, she leans down placing her for head on the glass. Her mom signs to her I love you and she does it back as they smile at her. Marcy stand back up straight to look at her dad who has his arms folded over the car looking at her smiling.marcy blows him a kiss as she steps back on the curb and says "I love y'all" he replies "I love you too!" As he gets into the driver seat. Marcy holds herself on the sidewalk as they start to pull out. That's when she hears it Marcy looks into her dad's eyes and starts to flail her arms to warn him but it's already to late. A speeding car flips her parents car right in front of her. Darkness, the rest of it only comes in bits and pieces . She remembers running to the car,she remembers trying to get into her mother's door, the door wouldn't open from the impact and her mother wasn't moving. Marcy ran around to her dad who was crawling out of the car. Before she knew it she was holding him in her arms, as he looked up at her coughing up blood she cried she could see the flashing lights approach. The world was sighlent as her father stilled in her arms. She was being picked up by the EMTs. Her whole world crashed around her as she loaded her into the back of an ambulance with her father as she could finally hear his faint heartbeat on the monitors.

*Flash forward*

Marcy stood looking down at two caskets side by side, where her parents layed. While she was being held up by her aunt Lisa she watched as the caskets we're lowered into the previously dug holes staring up at her from the ground. Marcy could not believe that they were gone that her whole world had changed due to one moment in time. No longer able to watch Marcy turned to look at her aunt that understood the look in her eyes. Lisa grabbed Marcy by the arm and turned them around to look into the line of cars they walk away from what was her family and Marcys whole life. Aunt Lisa opened the car door and put Marcy inside. Marcy looked back to see what was left of her life packed into suitcases and boxes in the backseat of her aunt's mustang, that was all she had left to remind her of the perfect life that she once had. In that moment, Marcy looked into her loving aunt's eyes as she gets into the car she wonders if she will ever be that girl again if she will ever be happy of whole. Looking out the window as the car starts to drive her away to her new world of her new normal. Marcy closed her eyes and layed her head against the window the ways she did that night looking at her mother and wondered what normal was anymore.