Practice Hunting [2]

Raymond murmured "Vertical Slash" from his position, impressed by how deftly his father dispatched the monster. It seemed almost effortless, likely because the creature was only at level one.

As Raymond approached his father, a pang of sorrow touched him, thinking of his deceased mother. But setting aside his emotions, he needed answers. Watching his father clean the blood from his sword with practiced ease, Raymond couldn't help but think, 'What an amazing father...'

"Father, what level of threats can you handle here?" Raymond's question cut through the air, addressing the mysterious levels he had heard mentioned.

His father was dumbfounded for a second as his son mentioned it to him. Then, later on, he smiled and patted Raymond's head. He brushed the hair strands and then complied with his question.

"You really are a genius, Raymond. But to answer your question, I can only take level three, and you must be curious about how I can easily kill that, huh. Was that the reason you asked me?"

Raymond nodded in response to his father's question. His father silently admired his son, as he hadn't expected Raymond's assessment level to be this high. Nonetheless, he acted normally, already seeing promising progress and avoiding further surprise in the future.

"Then, what should I do now, father?" Raymond inquired.

Scratching his nape, his father glanced around before muttering, "I remember there should be two monsters at level one. Where's the other one?"

Upon hearing this, Raymond instinctively scanned the area for the missing monster but couldn't locate it. He wondered why the second creature hadn't appeared. Could it be fear, considering how easily his father dispatched the first one with a single slash? No, that was unlikely. Magic-generated monsters lacked true instinct; they operated on artificial intelligence.

Raymond continued his search until he noticed movement in the distance. He pointed it out unconsciously, and his father followed his gaze.

"Ah, there it is. You take care of that cub for me, Raymond," his father instructed.

Raymond raised an eyebrow and turned to his father. "Aren't you going to continue your demonstration, father?"

His father scoffed before pointing at the weapon Raymond held—a longsword. Judging from Raymond's tight grip, it was clear he was eagerly anticipating this practice.

"I think you'll become a very good fighter, Raymond," his father remarked.

Raymond smiled in response, then confidently stepped toward the monster. Gripping the sword firmly at his side, he took off in a sprint as soon as he spotted it.

He didn't aim for stealth; instead, he intended to assert himself as the predator. His goal was to impress his father, hoping to receive praise and gain insights into the hunter's techniques.

Despite his limited knowledge, covering only until he was 17, Raymond knew there was still much to learn. Even though he had a grasp of the plot, it only extended to chapter one.

With a determined smile, Raymond pinpointed the monster's location. He lowered his stance and lunged forward to attack. While his form wasn't perfect due to his young and untrained body, it was still acceptable, especially for someone with potential like Raymond.

Observers would likely consider Raymond's performance promising, recognizing his innate talent.

Positioning the sword to his right while the monster stood to his left, Raymond dashed forward and delivered a slashing attack.

The monster reacted swiftly, poised to strike, but before it could, Raymond swiftly lowered his stance and executed an arching slash.

Raymond's body twisted counterclockwise as his sword connected with the monster's left leg, though it wasn't enough to bring it down.

Determined, Raymond remained focused. After his initial attack, he swiftly rose and charged back at the monster, mimicking his father's earlier form.

A grin spread across his face. Sensing the monster's loss of balance, Raymond seized the opportunity and thrust his sword into its abdomen.

No blood spattered; instead, a stream flowed as the monster's cries echoed in Raymond's ears. It wailed for a few moments, during which Raymond pushed the sword deeper before finally withdrawing it.

As the cries gradually faded, his father arrived on the scene, applauding and praising him. "Well done, my son. Your composure was commendable; I appreciate that reaction."

Raymond panted as his stamina waned, though he remained poised for another round.

"Anything else? Is there another monster?" he inquired eagerly.


Raymond dedicated his days to training at the venue. Every day, he spent eight hours there, returning home exhausted and unable to play with his friends.

As his friends were also maturing, they played less, understanding the increasing responsibilities that came with age. Childhood was drawing to a close, and at 15, they would face the expectations of adulthood.

They understood Raymond's absence from their gatherings; he was genuinely busy. Inspired by his dedication, they too began preparing for their upcoming awakening ceremony in two years.

Months passed, and Raymond's 14th birthday approached. Despite the desire to enjoy his remaining childhood, he focused intensely on studying magic. He knew that memories alone were insufficient; he needed to train his body to fully adapt to the rigors of wielding magic.


Name: Raymond (Commoner)

Lv: Unawakened (Commoner)

Stats: Locked (Commoner)

Talent: Unawakened (Commoner)

Skill: Unwakened (Commoner)

Hidden Stats:

HP: Undetermined

MP: 5/5 (Primary)

STR: 15

SPD: 10

INT: Null (Connected with MP)


"Unbelievable, my progress is incredible! How could..." Raymond struggled to contain his laughter as he examined his profile. His stats were remarkably high for his age, a powerful advantage he could use to monopolize opportunities.

However, he knew he had to be cautious about revealing his true potential. The right time would come, but for now, he would continue to be seen as a talented hunter rather than an all-rounder.

All-rounders, with their balanced prowess in both magic and strength, had promising futures due to their flexibility.

"Kekekeke... I wonder when that time will come. I should start thinking about political affairs," he mused, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.


Mission #3 of Chapter One: Political Power Assurance
