Awakening Ceremony [2]

Everyone looked at Raymond laid his hands on the orb. The orb was turned on, and the light indicated that the orb was starting to surge with energy to measure Raymond's grade.

Five seconds passed, and everyone started to bet on what Raymond's grade could be. But they were simply underestimating him, as they had done to others.

But the village elder was confused. Raymond seemed to not care about what was happening to him. His eyes were just staring at the orb with no certain expression, and that made his eyebrows raise in perplexity.

'What with this kid?' he asked himself.


Raymond already passed the 15th mark, which indicated that he was at least higher than a D-Grade. He could be C-Grade, but he passed the 20th mark as well.

A B-Grade? That was amazing, and everyone's eyes flickered in amusement and excitement.


But then, they weren't expecting it. Raymond passed in the 25th second.

"An A-Grade!"





Raymond suddenly collapsed away from the orb, and just like that, he snapped back to reality with his eyes unrested. A moment ago, he was preoccupied for a few seconds, and then he saw something.

Raymond was not curious about his grade, but he was still on to what he saw earlier. He was trying to think of what he saw, but he stopped as the village elder approached him with a beaming face.

"An A-Grade! Congratulations... Raymond! You are the 4th A-Grader of the village!"

Raymond blankly gazed at the village elder and then nodded.

"So I was an A-Grader..." he muttered, then went downstairs, ignoring people's gazes on him.

He went to the backstage area, still preoccupied.

'I knew, for sure, that I saw a different world inside the orb. But what was it? They looked like stars in the night, but there was something more to it.' He could only sigh and shake it off.

"I should celebrate that I have an A-Grade. For sure, this will get everyone's attention and they will start to flock to me with their congratulations and also try to make some connection with me."

It irritated him, but he ignored it later and attempted to look at his profile after recording himself backstage.


Name: Raymond (Commoner)

Lv: 1 (0/30 EXP)


HP: 30/30

MP: 9/9

STR: 25

SPD: 18

INT: 15]

Talent: Magic Swordsman (Plunderer)

Skill: Undetermined (reach 10 MP)


"The fuck." Raymond cursed as he was standing in his personal room in the astrodome.

It was simply a privilege bestowed upon him because he demonstrated A-Grade talent. And just as he knew that his worth was already that high, he took the opportunity to look at his profile.

Raymond examined his profile card and what was visible to the public.


Name: Raymond

Lv: 1


HP: 30/30

MP: 9/9

STR: 25

SPD: 18

INT: 15]

Talent: Magic Swordsman

Skill: Undetermined


"There are no level experience points and no indication of how I would get my first skill. Furthermore, there is no indication of what my real Talent is," he muttered.

"Plunderer just technically means that I can take other people's talent. But it didn't say anything about the restrictions. I am sure that the Dragon King has put something on it."

He sighed and then tried to find more information about it. And just as his frustration made him enraged, a notification appeared just at the side of the window of his system.


Congratulation! You have succeeded in proving your worth to your political ally. However, in this instance, the plot will have a small change. Please endure the injection of the plot.


"Huh? What does this mean?" Looking at the window, Raymond was discombobulated. His eyes were still in question, and just as he was about to press on the window, a sudden urge of piercing pain could be felt in his head.

He squirmed immediately, embracing himself while his hands were on his temple.

"Ahhh!!!" He shouted miserably, as he was in agony from that sudden injection of the plot. Not just the plot, but his memories would be changed as well.

If his memories of the future changed, it would mean that he would not be affected by the butterfly effects since the effects would technically be overwritten.

A few seconds later, Raymond lost consciousness and fell asleep. He was in that position; he embraced himself for about a straight hour until he finally woke up.

He had this urge to get out of his room and drink water, but then, he couldn't push himself as he remembered what he read earlier.

"The injection of plot..."

And so, he immediately summoned the window of his system and was baffled to see what the contents were in the window.


The Trident Org will take over the village in about two years from now. You must immediately train and reach level 3 before that even happens.

Hint(s): Try circulating your mana in your hands to form a stronger punch.


"Why was the system suddenly updated? What urged the Dragon King to reform the plot? Or did he just think that it would be too hard for me, so he guided me?" Raymond asked as he was still confused by the changes in him.

He then laid his eyes on himself and just sighed. There was still pain, but it was tolerable.

He stood up, fixed himself, and went out of the room. Now, he should focus on his problem. It was how to live normally.

He immediately set aside the predicament that the Trident Org could bring. It was not the right time, and he didn't have any ability to stop it. Hence, what he could do was prepare and defeat them when their plan came to fruition.

Raymond didn't know their plan, but what he did remember was that there were traitors in the village. Hence, to prepare for it, he should live normally to have peace of mind when studying the government of their village.

'This is a pain in the ass, but at least I have a better advantage. I might not have the motivation now, but later on, I will discover their reason. I should start with Fulgran. After I graduate, I will keep on tabbing him until I find how they contacted the Trident Org.'

Even though he wasn't certain that they were the ones who planned their assassination, he figured it couldn't hurt to try. They were scum anyway.