Meeting with the General [3]

"No, tell me more. It depends on what you add to the table." And as McWroth said, Raymond's confidence rose much more soaringly, as this is a sign that, even slowly, McWorthy is believing him.

Also, Raymond knows the technicalities of having Talent. Even if you are a genius and unawakened, the talents you are showing are a hint of what kind of Talent you are going to have once you awaken.

So, Raymond knows that he is playing with McWorthy's mind, which is right. Even without making it obvious, McWorthy is currently confused and didn't have any inkling of how Raymond could possibly do that.

'This kid... is it really true that he can see the future? I mean, having magic is one thing, but also having another ability to see the future... It makes me want him.'

Even with how confused he was and not wanting to buy it, slowly, he was being dragged to take Raymond under his wing as it would benefit him massively. Not just because Raymond being a genius, but because he has two types of early signs of Talent.

Obviously, Raymond was observing McWorthy's expression, and just by seeing some changes in his face, Raymond knew that his value had increased in McWorthy's perspective. What could possibly go? Raymond had intentionally made sure that McWorthy wouldn't just see him as a normal genius.

"Senior Tabloid is selling some illegal drugs outside the village that also affect other people, so in that case, the village is obliged to catch him redhanded," Raymond said, and then, finally, he took another sip of his tea.

And by those words, McWorthy was certain that Raymond was aware of what might happen in the future.

By the current time, the village isn't still obliged to catch Senior Tabloid redhanded as some of the officials still don't know about him. Only a few people are aware of it. But for Raymond to know his operations outside the village, it is hard to ignore this fact.

"You can really see the future." Fascinated by it, McWorthy wasn't able to hide his expression. Why? Because he was attracted to Raymond's use.

And as Raymond had seen this sign, he was ready to take the next step, which was riskier than what he had done previously. This time, he has to make a deal with McWorthy that could possibly go wrong.

Clearing his throat, Raymond looked at McWorthy with serious eyes.

"Sir, about this matter, do you know why I asked for your presence and also for me to be under you?" Raymond asked.

"Hmm... It is because you need to raise your worth and not just become my hunting dog, right?"

This is where Raymond has to take the risk. Not by talking with him about his problem, but by making him believe that his value is important. If he successfully makes his value important, that would basically make McWorthy worth adopting him. He can easily have a good side in the village.

However, adopting not as a family but by treatment, as if he wanted Raymond to be his most trusted person. But of course, rushing things isn't good, so he has to offer an assurance to McWorthy and also a product that he can offer as well.

"Sir, how long have you been punishing evil?" Raymond asked.

And by that question, McWorthy suddenly raised his eyebrow in curiosity. Basically, it is a question that has an obvious purpose—to empathize.

McWorthy smirked, then answered, "Why should I tell you? It is not even connected to what we are talking about." A total rejection for Raymond.

'Hah... This kid, he is too mature and also cunningly perfect.' McWorthy thought.

But, the truth is that Raymond wasn't really trying to empathize with him; he wanted to make him think that he was trying to empathize, but the truth is that he wanted to make McWorthy assume what he could possibly do.

And by showing his matured nature more obviously, it is the assurance he could get and also a sign that he can give something to McWorthy.

'This kid isn't bad... I could use him for something.'

"Let's cut to the chase: what do you need?" McWorthy suddenly asked, and by that, he finally had the clue that McWorthy was now wanting him. Of course, not just as an object, which Raymond doesn't want, but as a closed person by his side.

Raymond should not settle for being under McWorthy; he should be close to him so that he can make a safe connection with him, not just as his people. He doesn't know what could have been the difference between McWorthy's he had known in the future and the present. So, the fear of being thrown out after being used is in his system.

"I only needed some privileges. And I promise you, you won't be disappointed in me."

What Raymond said was a simple promise, but he had already shown some hints that he could live up to his words, and overdoing it would make him desperate which would give him less respect from him.

"I see..." McWorthy said, smirking, 'I like this kid... He is intelligent, even though he is still a kid. What could possibly have been in his life for him to be like this?'

"Numero Uno!" McWorthy shouted that a person from the other side of the door went into the room with a stoic face.

"Sir." The person who looked like a bodyguard complied with his call.

"He is Raymond. You have probably heard of him. I want you to give his family a house in the middle district and financially support them with 30 silver a month. And also, train him until he goes to the academy for the awakening ceremony."

"Sir?" The person was confused and surprised at the same time after hearing it. He was shocked, but after a fragment of a second, he lowered his head without any further questions.

"Understood, sir."

And as McWorthy stood up, he gave Raymond a last look and said, "I will come for you when you turn 17. By that time, be sure that you will support me for my cause." And then he left.

Raymond was too stunned to speak. His mind was surprised by what he had just heard.

'What?! He didn't say "work for him" but "support his cause." Then, this means that I didn't just become his normal card but an important card!'

And as Raymond finally made a crucial move in his life, he never expected he would get more than what he had planned.