Results [1]

Raymond was torn between two difficult choices: continue waiting for the general's backing or try to gain the attention of some other official. Time was running out, and he had to decide whether to wait and let his family suffer or take immediate action with an uncertain future.

As he lifted weights in his room, he felt the strain in his biceps, a physical manifestation of his irritation. Despite his frustration, he resolved to wait a week before seeking alternative backers.

A week passed with no news from the general. Devastated by the silence, he knew he had to consider other options.

"Why is the general taking so long?" Raymond muttered angrily, stabbing a practice dummy with a monster-shaped target in the training field. "I was sure he'd be interested, given the connection to his secrets."

The memories he had gleaned were invaluable, revealing secrets about people he would interact with in the near future. McWorthy, a notoriously harsh teacher, was known for training his students like hunting dogs—a taboo in the village. Raymond was confident that if the general even suspected someone knew his secret, he would investigate. But as the days dragged on, Raymond's patience wore thin.

But why hasn't the general contacted Sir Hones yet? It seemed as if they were investigating him before making any move.

"Tsk... They must be checking if Sir Hones really knows the general's secret. Why didn't I think of that?" Raymond mused, frustration evident in his voice.

Realizing he had no other choice, Raymond decided to take matters into his own hands. If Sir Hones was under investigation, he needed to divert the investigators' attention. Determined, he began planning his next steps, ready to face whatever came his way.


Sir Hones was engrossed in teaching the academy students at the practice venue, their attention focused on his every word. However, his concentration was broken when he noticed a mysterious figure entering his field of view, completely shrouded in dark cloaks. Instantly, his senses sharpened, sensing something amiss.

As the figure lingered, its actions appearing suspicious, Sir Hones discreetly excused himself from his students and casually made his way towards the stranger. Questions raced through his mind as he observed the person's gestures, unsure of their intentions.

"Who could this be?" Sir Hones muttered to himself, wary of the stranger's presence.

The figure beckoned him over, indicating they had a message, yet their demeanor hinted at more than just a casual conversation. Sir Hones, ever vigilant, approached with caution, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

As he drew nearer, the stranger's face remained concealed, leaving Sir Hones to deduce their gender based on their build. The tension in the air was palpable as they exchanged words.

"Come closer. I have crucial information regarding General McWorthy," the cloaked figure spoke cryptically, prompting Sir Hones to consider the gravity of the situation.

Could this individual be the messenger he had been waiting for? The mention of General McWorthy piqued Sir Hones' interest, prompting him to inquire further.

"Information about the General? What is it that you know?" he probed, his tone cautious yet curious, eager to unravel the mysteries that seemed to surround them.

As Sir Hones's gaze widened in surprise, he took a step back, sensing an imminent threat lurking nearby. His focus shifted from the cloaked figure to scanning his surroundings for the hostile presence he felt.

Realizing they were separated from the crowd, Sir Hones weighed the risks of engaging in combat with this unknown adversary. The consequences of such a confrontation would be dire, potentially shrouded in secrecy if it ended fatally.

Before he could voice his concern, the cloaked figure vanished, leaving Sir Hones bewildered and momentarily speechless. In the next instant, his attention was drawn to Raymond, who had stealthily taken the place of the cloaked person.

Observing the cloak on the ground, Sir Hones pieced together the situation and directed his question at Raymond, seeking confirmation.

"You were the one in the cloak?"

Raymond affirmed with a nod, his demeanor seemingly lighthearted despite the tense atmosphere. Sir Hones, however, remained wary, mindful of the looming threat.

"What's your plan? There's a hostile presence nearby, possibly posing a danger to us," Sir Hones cautioned, his concern evident in his tone.

Raymond's response was a knowing snicker, indicating a calculated risk on his part. He acknowledged Sir Hones's words while maintaining a watchful stance against any sudden attack.

"It was a gamble, but I appreciate your reaction. Did you anticipate this twist? Was the investigator inexperienced, or did they take the bait I set?" Raymond's words hinted at a deeper strategy at play.

Earlier that day, Raymond had deliberated on his next steps, including testing his theory about the investigator. He had been monitoring Sir Hones's surroundings for days, waiting for signs of a suspicious presence, and fortune favored him with a potential clue.

Raymond wasn't entirely certain if the individual he encountered was indeed the investigator he suspected. To confirm his suspicions, he approached the person with a seemingly innocuous question.

"Do you believe in General McWorthy's mightiness?"

The question's true purpose lay not in its content but in the reaction it elicited from the person. Raymond surmised that being from the upper district, the investigator might not be aware that General McWorthy wasn't well-known in the middle and lower districts.

The person responded with a puzzled expression, awkwardly affirming, "Uh, yes, of course, I do."

Raymond took this as a sign to proceed. While not a definitive confirmation, it was enough for him to take a calculated risk. If he was wrong, there wouldn't be much lost.

His next step was to draw the investigator's attention alongside Sir Hones. Since Sir Hones was his primary focus in the investigation, Raymond reasoned that the investigator wouldn't approach Sir Hones directly without completing their investigation.

This led to another risky move on Raymond's part. He intended to provoke the investigator by engaging in a conversation with Sir Hones, away from the crowd, discussing the hypothetical topic of killing McWorthy.

The expected reactions were twofold: either the investigator would tail Raymond, assuming he was the informant in the cloak, or they would confront him directly to extract information about their hideout. Either way, Raymond was ready for the gamble, knowing the potential risks and rewards involved.

The potential outcomes of Raymond's plan were diverse, ranging from success to dire consequences like immediate danger or death. Yet, Raymond knew that as an investigator, every piece of information was crucial to the person in question.

"Raymond, what did you do?" Sir Hones questioned, clearly puzzled by the unfolding events.

With a mix of relief and confidence, Raymond decided to lay his cards on the table and reveal his true intentions.

"I must apologize for any misunderstandings. We're not involved in anything shady. Please, hear us out," Raymond said, trying to defuse any tension.

Meanwhile, the investigator maintained their distance, likely observing the situation cautiously. Raymond, left with no other choice, decided to showcase his magical abilities.

"I'm only 14, but I possess innate magical talent. I sought to meet General McWorthy to join his ranks. My unique abilities allow me to perform magic even before awakening. I speculated that Sir Hones's lack of contact was due to an ongoing investigation, and it seems I was correct," Raymond explained, hoping to establish a dialogue with the investigator.

Now, the challenge for Raymond was to find a way to engage with the investigator and continue the conversation to further his goals.