
Marcy still shaken up from her encounter with max and Ian (mostly Ian though) sat Infront of her laptop trying to focus on anything to write her paper on with the worst case of writers block. How could she think like this. With her blood still running hot. She slamed the laptop shut cursing under her breath "I'm never going to get a damn thing finished....bullsh** ". As she sat there staring at her now closed laptop in frustration **buzz** her phone vibrates in her pocket. She pulls it out to read a text.

* Text from Max.

Hey Marcy it's Max, you maybe wanna come over and have dinner with us. I'm thinking pizza!

* Text from Marcy.

Hey!!! Yeah pizza sounds great. Much better than eating alone again for sure.

* Text from Max.

Great I should be home in like an hour, that work for you?

* Text from Marcy.

Sounds great, I'll see you soon.

Marcy smiles sliding her phone in her pocket with the sudden urge to change for dinner. Marcy jumps off the couch and jogs down the hall to her room to find something a little more comfortable (sexy) to put on. Marcy swings open her closet still smiling at the thought of not having to eat dinner all alone again and Ians devilish green eyes of course. Marcy pulls out a teal romper "perfect". She slides into the silk fabric and adjusts the blouse as she turns to look into the mirror. Marcy inspects her choice happily pulling at the fabric to adjust it into place. The teal silk makes her blue eyes brighter looking like small oceans glistening in the light now. The fabric leaving little to the imagination draping across her chest tightly and tying just under her bra line leaving her perfectly curved back bare. "Perfect" she repeats as she fluffs her hair from side to side and bites her lip in satisfaction. Marcy looks at her reflection not sure of the last time she looked so sexy or even happy for that matter. For the first time in a long time Marcy didn't feel so alone and that was a daily battle for her anymore. Marcy grabs at her lip gloss that's sitting on her dresser and then.

**Ding dong**