A movie

Ian sits on the floor, while Marcy and Max sit on the sofa watching the horrific (very corny) movie. Ian is keeping count of the screams coming from his sister and mocking her for "being a big baby". Ian looks up at Marcy who seems very enveloped in the movie, her blue eyes wide and glued to the screen of wolves slashing each other open, blood and B rated gore everywhere. He finds it hard to read her all he knows is whatever he is picking up on isn't fear. Max on the other hand is squirming in her seat and barley able to look at the screen, looking like she's in pain watching it. Max jumps to her feet looking as if she has had enough of the beasts on the screen and nearly trips in her effort to escape. She looks at Marcy and Ian both and asks "who wants ice cream". Before either of them can even answer however Max has already left them and practically sprinting out of the room to the kitchen. Ian laughs at the sight, only then did Marcy look away from the movie "what kind?" She called after Max getting no response as things clanked around in the kitchen.

Ian spins in the floor to look at Marcy almost as if he were break dancing finally catching her attention.


"Enjoying the movie?"


"Yeah, there is always plenty of action to keep me interested I guess"


"Yeah, werewolves are pretty bad ass and scary"


"Not really, they are probably the corniest of all the supernatural beings at least the way they write them is. Surely they never looked like that!"


"Okay, then what would they have looked like then?"


"Well, like wolves! That's what the legends say anyways, that they were shape shifters. You know man by day wolf by night"

Taken aback by her response Ian was nearly speechless.


"Wolves are pretty bad ass"


"I guess so, I prefer to call them majestic" her eyes twinkle as she flashes back to visions of her emerald eyed wolf sitting in her back yard.

Max enters the room once again with three bowls of ice cream one for each of them. She really knows how to ruin a moment Ian thinks to himself as he grabs one of the bowls from her and takes a bite. Marcy takes her bowl as well and starts to eat the chocolatey covered cream. "Cool whip " says Max as more screaming comes from the tv screen she hightails it back to the kitchen. Ian turns to say something to Marcy only to catch here licking back and forth at the frozen treat before she slowly sucks it off of her spoon again and again never once dropping her gaze from the terrible movie.

Ian digs his nails into what he later realized was his own thigh and closed his eyes to try to clear his head. However he could still see her lapping up every bit of creaminess even with his eyes closed. Ian finally jumped to his feet and stretched and fake yawned as if to say he was tired before turning to Marcy. "I'm gonna head to bed...so" he didn't even give her a chance to respond before dropping his bowl in the sink and running up the stairs to take a very long and very cold shower.