The new normal

* * Marcy * *

After last night I have had a lot to think about. First off clearly Ian has some sort of feelings for me too but he has been holding back because he says he doesn't want to force me into his world. But as I sit her I can't help but wonder if you realize how stupid that sounds since I'm now hiding from hunters. Max and I had to sign a lease on a stupid apartment this morning to hide out at and to protect aunt Lisa as well because I don't want her being dragged into the middle of it. Ian said it was easier than Lisa having to see me leave her just to move in next door with my friends and he might be right it would probably break her heart but I think it's just because it makes it easier for him to hide his feelings and act like they aren't there again if I'm with max and if he can just watch us from the shadows. This is absurd and he doesn't even know if we're in any danger. Those guys that attacked us were plastered why would they say anything, who would believe them. This has all gotten to crazy to fast. Great and now you aren't answering my texts. Guess I'll just have to sit on your front porch until you get home with more answers about the hunters.

* Text from Marcy *

"Where are you, any news?"

Finally you respond Marcy thinks to herself as she opens her text notification

* Text from Ian *

" The guys I attacked on the beach filed a report, the pack asked around and there a few guys nobody knows asking questions so as I said we're all in danger because of me. They believe there are at least 5 hunters. Luckily the attack happened a town over so it will buy us some time to figure out what to do but with the wolf sightings it won't be longe before they are able to peace it all together. But I'm gonna stay here another day to try and work out our next move. You and Max need to get the rest of your stuff moved into the new place . I will see you both tomorrow."

* Text from Marcy *

" Okay, I guess max is supposed to be here soon anyway. I wish you wouldn't avoid me and talk to me like I'm just another chore to you."

* Text from Ian *

" Marcy I never said that you were a chore. I said I can't have you. So now I'm doing my best to keep my head on straight and keep everyone I care about safe."

* Text from Marcy *

" I don't understand who said you couldn't have me I recall last night, and I was ready to give everything to you. But it's fine max is here so we have to start loading our stuff up."

*Text from Ian

"Marcy I know you don't understand right now and maybe one day you will. I never wanted you to feel this way and it isn't your fault I can't have you it is because of what I am. Trust me I wanted nothing more than to have you last night. But I can't do that to you, you deserve a better and normal life."

*Text from Marcy

" Thanks for being so considerate about what I want Ian."

Marcy powers her phone off done with the conversation that was getting her absolutely nowhere and slides her phone into her back pocket. "Stupid" Marcy growls through her teeth. Max whips her head around now focusing on Marcy and no longer on the moving truck that she was packing like a game of Tetris. Max jumps down off the back of the truck and effortlessly lands next to Marcy. "That's it, spill!" Max glares . Marcy now sencing Max's frustration leans back against the truck and looks at her feet. "I'm sorry, it's just a lot you know. The wolf thing the hunters, having to move like this and then me and Ian..." Marcy stoped in her tracks realizing what she just let slip. Marcy brings her gaze from her feet to meet Max's gaze, to find her smiling back at her. "Okay, spill!". " Well we had a...a moment I guess last night and he pushed me aways and said he could never have me, when clearly that's not how I feel but ...." Marcy trailed off. Max looked Marcy up and down her smile no longer plastered on her face replaced by a frown. "Ian needs to talk to you and stop pushing you away, but now isn't the time Marcy. We are doing the best we can to keep everyone safe and that's all that we can do right now and as for the wolf thing I assumed that he would have talked to you more about it last night but I guess he was to distracted and he didn't find the time. But you know if you have any questions you can ask me!" Max looks confident in her words. Marcy looks back at her feet " are you....your a wolf too?" Max laughs at this "well, yes and no! Females only shift on the full moon when we're ovulating. Not like Ian and the rest of the males in our pack. They shift on the full moon too but they can shift whenever they want or need to. So one night a month I am a wolf. She stairs at Marcy trying to read her as they start to pack more boxes into the truck. "So why doesn't he think I will fit into your world?" Marcy asks sarcastically. Max grabs another box and heads to the truck "there are certain things you have to do as a female in our world and it isn't often that an outside is brought into it, but he has to ask you to be a part of it and there is a ceremony and stuff like that. But he really needs to talk to you about that when he is ready. Just know he is wrong you do belong in our world." "I kinda already am" Marcy laughs. "Exactly" max said with conviction as she loads the last box into the truck and pulls the door closed.

"Are we ready?" She asks as she walks to the driver's side door. " Yeah, I think that's everything. I talked to Aunt Lisa this morning before she left she isn't happy but she isn't fighting me either." Marcy frowns as she swings the passenger side door open and climbs in. "Alright, let's go home" Max said starting the car and turning up the music. Marcy watches her aunt's house in the rearview mirror as they drive away.