6. Aaron's charm

"What if I gave the video of you killing that man to the detective who caught you?"

Emily was shocked to hear what Aaron just said, that the man had a video of him killing the man in the hotel.

"Videos? What video do you mean?" Emily asked, returning to her place.

What Aaron guessed was right, Emily would be curious if he said about the videos. Even Emily's face was so worried, so far no one had caught her action when she heard Aaron had a video recording, it was clear he was curious.

"Don't joke around by threatening me with a video with no clear origins," said Emily firmly.

"Robbin show him," Aaron commanded making Emily feel that what the man said was true if she had a video recording of his murder.

As soon as Aaron's assistant swiftly approached Emily, the man did a few slides on the flat-screen then passed them to Emily. When he saw the recording that was playing, Emily was shocked and couldn't believe what he was seeing. He killed the man to get the file his target was working on.

"Are you still refusing to marry me?!" Aaron asked, tasting the juice. "You choose to marry me or I'll send the video to detective Davin," Aaron shouted again.

"Y-you…." Emily was so furious that she hit the table, she hated being threatened as it was right now. However, he had no choice.

A triumphant smile appeared on Aaron's thin lips, something that made him feel proud that Emily couldn't move in front of him when the woman in front of him just let out a shaky breath.

Emily ruffled her hair, she couldn't believe the first time she was caught committing murder, and even more unlucky to know what she was doing was a blind man.

"Very well, I will marry you but before that delete the tape first,"

"Why should I delete it?"

Hearing that statement made Emily ignite with emotion since she had been toyed with by that man.

"What do you want? Why threaten me with that damn tape so I can marry you?"

"You want ice cream?" Aaron asked trying to change the subject.

"You… well, I will," said Emily.

'Damn, what are you doing Emily. Why are you even… Arrrgghh….'

Remembering what he just said made him ruffle his hair again, he couldn't believe the offer of ice cream was yes to him but he could never turn down ice cream.

Not long after, the waiter served his ice cream, making him unable to resist the tantalizing taste of chocolate and vanilla in front of him.

"Three more days, our wedding date," Aaron shouted causing Emily to choke.

'Three days? Why so soon, I'm not even ready to be a wife, let alone have to serve him,' he thought.

"Can't it be next month?"

"The sooner the better. If it takes too long, you'll run away from me and find a way to delete the tape."

What Aaron said was true, he didn't approve of the marriage, only got the chance to delete the footage of his murder.

"Don't mess around, or find a way to delete it. I have lots of video recordings, and also I have sent them to the detective I set the recipient date. If you dare to mess around, the video will be sent, "

An annoyed expression looked at Aaron while finishing his ice cream especially when he saw the triumphant smile on the face of the man in front of him. The distrust of having to submit to this man's rule frustrates her. Usually, he was the one to scare people, but this time he was like a rabbit in front of a wolf.

When Aaron brought her home her face was still annoyed, especially when Aaron told his adoptive father and brother that they were getting married in three days even though last night, Emily refused to marry.

"Is that true, Emily?" Jordan asked curiously.

Emily just nodded when asked, she felt lazy to answer questions that made a bad mood but not with Aaron being so enthusiastic about answering every question.

In the room, the woman kept cursing herself, for not being able to carry out her mission to get her caught, killing her for the first time if caught would tarnish her image as a murderer.

"Aaron, damn you," Emily cursed while ruffling her hair.

In the car, the man who was being cursed smiled triumphantly.

"Did you see how he looked? Very funny," Aaron said making Robin scratch his head which didn't itch.

The man recalled the look on Emily's face that wasn't there for him, there was only annoyance and anger but his boss said packing? He shook his head.

'Maybe there's something wrong with my boss' brain,' he mumbled as he watched Aaron through the rearview mirror smiling.

"Ah that's right, I have to order a wedding dress and a wedding hall. I want you to do it, choose an expensive quality dress and suit her, simple, but charming. Oh, right. I forgot the ring, the most important thing there is a ring. You have to take care of everything, I trust you."

For a moment Robin thought that his boss had fallen in love with Emily—a murderous woman, but he brushed it off. It was very unreasonable, he was very familiar with the tastes of his superiors.

When the news of their marriage was announced so many did not believe the news. Considering Aaron was a blind man, all questioned about the marriage.

Until an article was published that made Emily so angry, not only the article but the television station also reported it.

'Is the girl who married the president of the Nev'tal Group wanted wealth or was there a specific purpose,'

The woman crumpled the newspaper she was reading. How could he be slandered by them, it made him furious.

"Should I kill those who published this news?" he asked, enjoying the bread roughly. "Who publishes fake news like this, it's very low quality," he exclaimed again.

"Father had given them a warning, so they withdrew the newspaper that had spread, and the news was nothing to worry about."

"Why do it? It looks fun," said one of Emily's adopted sisters, which made Emily splash her face with milk.

"W-what are you doing? You don't know, these clothes are expensive?"

"And don't you know, if your mouth is rotten? Once you say that, it's not milking anymore, it's sulfuric acid," Emily threatened.

"Y-you're threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, it's a warning," Emily called out from her seat and went upstairs.

The girl was so furious with Emily's attitude towards her. However, it was useless against Emily, he knew he would lose.

On the other side of the table, Jordan and some of his children were enjoying their breakfast. Things like that often happen at Jordan's house. Small quarrels from his children, even pointing a gun became commonplace, let alone a small threat.

To be continued…