Beach trip part 2

The next morning the girls head out to the shops while Ian sleeps. The girls find all sorts of goodies on the strip and even find a cute ice cream shop where they stop to enjoy some girl talk over milkshakes.

"He like you, you know" max says with a coy smile bringing her milkshake to sit on the table. "Yeah, okay" Marcy replied laughing at her friends insight. "No he does, I can tell. And he doesn't like anyone like at all except me but he has to like me because I am his only friend and sister". "I think you are wrong Max, he doesn't have to like you at all he does that by choice" Marcy replied trying to distract Max while she twirled her straw in her milkshake. But Max knew what Marcy was doing, "that's fine change the subject if you must". Max frowned knowing her friend was shutting her out, it was so clear that the two of them had feelings for each other and neither one of them would talk to her about it. " Just know I approve is all, I mean if I have to be stuck with a sister in law for the rest of my god given life it may as well be someone like you. You know someone I trust and someone I can drink milk shakes with that's all". Marcy just stared at Max I'm sure what to say, after all she wasn't even sure how she felt about Ian. She had spent so many moths building a friend ship with him but their flirting was nothing more than a game to Ian. At one point she had hoped that wasn't the case but after the last several months Ian made it clear he wanted nothing more than to flirt with her from time to time. Though Marcy knew she had sat in bed many of nights trying to understand her feelings for him. Had anyone asked she would say she loved Ian like a brother but deep down she knew that wasn't true there was something deeper than that. Something that burns deep within her core and you don't burn in for a brother or just a friend. Marcy snaps back to reality to find Max staring at her smiling, fully aware that Marcy had zoned out and was mostly likely thinking about her brother. Marcy grabs her shake and her bags from the shops and stands up "you're wrong, but you are stuck with me for the rest of your god given life anyways". Max squeals with glee and also jumps straight out of her seat and into Marcy's arms. Marcy grabs Max's hand and smiles while they walk out of the ice cream shop and head back to the rental to unpack all of the goodies they found.

Upon their return they could see that Ian was finally awake.he was moving about on the balcony when they came in. Max grinned at her strange brother who seemed to be aimlessly pacing "we're back". Ian jerks back to attention and opens the sliding glass door "where have you been? You didn't taxt or call me back and you just left without saying anything!" Ian had clearly been worried. Marcy stepped forward in Marcy fashion just in time to take the blame. " It was my fault, sorry. We wanted to go look at the shops and I didn't think we should wake you after all the wine you had last night. Apparently I left my phone here and Max's died a couple hours ago, but we're fine I promise". Ian clearly was still upset but Marcy was winning him over "I got you something... here!" Marcy reached into one of her many shopping bags and pulled out a black jean jacket that had Holden Beach NC written on the back of it in a beautiful tie dye print Ian looks down and smiles from ear to ear remembering the the day that they first spoke and how his voice of clothing that day was also a jean jacket. Ian Ian places his hands under the jacket to graze Marcys finger tips as he accepted the peace treaty. Marcy jerked her hand as if it were on fire when she realized his fingers were only going to linger there setting her ablaze. "Wanna go to the beach then" Max interjected herself into their moment as she always did with a grin.