Raymond's Memories

The memories of the previous owner of the body merged with Raymond's own memories. They flowed like water in a river, with Raymond standing at the end of that river, akin to a vast ocean.

Coincidentally, both Raymonds shared the same name. As Raymond delved into the merged memories, a tinge of jealousy crept in. However, as these memories became his own, the jealousy faded away, replaced by understanding.

What if he had been reincarnated with his past life's memories intact? The fantastical notions he had once dismissed were now becoming a tangible reality.

Reincarnation? Now that he had lived it, dismissing such fantastical ideas seemed hasty. With each memory merging into his consciousness, previously unimaginable possibilities seemed within reach.

In this world of Arcana, familial warmth and love were not foreign concepts. Unlike his life after his tenth birthday and his parents' deaths, here he had a chance to experience familial bliss again.

While he could harbor envy for the life that wasn't his, the determination he possessed mirrored his past self. It was a part of him now.

Arcana operated on a different paradigm compared to Earth, with levels, talents, and skills reminiscent of gaming mechanics.

Was it cliché? Perhaps, but to Raymond, it was the reality unfolding before him. He couldn't simply step out of this life like closing a book.

His past experiences with reading and gaming gave him a framework to understand this new world. He even speculated about possessing a cheat-like ability, yet he tempered his excitement with a calm demeanor as he slowly opened his eyes, a smile playing on his lips.

"I have a good life? It seems promising... It's completely different from my previous life."

Despite his youth on Earth, Raymond had amassed a wealth of experiential knowledge through books. Apart from delving into fantasy literature, he immersed himself in psychological works by esteemed authors, seeking a deeper understanding of society.

Drawing inspiration from fiction and applying it to real life might seem absurd, but for him, it was a means to comprehend the complexities of adulthood.

After merging all his memories and experiences, he rose from his bed and ventured out of his room.

His family comprised five members: an older sister, a younger sister, making him the middle child and the sole son, along with his parents, humble farmers.

Despite their modest background, they led a tranquil life within their village, a close-knit community where each family had specific responsibilities, such as construction, carpentry, supplies, and marketing, among others.

The village operated like an extended family, with each branch contributing to the collective well-being.

As Raymond stepped into the living room, he found his family gathered, engaged in meals and leisure activities, their warm presence welcoming him into their midst.

They were taken aback and swiftly rushed to Raymond's side, their faces etched with concern as they bombarded him with questions.

"Raymond, why are you leaving your room? If you need anything, you should have called us. You haven't fully recovered from your last fever," his older sister admonished, her hair in a simple ponytail, average eyebrows, and black locks framing her face. Despite her stern expression, she cared deeply for him, showing kindness despite his stoic demeanor. She was among the few who continued to look out for him as he transitioned into adulthood.

Standing slightly taller than him, she didn't diminish Raymond's presence.

"Big Brother, if you fall ill again, I'll cry," chimed in the youngest member of the family, with adorable pigtails, round eyes, and chubby cheeks. She was like a precious gem to them, embodying an angelic presence with her constant concern for her family's well-being, even at such a young age.

On the couch, his father sat, giving Raymond a brief glance before speaking up. "Hey, Raymond. A real man doesn't cause the ladies to worry."

Simple words, yet brimming with paternal wisdom, they were a reminder to uphold his pride while ensuring those around him didn't fret unnecessarily.

Despite sitting down, his father exuded a robust presence, his well-built frame and strong demeanor elevating his aura to an impressive level. As a hunter and farmer, their family enjoyed a slightly better budget than others.

"Sweetie, why don't you return to your room? You still need rest, you know," his mother urged, her gentle face and serene aura offering comfort, her smile capable of dispelling any lingering worries.

Raymond gazed at them with wide eyes, unable to articulate his thoughts, rendered speechless by their concern.

With an awkward smile, he bowed his head before them. "I apologize for causing you worry. Thank you for looking out for me," he expressed, prompting gasps and widened eyes from his family.

"How could you say that? Go back to your room! We'll prepare your meals!"

"You should rest the entire day. You're not fully recovered yet. Please, return, sweetie!"

"My dear brother, you're being foolish. Head back there, or I'll have to resort to drastic measures."

Raymond chuckled awkwardly, feeling gently nudged towards his room by their heartfelt words.


"What is this?"

As Raymond rested in his room, cocooned in blankets and nestled on his bed, he was startled by the appearance of a system window right before him, hovering in his field of vision.

Static and unyielding, it remained fixed at the center of his sight.

"What on earth is this?!"

[Story Unlocked! Title and character name: Dragon King (30 years before achievement)]

[Objective: Alter the character's destiny]

[Chapter One: Awakening Ceremony]